“All my love, Ava Accorso.”
Marcello had taped another note to the back of the frame. Part of me wanted to ignore it or dump it in the trash. With my dream of Sal and me riding off into the sunset hanging by a thread, I didn’t know if I could handle any more unsettling news tonight. I unlocked my top desk drawer, kicking around the idea of saving it for another day.
Fuck it.
I unfolded it. If anything, the letter would take my mind off Sal and Lettie.
I came across this picture last month, and I wanted to give it to you in person. Unfortunately, my sister had an accident, and I had to stick around to help her despite all her protests that she’d be fine alone. It’s probably better this way. I could only stay in New York for a couple of days because of business commitments. I’ll have more free time in spring.
Merry Christmas,
P.S. I heard your family calls you the dark fairy. Should I be worried? When I was a kid someone told the story of the Orculli who are cannibalistic fairies that live in the clouds of Italy and eat unsuspecting humans.
Laughing, I pulled out a piece of paper to respond.
My mom told me the story of the Orculli, and I can safely say you won’t confuse me with them. I’m pretty sure the Orculli are male, bearded, fae giants who smell like rotting carcasses. At a little over five feet, I could hardly be confused for a giant, and I assure you that I don’t have anything resembling a beard on my face. As for my smell, while nobody has complained, people can be cruel backstabbing jerks so who knows?
Wait! Upon further reflection, I’ve decided to confess I’m half Orculli, complete with a beard and cannibalistic tendencies. The smell gene hasn’t presented itself though, so you won’t have to hold your nose when we’re in the same room, but I’ve heard that might change with age kind of like cheese.
Emilia, the half Orculli
P.S. I eagerly await your immediate rejection of our engagement/marriage.
I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face thinking of my ridiculous response. A week went by before I received another letter from him.
Emilia the half Orculli,
Have you heard of laser hair removal? I’m sure we can do something to get rid of your excess hair, and I’ve seen that picture of your mom, so I’m sure I’ll be happy with what’s underneath. As for the cannibalistic tendencies, I’m not opposed to a few love bites as long as you don’t draw blood. I’m positive we can come up with a compromise. I’ve been told I’m a good problem solver.
Marcello the Wise
I waited five days to reply to him. I didn’t want him to think I liked exchanging letters with him.
Marcello the Wise,
What kind of compromise were you considering? I’m not into human sacrifice. It’s messy, so I do my best to restrict my diet to animals and other fairies these days. It’s not always easy, and sometimes I can’t help myself. You should keep your distance if you want to stay safe. I think Chicago and New York are far enough apart, so rest assured, you will remain intact as long as you don’t seek me out.
Emilia the Bloodthirsty
Three days later came his answer.
Emilia the Bloodthirsty,
Would you agree to wear a muzzle when you have the urge to eat something other than animals or fairies? By the way, where does one find a fairy to offer up to a half-Occulli these days? I stumbled on an article on making a fairy trap. Perhaps I should investigate this so I have one ready when we meet in a couple of months. I’d hate for our relationship to end before its starts because you were hungry.
Marcello the Fairy Trapping Apprentice
Sal flung open my bedroom door without knocking. “When are you going to stop ignoring me?”
Not answering him for a second, I reread my last letter to Marcello.
Marcello the Fairy Trapping Apprentice,
No need to expend any effort trapping a fairy. In all honesty, I hate winged creatures. All of them. Birds, bugs, bats, butterflies. Even fairies. (I don’t have wings so I’m not self-hating.) They all give me the creeps so you’ll have to come up with a different title for yourself.
Emilia the Wing Hater
I had no clue why I continued to write Marcello. No, that wasn’t entirely true. I hated to admit it, but I kind of liked having somebody to talk to that wasn’t in my everyday life. Sometime over the last month, he’d stopped being the enemy and turned into a confidant of sorts. Maybe even a friend, and if he were my friend, he might agree to let me go. We’d part ways without any hard feelings, and my dad couldn’t do a damn thing about it.