Reading Online Novel

Fear the Boss(29)

When she screamed in orgasm, he groaned as his cum spurted inside her body. He rested his head against hers, not wanting to let her go.

“That was amazing,” he said, groaning.

“Again, you didn’t use a condom.” She started to push him away.

He wasn’t ready to be pushed away from her. Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them to either side of her head. His body and his cock inside her kept her propped against the wall. Holding her in place, he stared into her eyes.

“Let me go,” she said.

“No. I’m not letting you go. You’re mine, Donna.” He was shaking. Something stirred in his gut, and all he wanted to do was carry her off to the bedroom.#p#分页标题#e#

“You’re not being fair.”

“I don’t play fair. You wanted this, baby.”

“I wanted you to wear a condom.” She glared at him, tensing underneath him. When she tensed, amazing things happened to her cunt.

Gritting his teeth, he thrust inside her. “You better stop as otherwise I’m going to fuck you once again and you’re not going to have any say in what I do.”

He swiveled his hips giving her an idea of what he was talking about.

The time passed. He didn’t know how long he stayed like that in the same position to keep her there.

Slowly, she started to relax, and the anger left her gaze.

“You’re not a very nice person.”

“I never claimed to be a nice person. You don’t need to like me to want to fuck me.” He released her hands and pulled out of her warmth. The skirt she wore was still hiked up around her waist.

He saw the white of his cum slid down her thigh. Did other men feel possessive when they saw that sight?

“You like that?”

“What?” he asked, thinking she meant the sight of his cum sliding down her thigh.

“The fact I don’t love you or even like you.”

Caleb shrugged. “I’m sure in time you’ll change your mind.”

He took hold of her hand and started to walk through her apartment. Pearl caught his attention as the feline stared at him.

Shaking his head, he opened one door to find her bedroom, and at the next door he found her bathroom. The apartment was small.

“How much do you pay for this place?” he asked.

She told him a sum that pissed him off. His woman was being ripped off. Donna was paying more money for a piece of shit apartment when she could be in a much better place.

He turned on the light and found the small shower room. Cursing, he turned on the shower to allow water to cascade into the stall. Turning back to her, he pushed the rest of her clothes off her body. Kicking off his jeans, he climbed into the stall, taking her with him.

“I can walk and do this myself.”

“I’m not having you run from me or risk you calling the cops on my ass.”

“I wouldn’t do that.” She stared him in the eye, and he knew she told him the truth.

“Then you’re a fool.”

She frowned. “Why am I a fool?”

“Most women to get rid of me would call the cops. They’d try to make my life as miserable as possible.” He grabbed the soap from the shelf and started to wash her body. At first she started to fight him, shoving his arms away. Turing her against the wall of the stall, he trapped her in place. “Stop fighting me.”

“No. You’re a horrid person, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

Keeping hold of her hands, he glared down at her. “I’m such a horrid person, yet I’ve done nothing to hurt you.”

“You might have made me pregnant.”

“But I’ve never hurt you. I could have hurt you that first night. I can take what I want. I’ve got you held against the wall with no way of you getting away.” He pressed his point home by pushing his body against hers. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She stared into his eyes, and he hoped she saw the truth that he wouldn’t harm her.

“Believe me.”


“I need you to believe me.” He trapped her hands against the wall, pressing his cock next to her stomach.

She sighed and shuddered beneath his touch.#p#分页标题#e#

Caleb tried to wait as long as he could.

“Fine, I believe you. What do you want?” she asked.

“Admit to me that you want me as much as I want you.”

“I want you.”

“Do you crave me?” he asked.


He kissed her lips, sliding his tongue inside her mouth.

“Then give us a chance, and I promise you, I’ll wear a rubber, and if you’re pregnant I’ll do the right thing by you.”

She let out a breath. He refused to look away from her and wouldn’t back away.