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Fear the Boss(12)

By:Sam Crescent

She paused in reaching out for her soda and glanced at him.

“You should know I’m not going to let you go until I get what I want.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you,” Donna said.

“Baby, when I get you to my bed, we’re not going to be doing any sleeping. I’m going to have you screaming in pleasure.”

Caleb handed her the soda that she’d pulled away from.

She took the glass from his hands and took a sip. In all of her life she’d never been bombarded with such masculinity. Caleb was filled with it, oozing out of every pore.

He removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. The ink on his arms took her by surprise. She glanced over the dance floor in time to see Lydia leaving the floor. Her friend approached the bar, and one of the guards pointed up to the VIP section.

“I’m not ready to be interrupted.” Caleb took the soda from her hands and lifted her to her feet.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“We’re going to dance.” Before she could say anything more, they were heading down to the dance floor. Lydia and Darren passed them.

“Where are you going?” Lydia asked.

“Dancing.” Caleb answered for her, tugging her onto the floor. She didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he took the lead.

People on the floor made a space for him. He spun her around and pulled her close. Caleb’s hand landed on the base of her back. His body was flush against hers. She felt each line, and he held her close, making it hard for her to get away.

“You were rude.”

“I didn’t want to be interrupted. Your friend has an opinion, and I’m not interested in what she’s got to say.” His fingers caressed her through the dress, making it hard for her to think.

“Lydia’s a friend. She worries about me.”

“And she annoys me. If I wanted to know what she had to say, I’d have given her my time.” The music faded into the background along with all the people. At first she noticed all the women eyeing up Caleb. Then she just stopped thinking about them as his gaze trapped her.

“Do you like your job?” he asked.

She shrugged. “It pays the bills, and it beats doing anything else.”#p#分页标题#e#

“Why don’t you let anyone get close to you?”

“Why are you asking so many questions?”

“I’m interested about you.”

Glancing at his chest, she tried to get her thoughts into focus. Nothing was making any sense to her.

“You must be confusing me with someone else.”

How did a man who owned a nightclub get bruises that were clearly from a fight? What was he hiding that he didn’t want her to know?

“You’re thinking too hard.” He pressed a thumb between her brows. “Stop thinking and allow your body to feel.”

She didn’t trust her body. Her mind was much more reliable than anything else. Caleb was not all what he seemed. Donna knew he was going to hurt her heart if she let him, and the only way to stay in control was to try to push him away.

Chapter Four

Donna’s body was soft against his. Caleb ran his fingers up and down her spine, going a little lower each time. She rested her head against his chest, and he closed his eyes for the briefest of seconds to simply enjoy the feel of her. Never in all of his life had he enjoyed a woman being so close to him.

Her friends were far away. From the look in Lydia’s eyes, Caleb knew she was going to cause them trouble. He had files on both of Lydia and Darren. Getting what he wanted required information. He knew the only way to get Donna was to find her friends’ weaknesses. Lydia had a lot of debt from a previous relationship. She ran up credit card bills along with a few medical bills.

Darren wasn’t much of a concern. He was Lydia’s latest beau and didn’t show any signs of wanting to be anything more.

The song moved into another more upbeat one. Caleb didn’t stop holding her close even as others looked his way annoyed. He shot them a glare. Most of the people in the club knew who he was.

“You’ve got to give me a chance,” he said.

She looked up toward him. Once again he was blown away by the intensity of her blue eyes.


“Haven’t you ever just wanted to do something crazy that was against all of your other plans?” he asked.

Donna bit her lip but didn’t look away.

“Give me a chance to be more.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You asked for a date to leave me alone. What more do you want?”

“I want the chance to do this.” He stroked her cheek with the backs of his fingers then tilted her head back. Dropping his head down, he covered her lips with his own. He didn’t give her time to think as he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips.