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Filling up the Virgin(104)

By:Amy Brent

“I could die right now and be a happy woman. I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. I know for a fact that they have this surf and turf dinner for two on special. Why don’t you give them a call? I’m a little tied up at the moment.” I raised my hands with the handcuffs still on my wrist. “Are you ever going to get the key and unlock me, or am I forever supposed to be your sex prisoner.” He smiled with this naughty little grin. He did call down to room service for the required specials.

We lay there together in a post orgasmic glow and then there was that telltale knocking on the door. He leaped off the bed and went over to the door to fling it open. I tried to cover myself, but it was very difficult with my hands immobilized like they were. I managed to pull the sheet up far enough. The bellboy didn’t see too much of my considerable charms.

“I’m going to give you this $20.00 tip young man, I want you to look at this woman and see the beauty that I see. She is a rare creature. I can never guess what’s on her mind, but I know she loves me with all of her heart. I’ve been getting closer to saying it, but I want you to be here to witness my declaration. I do love her and I would never let anything happen to her. She is all mine and no other man is ever going to touch her again.” The kid couldn’t have been more than 18 years old. He couldn’t take his eyes off my breasts. “I hate to do this to you, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to ask you to leave in your current condition.” The bulge in his pants was very flattering.”

He escorted him out of the room. He closed the door and gave me a look that said tonight had only begun. He continued to rise to the challenge three more times, until we were too exhausted to move. Thankfully, the steak and the lobster were good enough to keep us going. The champagne tickled my nose. I was not much for drinking. In the morning, we knew that our time together was just beginning.

A few weeks later and there was a considerable baby bump, but I was hiding it in the best way that I could. The season had just ended and we had gathered my father and Allison into the same room.

“I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m getting this queasy feeling in my gizzard.” My father was always one step ahead of me, but this time he had no idea what was coming. “I don’t like that look. I hope nobody is dying.” If that was his main concern, then this might be something that would take the sting out of the blow.

“My woman’s intuition is telling me something, but I’m not sure I believe it.” Allison was at the edge of her seat with that white and black dress sliding along with her. “I know that I’m not gonna like this and I know your father is going to have kittens.” My father was a little stunned with confusion. He was looking at his beloved Allison and then back at his daughter for some kind of answer that would make sense.

“I just want to tell you that your daughter and I have been getting to know each other. I have nothing, but respect for her. I know this is going to take a bit of getting used to, but we are seeing each other. She’s having my baby and in front of both of you I intend to ask her to marry me.” My father was clutching his chest, as Anthony got down on one knee and gave me a ring with a lot of sparkle on it. He slipped it down my finger while Allison was fanning my father before he could collapse.

“I knew it. I fucking knew it.” Allison had never said any kind of profanity and to hear her right now only showed me how serious the situation was. “I hope the both of you know what you’re doing. I wish that I could stop this, but I know you both are adults and can make your own decisions.” My father was in no condition for a moment, but that wasn’t going to last long. “I’m sure in time we can make peace with this, but we are going to need some distance.” That was when Anthony told them of the contract with the Vikings and that we were leaving today.

My father pleaded with me to stop this nonsense, but I was blinded by love. He tried to bribe me and Allison threatened to disallow Anthony’s inheritance. Nothing was going to work. We only had eyes for one another. They could kick and scream all they wanted, but in the end this was going to happen. They didn’t have to like it, but they were going to have to live with it.

In the end it was our lives and we had decided to live it together. We left them stupefied and we drove out of town with his contract, the team, the baby and a new home waiting for us. This was not the end, but only the beginning.




Aaron Nellers parked his gray Range Rover in the new spot under the Garden, letting it sink in that he was now the owner of the New York Rangers after a bit of negotiation on the part of a few people. It was quiet around him and he enjoyed the calm before the storm before he went in to check on things and take a look at the practice.