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Eagle Shooting Hero 1(60)

By:Jin Yong

“Brother Tan,” Han Xiaoying asked, “what do you think about it?”

“Her crimes deserve an extreme punishment!” replied Nan Xiren.

“Brother Tan,” Zhu Cong said, “of late you’ve made much progress in your technique the ‘Finger Calligrapher’. When this evil one arrives, will you give us a demonstration?”

“It’s better to let Brother Wang show us his technique the ‘Foot of Iron’,” Nan Xiren said. “One kick and he will send her down the cliff where she will lose both body and soul.”

Among the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect, Qiu Chuji was the most well known, then came Wang Chuyi, ‘Jade Sun’. Once, on a bet, he stood close to an abyss on one foot, swaying back and forth in a violent wind that blew his large sleeves wildly. Several heroes of Shandong and Hebei watched this event and were astounded. This exploit earned him the nickname of ‘Foot of Iron’. He had lived as a recluse in an underground cave for nine years, dedicating himself to the practice of martial arts. Even Qiu Chuji appeared to much admire his kung fu. He had dedicated a poem to him, 168

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in which he told of the ‘Nine summers standing in the sun, three winters laying down in the snow’

celebrating the power of his neigong.

All of this conversation between them had been studied in advance. Only Ke Zhen’E, who had previously spoken to the ‘Twin Killers of the Dark Winds’, remained silent, so that Mei Chaofeng wouldn't recognize him by his voice.

‘Iron Corpse’ was more and more astonished. “Apparently, the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect are here! I am not really certain of being able to beat a single Taoist, how would I withstand the seven united! If they discover me, I am dead!”

At that moment, the moon illuminated the summit clearly. Zhu Cong said, “This night, black clouds cover the sky, one can't even see the fingers of his hand! Everybody be watchful so that the witch doesn't take advantage of the darkness to escape!”

“It's a good thing that it is a black night,” Mei Chaofeng reassured herself, “otherwise they would have discovered me already. I give thanks to the Heaven and Earth, so long as the moon doesn't appear!”

Guo Jing had not stopped looking at Hua Zheng. He suddenly saw that she had opened her eyes.

Delighted to see her regain consciousness, he made signals with his hands hoping that she would remain calm. However, the girl had also seen him, and yelled, “Help…Help!”

“Don’t say anything!” Guo Jing shouted.

These shouts surprised Mei Chaofeng. She immediately pushed a finger onto one particular point on Hua Zheng’s body which made the girl mute. But suspicions were roused in her mind.

“Zhiping,” Zhu Cong said, “was that you that spoke?”

Indeed, Guo Jing was supposed to play the role of the young Taoist Yin Zhiping. “Yes... Yes, it was me...”

“I believe,” Zhu Cong said, “that I heard a woman's voice.”

“Precisely,” confirmed Guo Jing.

“If this is a trap,” Mei Chaofeng thought, “is it likely that the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen Sect would be together on the steppe and on the summit of this cliff? What a coincidence that would be!

Maybe someone is trying to deceive me and take advantage of my blindness.”

Ma Yu saw her slowly standing up behind her rock and understood that she had become suspicious.

If she discovered the scheme and immediately went to the attack, he himself probably wouldn’t risk much; but Hua Zheng would certainly die and the Six Freaks would, without a doubt, suffer some injuries. He was therefore quite upset. He’d never had a quick mind and he didn't know what to do.

Seeing Mei Chaofeng with her long silver whip in hand, seeming about to attack, Zhu Cong hastened to say, “Senior Brother, for all these years you’ve practiced the most sophisticated techniques taught by our founder, you must have gotten extraordinary results. Would you demonstrate it for us?”

Eagle Shooting Hero


Ma Yu knew that Zhu Cong was asking him to show the power of his kung fu, in order to impress Mei Chaofeng. “I am certainly the eldest of our brothers,” he then said, “but my slow nature makes me less capable than you. The formulas transmitted by our founder, I am ashamed to say, I hardly understood a sentence of it...” He pronounced each of his words very slowly, while feeding them his breath fully. The tone was quiet and humble, but the voice carried very far. He had not finished pronouncing his last words when the echo of the first came back with winds, like the growls of tiger and the screams of dragons. Witnessing this demonstration of extraordinarily powerful neigong, Mei Chaofeng, impressed, lowered herself slowly behind her rock.

“I have heard” Ma Yu said, “that this woman has lost her mind and that she is worthy of pity. If she repents her past sins, if she promises to no longer harm the innocent, we might be merciful. Should she also promise that she will not trouble the Six Freaks of Jiangnan, then we could let her continue to live because of our departed master’s respectful relations with the Master of Peach Blossom Island. Brother Qiu, you are the friend of the Six; you should speak to them, and ask them to no longer seek a reckoning with her. If both parties make an effort, the vendetta can extinguish itself.”

This time, he spoke without using his internal energy, so that there did not appear to be such a great power difference between himself and the others.

“That will be easy,” Zhu Cong replied. “But the real problem is knowing whether or not Mei Chaofeng will agree to redeem herself.”

Suddenly, they heard an icy voice. “Many thanks to the Quanzhen Seven for their benevolence! I, Mei Chaofeng, am here!" Suddenly and surprisingly, she came forth. Ma Yu had hoped to frighten her and make her leave, regretting her deeds and would mend her ways. But, confident of her new power, she had the audacity to come and confront her opponents directly.

“Being a woman,” Mei Chaofeng said, “I would not dare to test myself against the Taoist masters.

But for a long time I have admired the kung fu of the ‘Sage of Tranquility’; I ask for the honor of measuring myself against her.” Armed with her whip, she stood at the ready, waiting for Han Xiaoying's response.

All the while, Guo Jing was acutely aware that Hua Zheng had fallen motionless to the ground.

He’d grown up with her and felt the affection of an elder brother for the girl. Without a moment's thought, without even worrying about the terrifying presence of Mei Chaofeng, he leaped out and freed Hua Zheng. With a quick move, 'Iron Corpse' seized his left wrist. Guo Jing had practiced orthodox Taoist internal energy with Ma Yu for two years and his healthy body was strengthened by this natural force. With his right hand, he propelled Hua Zheng towards Han Xiaoying, while he pivoted his left hand with force and released himself from Mei's control. She possessed extremely swift skills so when she felt Guo Jing escape she moved her hand immediately to recapture him.

This time, she held him firmly, compressing the point of the principal artery in his arm so precisely that he could no longer move.

“Who are you?” she demanded in a terrible voice.

“Zhiping,” Zhu Cong called, “listen!”

Guo Jing, who had panicked because he could not free himself, was going to reply instinctively “I am Guo Jing!” when he heard Zhu Cong’s warning.


Eagle Shooting Hero

“I am...” he stammered, “I am Yin Zhiping... Disciple... disciple of the Quanzhen... Spring.”

Although he had repeated those words thirty or forty times, in his panic he was not able to say it without stammering.

“He is only a simple apprentice,” Mei Chaofeng said to herself, “yet his neigong already is capable.

Not only did he succeed in saving someone from under my nose, he was even able to release himself from my first hold! I think it is better that I retreat this time.” She dropped his hand. Guo Jing recovered and hastily returned to his masters. Five finger marks were deeply indented into the flesh of his left arm! He knew full well that she had not used all of her power; otherwise his wrist would have been broken.

Mei Chaofeng no longer dared to challenge the false Sun Bu’Er, played by Han Xiaoying. She suddenly asked, “Taoist Master Ma, what is the meaning of 'Lead and mercury preserve well'?”

“Lead is heavy,” Ma Yu responded automatically, “it resembles the kidneys; mercury is liquid, it is a metaphor for internal warming. ‘Lead and mercury preserve well’ means that it is good to stabilize the kidneys and to extinguish the internal fire, in order to obtain results from meditation.”

“And what is the meaning of ‘Baby of the girl Cha’?” Mei Chaofeng pursued.

Ma Yu suddenly became aware that she was asking him to explain secret formulae of neigong!

“Heretical witch,” he shouted, “Do not try to extract the secrets of my sect from me! Leave quickly!”

Mei Chaofeng laughed, “Thank you for your answer, Taoist Master!”

She suddenly jumped forward, armed with her silvery whip, and glided to the bottom of the cliff at unbelievable speed. Those remaining looked on, relieved to have escaped a conflict. Far away on the steppe, a shadow sped away like a phantom.