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Filling up the Virgin(101)

By:Amy Brent

I took a long walk in a nearby park sitting by a stream and feeding the ducks with that package of naughty things not too far away. Anytime somebody got close, I would grab that package protectively and hang onto it for dear life. I didn’t want the unnecessary possibility of someone knocking it over and seeing my dirty little secret.

I got a text message back “I’m going to be a little late to the party, but if you want to start without me, then by all means. I think tonight is something to celebrate. I’ll know more information in an hour or so, but I am optimistic that things are going to work out. There are a few contentions that have to be ironed out, but it doesn’t look like they are unwilling to bend on a few key issues. My coach is doing most of the negotiation, but he’s using my notes to get me what I want.” I was happy for him and it looked like things were looking up.

I had paid cash for the hotel avoiding any kind of entanglement of the credit card getting flagged or for some reason the credit card company informing my parents that I had used it for more than just an emergency. My father would not be very happy with me and I’m sure Allison would have a few choice words that were a little colorful.

I found my way back to my room by avoiding the main lobby or any of the staff. It didn’t seem likely any of them would know me, but I wasn’t about to take that chance. Being pregnant was one thing, but having it splashed across the front page of the local newspaper was not something that I was looking forward to.

I called down to room service and got what they call a surf and turf dinner. I ordered it before hand, but I told them that I would not need it, until the second part of my party arrived. They were quite accommodating. This hotel was not exactly four stars, but it was as close as I was going to get in this town.

I laid the items on the bed and looked at them with the eye of a man. I actually found myself grabbing my crotch like a man would if they were feeling the least bit excited. I took off the trench coat and laid it very carefully over the chair. I took off my white crisp blouse. I undid one button at a time and then slid it over my shoulders and down onto the floor at my feet. With each item of clothing, I made a trail from the door to the bed with a smattering of rose petals to give it that extra touch.

I was in my birthday suit. Looking in the mirror, I had to admit that I looked pretty damn good. I would’ve made the perfect plus size model. I had thought about it, but there was always something pulling me back from taking that kind of insane risk.

It was a couple of hours later and heading into the 9:00 hour. I just received a text that he was on his way and would be here in less than an hour. He didn’t say anything more and I wasn’t going to ask any questions in case it was supposed to be some big surprise.

I put on the very revealing item, staring at myself from every angle, before lying down on the bed. I’d already made the bed with the silk sheets and the candles were ready to be lit. A box of matches laid on the night stand with the prerequisite alarm clock that was provided by the hotel. I fiddled with the dials, until I found a station of easy listening that was perfect for the kind of mood I was looking for.

“Your father is going to be here any second.” I was surprised that I was even talking to the child like it was already out of the womb. I’d heard that it was good to let the child know who his parents were before he came into the world.

I called down to room service to send up the meal, but I changed my mind at the last second. I instead went with the staple of strawberries and whipped cream. I was sure that we would be famished after we were done and maybe then we would need something more of protein to keep our energies up. I was a little apprehensive and anxious at the same time. Our first time together was by my hand and this time I was going to let him take control of the scene.

I heard the clanging of wheels and I had requested they just leave it and go. I was really in no condition to open the door without making some bellboys night. I slipped the blindfold over my eyes and I was essentially vulnerable and exposed in a way that I had never been before. I slipped them over my wrist and I was now ready to greet him with a sight he would never forget.

Chapter nine

It was not more than 10 minutes later that I heard the door opening. “I’m guessing that this tray was left outside for…” He stopped and I could hear him still standing there, but his words had got caught in his throat. “I knew we had something to celebrate, but I didn’t think it was this special. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing you like this.

The sight that greeted him was of a voluptuous young woman with her hair fanned out across the pillow and wearing a red black widow kind of outfit with the garters and stockings to complement the outfit. The cups of the bustier could barely contain me.