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Falling into Surrender(10)

By:A. Zavarelli

It isn't until I'm awoken by a familiar voice that I feel a frisson of  hope. Officer Wright. He came. It's been so long since I've seen him.  Such a simple, genuine man. He was a friend of my father's and he always  looked out for me. He cared enough to come all this way, and I can't  help but burst into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you too kiddo." He laughs gently, hugging me back.

I lean back and take a good look at him. He's older now, and grayer too.  His dark brown hair is more of a salt and pepper style now, but the  kind green eyes are the same. He was close to my own father in age, and I  imagine for a moment what my Dad would look like if he was still alive.

"Thank you for coming," I say gratefully. "I didn't know who else to call."

"Of course." He smiles softly. "You've been through a lot kid, and there  was no way I was going to let you go through this on your own."

He runs a hand through his hair, his expression turning serious, and  just like that our warm reunion  is over. "They tell me you've  refused bail."


"Why Victoria? You didn't do anything wrong. What you did was very  brave, and you more than likely saved the lives of your two friends. You  could be out free until they can get this mess cleared up. Why would  you want to stay in here?"

I choke back a sob, my voice quivering as I speak. "Because, I'm not  free. After all these years of running, Eleanore is finally gone, and  she's still messing with me. I don't want to let myself hope if even for  a second I could be wrong, just to end up having it all taken away from  me. I will never be free until I can walk out of here knowing that my  life is my own. That I can live without fear or being controlled by  unknown circumstances."

Officer Wright gives a slow nod as my words sink in, letting out a deep  sigh. "I can understand where you're coming from, kiddo. You've been to  hell and back, that's for sure. But it's over now, and I have faith that  the fine detectives working this case will prove it was self-defense."  He pauses for a moment, furrowing his brow before continuing. "But these  things take time, kid. It could be months before all of this goes away.  I really think you should reconsider staying in here until then."

Months. The word is like a knife to my chest. But I don't have a choice.  I refuse to leave, to walk free, worrying about whether or not the  charges might stick after all. I refuse to have hope only to have my  freedom ripped away again. I won't let myself hope until all of this is  over. And only then will I finally have my life back.

"I understand that, Officer Wright," I say solemnly. "But this is just  something I have to do. I can't live one more day of my life like that,  looking over my shoulder, wondering what's going to happen to me. Being  afraid. I refuse to do it anymore."

He shakes his head, but I swear I see a glimmer of pride in his eyes.  "You really are something kid, I'll tell you that. Your Dad would be so  proud of the young woman you've become. How strong you are." His voice  cracks slightly as he pulls an old photo out of his pocket, handing it  to me. I almost break down when I see the warm brown eyes staring back  at me.

"He had so much regret over bringing that woman into your lives,"  Officer Wright continues. "How she hurt you. You were his whole world,  you know that kid."

"I know." I smile through the tears, rubbing my thumb over the worn photo of my father.

"And I regret every day that I wasn't able to do more for you. Somehow I  knew it would all come down to something like this eventually. I had  hoped that Eleanore would stop looking for you, but I knew in my gut it  wasn't true. I never stopped thinking about you all these years you've  been away. I liked to imagine that you were on a sunny beach in Mexico  somewhere, enjoying your life. But it was just a silly dream," he says.         



"A sunny beach in Mexico sounds nice." I grin. "Maybe I should have  considered that. You must have got the shock of your life when you got  the phone call."

"You have no idea," he says. "I was scared for you, more than anything.  But also relieved in some strange way." He looks up to study my face,  still bruised and swollen from my assault. "How are you holding up  anyway, kid? Are you doing okay?"

I glance at the photo in my lap, seeking comfort in my Dad's warm smile.  "Yes, I'm okay," I murmur. "I don't know, maybe I should feel something  else, like more guilt. But I don't. I was sad when it was happening, I  wanted to believe there was still a part of her that was human. I gave  her every chance to change how this ended, but she wouldn't bend. She  was so sick in the head she killed herself just to try to ruin my life.  And that man, Allan, he attacked me. And he would have killed me if I  didn't shoot him, so I'm not sorry. I can't feel bad about that."

Officer Wright pulls me into a tight hug, his chest trembling with  repressed emotion as he tries to comfort me. "I'm glad to hear it," he  whispers. "I don't ever want you blaming yourself for this."

The cell feels lonely when Officer Wright leaves, but he promises he'll  be back soon. He leaves me a parting gift too, but it's something that  I'm not really certain I even want to open. I stare at the crisp white  envelope in my hand, wondering who it could be from.

When I finally crack the seal, I recognize the neat handwriting immediately.


I can't imagine the thoughts that are going through your head right now.  So much has happened, and I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, and most importantly, I need you to know that I love you. I  can't even sleep without you beside me. I want you to come home. I miss  you.

You must think I'm a complete asshole after hearing about Anya. But,  please hear me out. It really isn't what you think. Anya came to my  apartment in the middle of the night, scared and bleeding from her face.  She had been out on a date with a man, and he attacked her. As soon as  she came to my place, I called the police and they came and took the  report. I called Angelina over to stay with Anya in the guest bedroom  and watch over her for the night. I slept in my own room, with the door  locked. Anya was in no state to go anywhere, and I just gave her a safe  place to crash for the evening. You can confirm all of this with  Angelina if you wish. Believe me, I wasn't happy about it either, but I  agreed that Anya shouldn't be alone. I was going to tell you about it  the next day, but I was taken before I even got the chance. I'm so sorry  for whatever you must be feeling towards me right now. I need you to  know you are the only woman I want, and I would never hurt you in that  way.

As for Alanna, she wants to explain herself to you as well. I don't know  the whole story, but I do know that she cares about you. She's still in  the hospital, and I have been to see her several times to make sure  she's doing okay. Nathan seems to be taking good care of her.

I don't know what else to say right now. I feel so lost without you.  Please, baby, come home with me. We'll figure all of this out together.

I love you


Chapter Eight


Gabriel. I hug the letter to my chest, suddenly missing him so much it  hurts to breathe. The thought that our relationship hangs in the balance  is too painful to bear. What's going to happen to us if I can't beat  these charges?

I can't think about any of it right now. Slipping back into numbness, I  fold the letter up and stash it beneath my mattress. Out of sight …   hopefully out of mind.

The next two weeks drift by agonizingly slow. It seems like all I can do  is sleep. Officer Wright is the only person I allow on my approved  visitors list, and he stops in frequently. The police department was  kind enough to give him a place to crash while he's here, but he says  he'll have to go back to Idaho soon.

The guards have tried to deliver several more letters from Gabriel, but I  refused them. I can't think about him right now. I need to tuck him and  all of my feelings away until I know what's going to happen. It isn't  easy, in fact, it's been agonizing. I want nothing more than to take  comfort in his loving words, but I know I can't. It's only going to make  it that much more difficult if the charges are kept.         



The detectives, as well as Gabriel's attorney have stopped by several  times to question me. The same questions, over and over, it seems like. I  guess they're testing me, but I never waver. I'm telling the truth, and  that's all I can do.

After the third week, Officer Wright is gone but continues to send me  letters from Idaho. I'm grateful for his help. I've stopped sleeping as  much and started reading books instead. I find comfort in them, one of  the few things I still can. Right now I'm reading The Count of Monte  Cristo. Somewhat fitting given my current circumstances. I want  something lengthy to keep me occupied.