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Fear the Boss(33)

By:Sam Crescent

“I never said I was anything.” He ran a hand down his face as he looked at her.

Her gaze was on his hands, and he saw what she saw, the knuckles with bruises and blood on them.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m Caleb Cassell.”

“I know your name. I also know that you own the club with Henry. What I don’t know is everything else.” She folded her arms, glaring at him. The shirt rode down exposing a great deal of cleavage. He’d woken up and sucked on those tits. Caleb had yet to fuck her tits and ass, but he was going to.

“Are you pregnant?” he asked. He’d been waiting impatiently to find out the truth.

“I don’t know.”

“It’s been a month, and you’ve not started your period. I’m not stupid, Donna. You’re pregnant.”

“I’ve never been regular in my life. It doesn’t mean anything, and I’ve not taken a test to confirm yet.”

“Why do you keep hiding from the truth?” he asked.

“Why do you keep lying to me? I’ve told you the truth about who I am.”

“I can’t tell you the truth unless you agree to marry me,” he said, firing out the ultimatum.

“What? That’s absurd.” She glared at him, her beautiful blue eyes promising fire and danger. “Why can’t you just be a man and tell me the truth?” Donna yelled, opening her arms and standing close to him.

She lashed out, slapping him around the face. He accepted the first blow, but by the third, he’d had enough.

Grabbing her arms he tackled her to the ground.

Donna cried out, screaming for him to leave her alone. He wrestled her to the ground, and he rested between her thighs.

“Fucking stop. You’re going to hurt yourself. I’m stronger and fucking faster than you.” He yelled the words against her ear to force her to stop.

“You’re a monster.”

“I’m not. I’m a fucking businessman.” She wriggled underneath him. His cock responded to her body moving underneath his. For a split second he enjoyed the feel of her body against his.

“You sell women. I can’t believe I gave myself to you.” She tried to force him off. Donna wasn’t a match for his strength.

“I protect women who want to sell their fucking bodies.” He snarled the words at her. The last thing he regretted was being with her. The past three weeks had been sheer perfection to him. There was nothing he’d change about being with her.

She called to him. Her sweetness gave him hope that he could have something more meaningful in the future with her.

“What?” she asked.

“I’ve never claimed to be a good man. To the world I own Ecstasy. No one needs to know the rest. I worked in an underground fighting club. I learned to keep my fucking mouth shut and fight. Fighting was where I met Henry. We couldn’t fight to the death all of our lives, and so we took off on our own.”

She stopped moving to listen to him.

“The club is a front to sell the drugs, but I keep it fucking clean. This is my business, and I need you to keep your mouth shut. This world, it’s not safe.” He stared into her eyes. “Now, I’m going to release your hands, and you’re going to keep those fucking claws to yourself, understood?” he asked.#p#分页标题#e#

Donna nodded.

He released her hands and leaned back, giving her plenty of room to move. Slowly, he climbed off her and helped her to her feet.

“I’ll tell you what you want to know, but then you remain my woman, Donna.”

“You can’t do that.”

“It’s simple. You want to know the truth, you find out knowing you’re not having another man in your life. I’m it for you, baby.”

“I can date whoever I want.”

He shook his head. “No, I’ll kill any man who thinks he can touch what’s mine. You’re mine, Donna.”

“That’s not your decision to make.”

“Babe, it was made the moment you let me inside your fucking cunt. I don’t share, and there’s no way you’re taking another man.”

She tucked some hair behind her ear, and her hands were shaking. Guilt swamped him at what he’d done.

“You better tell me the whole truth then,” she said, taking a seat on her sofa.

He watched Pearl climb up on her lap.

Sitting in the chair opposite he leaned on his knees and gave her his full attention.

“What I’m about to tell you can never leave this room.”

“I’ve got no one to tell,” she said, staring at his hands.

“You can’t talk to Lydia either. This is dangerous.”

She visibly swallowed then turned her gaze to his. “Then I won’t tell anyone, but I think it’s time I find out who I share a bed with.”