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Fear the Boss(32)

By:Sam Crescent

“I’m not discussing this shit with you over the fucking phone. I’ll be there tonight,” he said.

“Don’t bother. I don’t want anything to do with you.” She hung up, and when the phone rang again seconds later, she launched it against her wall. Donna watched the device shatter on the floor.

The silence was a blessing and a curse. She didn’t want to be hearing anything yet knowing her life was never going to be the same again.

Caleb had invaded her life, and he’d destroyed it at the same time.

She’d given her virginity to a pimp.

Closing her eyes, she fisted her hands and tried to ignore the pain of what had just happened. What had just happened?#p#分页标题#e#

Had she fallen for a criminal?

Caleb didn’t do love, but that didn’t stop her from falling in love with him.

Pressing her face against her hands, Donna started to sob. She’d fallen for a man who’d kept his true identity from her. What was she going to do?

Chapter Nine

Trying Donna’s number again, Caleb knew she’d either smashed the phone or turned it off. Whoever was responsible for telling her the truth was going to deal with him.

“Trouble in paradise?” Henry asked.

“Someone told her who I am.” He turned back to the man they were punishing for trying to sell coke on their turf. Caleb had caught him last night trying to roofie one of the women in his club. He was one of Drake’s cronies trying to wheel in on his turf and piss him the fuck off.

“Who would have told her?”

“The only person she listens to is that friend of hers.” Looking at Henry, he came up with a plan. “Go to her place and get rid of Darren.”


“Yeah, that fucker is running his big mouth about the fights. We can’t have a loose mouth on our turf. When you’re done, threaten the friend and get back to me.” Caleb ran a hand over his face.

“This is covering shit up, Caleb. This is where mistakes start to be made.”

“I don’t give a fuck what mistakes are being made. I’m repairing some damage caused. Think about it. Darren talks to the wrong fucker, the games are invaded by cops, we all lose.”

Henry let out a sigh. “Fine, I’ll go and deal with this shit. What about this fucker?” Henry pointed to the man who was close to death any way.

Pulling out his gun, Caleb fired, shooting the man in the head. Henry stepped back.

“Clean the mess up. I’ve got shit to do.”

Without waiting for someone to stop them, he left the warehouse and walked to his car.

“This is a mistake,” Henry said.

“Look, it’s been a month that I’ve known her, and I’m not giving her up.”

“There’s other pussy around, Caleb. You don’t need to settle for the first one who spreads for you.” Henry stood with his arms folded.

“I’ve tried to fuck other women. I don’t expect you to know what I mean. This is different. Donna’s different, and when I’m around her, I forget all the other shit.” He ran a hand over his face.

“Three weeks is not enough time.”

“Three weeks in the ring could have us dead or put us on the map. Three weeks can cause problems and solve them. It doesn’t matter about the time, Henry. It’s about feeling. Shit, I don’t expect you to understand.” He opened the car door and made to climb inside.

“Just remember she can be used against you. Come clean or find a really good lie.” Henry tapped the hood of his car, and Caleb pulled away.

Driving toward her apartment he didn’t think about anything else. He forgot about the food, and he parked up in the only available parking space. To get to her apartment, he’d broken the speed limit.

Running up the stairs taking them two at a time, he banged on her apartment door.

“Let me in, Donna.”

She didn’t answer, and he banged on the door again. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“Go away,” she said, shouting through the door.

“No, you’ve got to let me in to talk to you.”

“There’s nothing to say. Please leave.”#p#分页标题#e#

Gritting his teeth, he slammed his fist on the door. “Open the fucking door before I smash it the fuck in.”

The door was opened, and she stood staring at him. There were no red blotches around her eyes from crying. She looked ready to hurt him.

“What do you want?”

He pushed his way into her apartment closing the door behind him. She didn’t scream at him, only stepped back.

“We’ve got to talk.”

“You’re not the man you said you were.”