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Fear the Boss(27)

By:Sam Crescent

“No, nothing. He just wants to see me again. I’m going to finish work.”

Turning back to the office, she picked up the file and started to work on the orders and mark up their products. Her hands were shaking from her encounter with Caleb. She didn’t want anything to do with him even as her body did.

She knew he could make her scream and beg him for more.

Pressing a palm to her head, she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths.

“Think about something else, Donna. This is not the end.”

When she was back under control she started to finish her work. At lunchtime she released Lydia out of the shop and stayed behind to eat her own food. The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Several people entered the store, and over half of them left without a single item to buy. She was used to people entering, looking around, then leaving. The jewelry store wasn’t for everyone.

At five o’clock she dreaded leaving the shop. Caleb stood outside waiting for her. She and Lydia had already handed over the store to the other workers.

“You don’t have to go out to him if you don’t want to. Call the cops and tell them he’s stalking you,” Lydia said.

“It’s okay. It’s stupid to not face him.” She offered a smile to her friend then took the lead exiting the store. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lydia looked doubtful. Her friend didn’t try to stop her, which she was happy about. Once she exited the store, Caleb threw the cigarette to the ground.

Saying goodbye to her friend, Donna started walking in the direction of her apartment.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I’ve told you I’m not giving up easily.” He stepped beside her, walking in time with her strides. “I know I disrespected you and your body. I want you to forgive me.”

“I could be pregnant, Caleb.” She stopped, turning to him. Poking him in the chest, she allowed him to see all the hurt he caused. “I didn’t get a choice in that. You took that choice away from me.”

“And I’m sorry. However, you’re going to have to see that you need me here.”


“That baby will be half mine. I’m not going to turn my back on my own baby.”

His admission surprised her. “You’d stick by me for your baby.”

“I’ve never been a dad. I’ve not got any wife waiting for me to come home. If you’re pregnant then I’ll put my name to him or her.”

She leaned back. “Really?”

“Yes.” He reached out to cup her cheeks. “I’m not going anywhere, baby. You’ve got me, and the baby has me for life.”

“You don’t mean that.” She jerked out of his arms and started walking toward her apartment.

“I do mean that.”

“You’re a man who owns a nightclub. Shouldn’t you have other women to bother?”

“No other woman has been a virgin, Donna. Not only were you a virgin but I did come inside you, twice.”

Stopping once again in the middle of the street, she glared at him. “You have no right to say that to me.”
Hitching her bag up on her shoulder, she turned away from him.

“Shit, Donna, look, I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want to hear it. All you care about is yourself.”

He kept following her only this time he did it in silence. She wanted to slap him or at least hurt him. What kind of man did what he did?

What about you? Shouldn’t you have asked about the condom first?

She’d been so naïve to trust him. When he’d given her a mind shattering orgasm and he climbed between her thighs, she’d assumed he put one on then.




All too soon she was outside of her apartment. With Caleb behind her she didn’t reach for her pepper spray. He was far more threatening than any person within the building. Even she didn’t want to mess with him.

She took the stairs as the elevator was broken.

He was still behind her as she placed her key in the lock and turned. There was nothing for her to do other than let him inside. He was far stronger than she was, and he’d already let himself inside once before using force.

Locking the door, she placed the key on the hook beside the door before walking straight to her kitchen to fill up the kettle.

Donna looked toward the sitting room to see Pearl sprawled out on one of her chairs.

“What are you hoping to achieve?” she asked, finally turning toward the man who’d invaded her life as much as he had her body.

Would a baby really be a bad thing?

She didn’t think it would be a bad thing, providing he or she had both parents. Staring at Caleb, she didn’t know the first thing about him and couldn’t be sure if he’d stick around for any child they had.