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Fear the Boss(18)

By:Sam Crescent

“Fine, I’ll wear the fucking rubbers,” he said, pressing her against the wall.

“This isn’t just about the rubbers. You’re being a jerk, and I’m not signing on with anyone or anything when they’re being jerks and vile.” She spat the words at him, and for the first time since he’d seen her, Caleb witnessed the fire inside her. Her eyes sparked anger, glinting in the shade.

His cock awakened to that fire, and he knew he couldn’t let her go before he had a taste. She’d drive him crazy. Henry was right. She was different, but even as he thought all of this, he couldn’t help but need more.

“Then I stop being a jerk to you.”

“You can’t just stop.”

“Yes, I can. I can be whatever you need me to be.” He pressed his lips to hers, running his tongue along her lip. “I’m not giving up.”

“No, you’ve got to stop.”

“Are you not hot for me right now? Is your pussy dry or wet for me?”

She shook her head. “Stop this, Caleb.”

“I’m not stopping anything. I get what I want.” He pulled back seeing the fight still in her eyes. “I won’t be a jerk. I’m used to dealing with women like this. I don’t offer them anything else.”

“Then forget about them. I’m not most women, and I refuse to be treated like that.” There were tears in her eyes.

“Are you coming with me?”

Donna stayed silent. She pressed her lips together, closing her eyes. “I don’t think I should.”

“Don’t think, baby. Let your body do all the talking for you.” He pressed his cock against her stomach. “This is what’s driving me, Donna. This is how you make me feel. I don’t want to give this up. I need you, baby.”

“You’re confusing me.”

“And you’re driving me crazy.” Never, not once, not even in the ring, had he begged a person for something. He was more than willing to beg now to get what he wanted, what he needed.

“Okay.” She spoke after some time had passed. He didn’t know how much, only that he was desperate to hear her voice speaking the words he wanted to hear. “I’ll come with you back to your place, but you’ve got to promise to let me go when I’m ready.”

He nodded. There was no chance of him letting her go. Caleb knew what he wanted.
“Come on. My car’s parked a few blocks from here.” He took her hand, feeling the shake within her fingers.

Was she still scared of him?

Donna remained silent as she walked beside him. They passed many people on their way to his car. He didn’t give them a passing thought. Moving quickly, Caleb didn’t want her to change her mind. This was happening now, and the excitement was pulsing within his veins to get her alone.

Pulling out his keys, he beeped the car, and helped her into the passenger side of his vehicle. Locking her inside with the child lock, he circled the vehicle to his own side.

Without saying a word, he pulled out of the parking lot and headed into the center of the city. He wasn’t going to take her back to the club where there was a risk of other people invading their space. The brothel never closed, and he’d been with women who walked in and out of the apartment. He did allow it but not with Donna. She was different.

Glancing toward her, he saw her hands were clenched into tight fists that were leaving her knuckles white.

Putting his foot firmly on the accelerator, he tried to get to his place as fast as he could.


What the hell are you doing, Donna?

Closing her eyes, she tried to think of all the logical reasons as to why she shouldn’t be sat in this car with a man she barely knew. All of her old teachings of getting into cars with strange men came rushing back to her. She shouldn’t be there, but yet, the tingling along her lips left her wanting more.

Caleb made her want things she didn’t think she’d ever want. It was all insane, exciting, and she couldn’t stop herself from wanting more.

“You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

Wouldn’t he? During their last couple of conversations he’d said stuff that hurt her. He was gruff, crude, and rude. She didn’t like him, and yet her body was alight whenever she was around him. The city went by, and she was aware of the closeness the car provided them. He could reach out and touch her. She craved his touch as much as she craved her next breath.

What’s wrong with you?

He turned off to the right and followed the road down to an underground parking facility.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“We’re at my apartment. Henry’s got a place a couple of floor down. I’m on the twelfth floor.” She saw a signpost next to one of the parking spaces with Caleb’s name.