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Fear the Boss(15)

By:Sam Crescent

Darren nodded.

Taking hold of Caleb’s hand, she followed him down to the main part of the club and then through the exit.

“Your friend’s wrong.”

She turned toward Caleb. “What happened to your shirt?”

He tensed up. It was only the slightest of movements that she detected, but it was there.


A car was waiting beside the road. Caleb helped her into the passenger side before he climbed into the driver’s side.

“Lydia means well.”

“Your friend needs to learn not to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong.” He put the car into gear.

Donna decided to stay quiet as he’d gotten snappy with her within minutes of being back in his company. She stared out of the window knowing any kind of future with him was going to be a mistake.

“You can talk to me,” he said.

Turning to look at him, she shook her head. “I’m good. I’m happy just to go home.” She frowned when she realized she’d not told him where she lived, yet he was driving in the right direction. “I’ve not given you my home address.”

“I know what I need to know.”


“I just do.”

Lydia was right. Donna didn’t know anything about this guy, and he’d invaded her life.

“After you drop me off home I don’t want to see you again.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do.” She wasn’t into being yelled out or snapped at by a guy she barely knew. Caleb was new to her. She hadn’t known him longer than a week, and the time they’d spent together could be easily rounded up to a couple of hours.

“Fuck!” He slammed his palm against the wheel of the car.

She cried out as the car swerved nearly hitting another vehicle coming toward them.

“Will you stop? You’re going to get us both killed.”

“I can take care of a fucking car.”

“You’re a jerk.”

Tightening her hands into fists, she tried her best to get her emotions in check. Her heart was racing.

Caleb pulled up outside of her apartment block. Without waiting for him, she opened the door and ran toward the door. He was on her within seconds.#p#分页标题#e#

“Donna, stop.”

“No, you’re insane, crazy even.”

Grabbing her key from inside her purse, she didn’t look behind her as she ran for her front door. He continued to call her.

Opening her door she was about to slam it closed when he stopped her with a palm on her door.

“Leave me alone,” she said.

“Let me in. I don’t want to leave shit like this.”

“You’ve got bad manners. You’re rude and unfair. I’ve done nothing wrong, and yet you were treating me like crap. I’m not letting you inside my apartment. I’m not letting you near me.”

His gaze darkened, became lethal almost.

Caleb showed her that he could do whatever the hell he wanted. He shoved the door, and she stepped out of the way, dropping her bag and keys in the process.

In one motion he had the door closed and was standing within her apartment glaring at her.

She was alone with no one else to save her.

Her heart raced, and she watched as he ran fingers through his hair.

“You’re scared?”

“You’ve just forced your way into my apartment. Of course I’m scared.” She took a step back and paused as he followed her.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“No? I doubt it. I don’t know anything about you.” She held her hand up in front as if to ward him of.

He took a step closer.

“You’ve got bloody knuckles. I know the only way to get them is a fight. You’ve hit someone recently. I don’t want to get in the way of whatever your problem is.” She was shaking.

Caleb stood inside her apartment, and Pearl was nowhere to be found. Her cat was probably hiding in her wardrobe or sleeping.

“I’m not going to hurt you, but I’m not going to accept the fact you’re not going to see me again.”

“I don’t want to see you. You promised if I came to the club, which I did, you’d leave me alone. I did my part, and I’m asking you to leave.”

For several seconds he simply stared at her without talking.

“Fine, you want me to leave then I’ll leave, but first I want something from you.”

“What?” Part of her was disappointed that he was just going to leave. He scared her and excited her at the same time. Not once had she felt this alive, this exhilarated.

You’re a freak.

He took a step closer, and she took a step away.

“Stop moving away.”

“Tell me what you want and I’ll stop.”