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Fear the Boss(11)

By:Sam Crescent

“I don’t date because men want the ideal model on the cover of a magazine.”

“I’m not like most men.” He took her hand, turning her palm over in his. She liked his touch way too much. Caleb stroked along her inner wrist. “And I think it’s time you stopped treating me like other men.”

She couldn’t think with his hands on her. He caressed over her pulse. Staring down at his large hands, she actually looked delicate in comparison. Licking her lips, she forced herself to look into his black eyes.

“I’m here. You can’t keep pestering me at work.”

“Baby, I’m not going to stop pestering you until I get what I want.”

“And what do you want?” She was almost afraid to ask what he wanted.

“Don’t you know?” he asked, smiling. His smile was like that of a wolf before he was about to get his prey.

Donna didn’t say another word. She stared at Caleb waiting. He continued to rub her wrist as he spoke.

“I want to fuck you, Donna.”

His words sent a thrill down her spine even as she was embarrassed by his bluntness.

Averting her eyes, she glanced down at the dance floor to see Lydia with her boyfriend, dancing. They were both having a good time as they were wrapped around each other. Did she want that?

“This is not good.” She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t release her.

“You’re not going anywhere yet. You promised me tonight, and I intend to collect. Look at me.”

She turned to stare at him, gritting her teeth as something tugged deep inside her. “What?” she asked.

“You’re going to back out of tonight?”

“You blackmailed me into it.”

Caleb smiled. “Relax, Donna. We’re getting to know each other. I’ll take you out to the dance floor, and we can dance and have a little fun.” He leaned back and stared at her.

Sitting back, she watched as a waitress approached them placing their drinks on the table. Caleb thanked the woman without taking his gaze away from her.

“So, you own this nightclub?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m a joint owner with a friend and partner.”

“It seems nice.” Biting her lip, she looked down at her lap wondering what the hell she was supposed to talk about.

He reached out to grab his drink, and she noticed his knuckles.

“Owning this place, is that all you do?” she asked.

Caleb stared at her, his dark eyes stripping away years of protection to see deep inside her soul.

Shaking her head, she did her best to push the thoughts out of her mind.

“Yes, why wouldn’t it?” he asked.

“Bruised knuckles and the suit, they don’t match.” She tapped her leg, looking around the VIP section. Donna didn’t recognize anyone. If they were superstars she didn’t notice them or know where they were from.

“Some customers do not take no for an answer. I help where I can.”

She frowned. “Since when did a businessman do his own dirty work?”

“This one does and has since he learned it was better to do things this way rather than relying on someone else.” He lifted his leg over his knee and rested his head in his hand, staring at her. “Now, I’ve got questions.”

She tensed, waiting.

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

Letting out a sigh, she pushed some hair out of her face. “I don’t want one.”

“We don’t know each other that well. I’m not going to tell you what I do.”

His gaze didn’t waver.

“You’ve never had sex or been with a man,” he said.

She felt her cheeks heat even as she fought the embarrassment threatening to claim her.

“I’m not going anywhere no matter how much you ignore me.”

“Have you had sex?” she asked.


“With another man?” She fired the question at him trying to make him feel like he was her.

Caleb chuckled. “No. I’ve not fucked a man. I’ve screwed a whole list of women. I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve been with.”

Jealousy struck her hard, surprising her. She didn’t know what to expect from him and certainly didn’t see him as boyfriend material. Donna wasn’t stupid. She knew what sex involved and how it happened.

Stumbling around the internet she’d found plenty of porn readily available.

“So you’ve been with a lot of women. The bracelet you bought the other day, was that for a woman?”

“Yes. It was a parting gift.”

“You give a gift to dump the woman?”

He nodded. “I want to take you to my bed, strip you naked, and fuck you.”