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Falling into Surrender(13)

By:A. Zavarelli

Her enthusiasm to see me feels nice, and I grin back at her. "Hey Angelina, thanks for meeting me."

"No problem," she says, taking a seat across from me.

The waiter appears and I order an iced tea while I look over the menu.  Angelina watches me closely, and then laughs when I give her a strange  glance.

"You look like you might blow away over there." She smiles. "I'm under  Gabriel's strict instructions to make sure you eat, so you better not  even think about ordering a salad."

I laugh and roll my eyes. "He would say that." But even as I say it, I  feel a little pang of sadness. He didn't seem so concerned about me this  morning when he was rushing out the door.

"What's the matter?" Angelina asks, noticing my sudden shift in mood.

I set down my menu and shake my head. "It's nothing."

"Tell me," she demands, with the same intimidating look Gabriel likes to  use. I smile at the resemblance I never noticed before. "Did he do  something to piss you off?" she asks. "He's good at that."

"No." I laugh. "It's kind of weird, he's your brother, I don't really want to … "

"Just tell me," she says, exasperated. "We're friends, aren't we? You  can tell me anything, I promise I will be totally unbiased."

I blow out a breath and shrug as though it's not really that big of a  deal. "I don't know," I say softly. "He just seemed kind of distant last  night after everyone left, and this morning too. I don't know what's  going through his mind."

Angelina dismisses my line of thoughts with a wave of her hand. "He's  just worried about you honey," she reassures me. "You should have seen  him while you were away. He was so angry, geez you couldn't say one  little thing to him. And then yesterday when he knew you were coming  home, he lit up like a Christmas tree. Trust me, you have nothing to be  worried about, Victoria, he is madly in love with you."

"Okay," I say, resigned.

Angelina smiles knowingly, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand.  "You've both been through a lot, it's just going to take some time to  get back in the swing of things."

"Yeah, I'm sure you're right." I nod. "I'm just being silly."

"Well, you shouldn't feel weird. I've never seen Gabriel so happy  before. Quite frankly, it's a little creepy." She laughs. "But  seriously, he's head over heels with you honey. You're all he ever talks  about."

"Thanks, Angelina."

"And you don't have to worry about Anya anymore because I told her  exactly that the night she showed up at Gabriel's. She was trying to  play his sympathy card, and I told her to forget it. I even threatened  to tell the media about all the work she's had done." She smirks. "So  you can rest assured you won't be hearing from her again."         



Over the next hour, Angelina makes sure I order an entrée, a main, and a  dessert. By the time I leave, I'm stuffed, but surprisingly relaxed. I  feel good after our conversation, and it gives me an idea for tonight.  An offer that I'm sure Gabriel can't refuse.

The minute I hear the front door shut at six o clock, I scurry down the  hall and into the sex room. I'm wearing one of my corsets and matching  thongs along with my best stockings and stilettos. Grabbing my phone, I  type in Gabriel's name and send off a quick text.

Hide and seek?

Waiting for you x

I don't bother waiting for a reply as I chuck the phone aside and get  into position. My head is down, my eyes cast to the floor while five  long minutes tick by before the door creaks open. I sneak a glance up at  Gabriel when he doesn't move.

He's still in his black work pants, but his dress shirt is unbuttoned  and his tie undone around his neck, casually showing off his bare chest.  He has a glass of whiskey in his hand which he brings to his lips as he  circles around me slowly, like a cat hunting it's pray.

I cast my eyes back to the ground, waiting nervously for his  instructions. This is what I want from him. What I need. But when he  stops in front of me, not moving or saying anything else, my throat  burns with repressed emotion.

A glance upwards only serves to confirm my fears when I find his jaw  rigid and his blue eyes stormy. That isn't desire I see staring back at  me, but irritation. My shoulders slump as the realization hits me hard  in the gut. He doesn't have any intentions of dominating me right now.

When he sees the disappointment on my face, he reaches down and scoops me into his arms, carrying me to his bedroom silently.

"What are you doing?" I protest.

"Shh baby," he whispers. "Not today."

He lays me down on the bed, climbing on top of me and kissing me gently.  It isn't our usual passion laced routine, but I'll take what I can get  right now. I rock my hips against him, his erection digging into my  belly. He looks at me with a forlorn expression, and I want to shake  him. To demand he tell me what's wrong, but instead, I say the only  words I can.

"Gabriel, I need you."

"I know," he says softly, kissing my cheek.

To my relief, he stands up and removes his pants and shirt, tossing them  onto the ground in a haphazard pile. He climbs back into the bed and  lifts me so that I'm straddling him. I'm surprised by this, and more  than a little disappointed. He's giving me free reign again, but what I  really want is for him to take control of me. To guide and comfort me  the way that only he can. But if his expression is anything to go by, I  know arguing is pointless.

I slide my thong aside and mount him, pushing his cock inside of me  slowly. My hips ease forward to give him access to my breasts, and he  palms them both gently for a moment before resting his hands on my hips.

Unable to hold back my emotions, a sigh escapes me. I want to feel his  wanton hands and mouth on my body the way I remember them, to know he  still desires me in that way. I rock my hips against him harder,  increasing the pace before he grabs them and slows me down again.

My frustration comes to an all-time high when I realize I'm not going to  come. My mind has shut down and can only focus on one thought … . he  doesn't want me anymore. When I look into his eyes, I know he isn't  enjoying this the way he usually does. We've made love before, but it  was different. This feels so stilted, so …  wrong. I've never needed or  wanted him more than I do right now, and I can't understand why he  doesn't feel the same. I need his passion, his guidance, his control.  And he's refusing to give it to me.

Resigned to my fate, I pull off of him, watching his thick erection flop  back against his belly. I scoot down between his legs and pull him into  my mouth. His hand reaches out to stop me as he speaks.

"Victoria, don't."

I ignore him, giving it my all as I suck him furiously. At least one of  us should come. Eventually, his protests are drowned out by his groans  as he relaxes back into the bed. I suck him into oblivion, and within  moments he explodes in my mouth. I swallow everything he has to give me  along with my pain and sorrow.         



And then I gather what's left of my dignity and walk towards the bathroom.

"Victoria," he calls out, "come back, baby."

I don't respond because I can't. The minute I have the door shut the  tears spill down my cheeks. I want Gabriel back. My rough, possessive,  dominant Gabriel. But somehow I fear this is the end. We've been through  too much. I pulled him into my fucked up life, and now he doesn't want  to deal with it. It's the only logical conclusion I can come up with.

I turn on the shower and strip off my clothes, leaving the door locked  behind me. As I relax under the stream of hot water, I think back on my  time in prison. How I imagined what it would be like if I got out and  came back to Gabriel. I envisioned it in my head hundreds of times but  never was it anything like this.

When the water finally runs cold, I step out and dry off, my skin as raw  as my nerves at the moment. The bed is empty when I open the door, and  Gabriel has disappeared again. I'm sure he's holed back up in his  office, and if last night was any indication, he'll be there all night.

After throwing on comfortable clothes, I text Alanna and ask her if she  wants to meet for drinks. To my relief, she agrees right away.

Gabriel's office door is shut as I pause in front of it, debating  whether I should even say anything. But then I realize it would just  seem childish if I didn't, so I knock lightly, feeling a little awkward  as I wait for him to call out. When he does I open it to find him  sitting in front of his desk with a stack of paperwork.

"How did your meetings go today?" I ask.

"Good," he mutters, not even bothering to look at me. "Yep, everything is good."

Okay then. "Alright, well I can see you're busy, so I'll leave you to it. I'm going to meet Alanna for a while."

Gabriel spins around in his chair and looks up at me, a lingering note  of sadness in his eyes. Again I want to beg him to tell me what's wrong  with him, but I can't. I've already asked him several times since I've  been home, and he needs to tell me on his own.