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Filling up the Virgin(102)

By:Amy Brent

“I thought you deserved to have the tables turned. I was the one that took advantage of you and why shouldn’t I reciprocate in kind. I’m pretty much a captive audience like you were the other night. I’m sure that I’m asking for it, but I’m pretty much right here for the taking.” His hand touched my face and moved down between my perfumed breasts. He lingered there a moment, before pulling down the cups, until I could feel the cool breeze wafting over my nipples.

“I’m so glad that you are willing to put yourself in my hands. I never thought for a moment that you would be this kind of girl, but I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s one thing to go out of your comfort zone when you know the guy can’t do anything about it, but it’s another altogether when both partners are very much in the moment.” I hadn’t asked him about his meeting. It could wait for the time being.

He lifted my wrists and the jangle of the chain from the handcuffs affixed around my hands was thrown back behind my head. He got on the bed and straddled me, until I could hear the unzipping of his pants. I felt something hot against my lips and I gave it a lingering kiss with my lipstick now marking my territory.

“It doesn’t look like you are very comfortable, but I’m grateful for the effort.” He was pushing insistently against my lips and I opened them with no particular fanfare. He slipped in and it was a reminder of what I had done the other night. This time, he had a grip of my hair and was pulling me towards him while shifting his hips enough that he was force feeding me his junk.

I gagged for a moment, but teaching myself the finer arts of deepthroating had done wonders for my self esteem. I heard his moan, as he felt the constricting walls of my throat closing in on him. Thankfully, there was a pillow underneath my neck. It made for the perfect angle to fuck my face. He was igniting those nerve endings and causing me to squirm with his hand now reaching to stimulate another part of my body.

“I’m gathering you did this to me the other night when I was totally shit faced. I regret that I was only there in spirit, but I am here now. I’m going to make the most out of this. Your lips are a scorching heat and your tongue seems to have a mind of its own.” I had wrapped it around him several times and was pushing him to his limit and beyond.

He took his soaking hot cock out of my mouth and placed it between my breasts. He used two hands to fold the hefty meat around his Johnson. He used what I had given him with my mouth to supply him with the necessary sensation to slide back and forth between my tits. When he emerged, I would lick the head and give it that little bit extra. It was the most sensitive part on a man and that was no more obvious than how he was becoming quite the animal in the sack.

With no warning, he stabbed it back into my mouth. I couldn’t see him, but the obvious sound of the headboard slamming up against the wall was a byproduct of his two hands holding onto it for support. “I’m going to fucking cum and this time I am going to be here for it. You know that it’s coming and you can feel it… YESSSSS.” His knob expanded and then his whole cock pulsed with a life of its own. There was a continuous flood of one shot after the other. It filled my mouth. I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to take it, but I even surprised myself.

He flipped the blindfold up and out of the way. It took a moment for me to adjust to the flickering candles and the man with his two knees on either side of me. It was kind of ironic to think that I was in this position on top of him the other night and now here he was doing the same.

“I wasn’t given the chance to do this the other night.” He followed those words up with licking my nipples and making this sound of enjoyment from tasting the strawberry gloss. It was the same that I had worn the other night, but I’d forgotten that he would be in no condition to sample the wares. “Fucking delicious.” He jumped off of me, stripping up his pants and showing me his hard packed cheeks in only the flicker of the candlelight. He came back with the strawberries and whipped cream and began to spread it over my lips, across my nipples and then trailed those berries down to my most treasured of areas.

He stared at me the entire time that he was eating those strawberries off my body, until he was pushing my knees apart and opening me up to a more crucial and determined exploration. His fingers pried me open and then I watched, as he circled my clit with the whipped cream and then sucked it off with me practically flying to the ceiling.

“Fuck… I have been missing out on all this. I was so presumptuous to take what I wanted… the other night.” I could’ve easily put my hands down on top of his head and wrapped those handcuffs around his neck to make sure that he didn’t go anywhere. I didn’t do that, because he was perfectly happy to satisfy his need to taste me. “You’re definitely not one that is easily shocked. Yes…get that fucking tongue in there where it’s going to do the most good.” I could tell from his technique women of any age would be putty in his hand. If only he knew this could be his secret weapon.