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Eagle Shooting Hero 1(58)

“He promised his daughter to my son,” Senggum said, while looking at the body on the floor, “and I sent an emissary to agree to the date of the marriage. I’ll ask him to come here to confer with my father. He will surely come without much of an escort. I will place some men in ambush along the way; even if he had three heads and six arms, he won't escape alive!” He exploded in laughter.

Jamuka said, “As soon as Temujin is eliminated, our armies will invade his camp.”

Guo Jing was filled with anger and concern: “How could the man's heart be so cruel, even to the point of plotting against his sworn brother!” He was about to listen again, but the Taoist pulled him out by his waist. He moved back and was lightly touched by Mei Chaofeng, who was leaving very quickly, holding someone by the neck. The Taoist took Guo Jing by the hand and the two moved away from the gers.

“She’s trying to find out where your Shifus are.” the Taoist said in a low voice. “We must go there immediately; otherwise it will be too late!” The two used their lightless technique and ran briskly.

When they arrived at the ger of the ‘Six Freaks’, it was already close to noon.

The Taoist said, “I didn't want to be seen, that is why I ordered you not say anything about me to your Shifus. But now there is an emergency, and I cannot worry about such details any longer. Go to them and say that Ma Yu, of the Quanzhen [Absolute Perfection] Sect, asks to see the ‘Six Valiant Heroes of Jiangnan’.

For two years, Guo Jing had seen him every evening, but it was only at this moment that he learned his name. Without knowing who precisely this character ‘Ma Yu, of the Quanzhen Sect was, he obeyed and ran in the ger shouting, “Eldest Shifu!”

As soon as he entered, his wrists were clutched brutally, and he felt a sharp pain in his knees that made him fall to the floor. He saw that it was his Eldest Shifu, Ke Zhen’E, who had knocked him down with his heavy iron staff. Completely terrified, he didn't even try to struggle or defend himself. He closed his eyes and waited for death. He heard the clank of two weapons clashing, and then felt someone throw themself over him. He opened his eyes and saw his Seventh Shifu, Han Xiaoying, protecting him with her body, while shouting, “Older Brother, one moment please!” Her sword, with which she had blocked the stroke, had flown away.

Ke Zhen’E sighed, and thrust his staff down heavily on the floor, “Seventh Sister has always had too tender a heart!” Guo Jing then realized that Zhu Cong and Quan Jinfa had seized his wrists! He didn't understand anything anymore.

Eagle Shooting Hero


“Where is the person who teaches you neigong?” Ke Zhen’E asked with severity.

“Him ... He...” Guo Jing stammered. “He is... there… outside... He asks to see you...” Surprised at Mei Chaofeng’s coming to find them in daylight, the ‘Six Freaks’ hurried outside, weapons in hand.

But all they saw was a white-haired Taoist, hands joined in salute. There was no Mei Chaofeng!

“Where is the witch Mei Chaofeng?” Zhu Cong shouted, without releasing Guo Jing’s wrist.

“I first saw her last night,” the Taoist answered, “I fear that she may come soon!”

The Six looked at Ma Yu with puzzlement. He advanced briskly and greeted them. “For a long time I’ve admired the ‘Six Valiant Heroes of Jiangnan’. Today, I finally meet them; it is a huge honor for me.”

Zhu Cong, still holding Guo Jing, nodded his head in answer to the salute and said, “We don't dare to ask for the respected name of the Taoist master.”

Guo Jing remembered that he had not announced the visitor and hastened to say, “He’s Ma Yu, of the Quanzhen Sect.”

The Six Freaks were hugely surprised. They knew that Ma Yu, who had the nickname ‘Scarlet Sun’, was the first disciple of the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, Wang Chongyang. After the death of the founder, Ma Yu became the Elder Master of the Sect. Qiu Chuji, ‘Eternal Spring’, was his younger martial brother. Since he usually lived a reclusive life in the temple, dedicating himself to meditation, he hardly ever set foot in the ‘Rivers and the Lakes’ region [Jianghu]. For this reason, his reputation in the world of the martial arts didn't equal Qiu Chuji’s. As for the power of his kung fu, no one had ever seen him in action and could not judge how strong he was.

“We meet the Elder Master of the Quanzhen Sect,” Ke Zhen’E said. “We are much honored. What brings the Taoist Master up into the steppe of the north? Does it relate to the competition in Jiaxing and our challenge with your martial brother?”

“My impetuous younger brother, when he should be dedicating himself to the practice of the Way, likes to duel with others. He often tries to win and impose his viewpoint; that is quite contrary to our principles. I’ve reprimanded him time and time again about this. I don't have any intentions of interfering in his bet with you, the ‘Six Valiant Heroes’, since it doesn't have anything to do with me. Two years ago, I met this child by chance. Finding him to have a pure and good heart, I took the liberty of teaching him some ritual formulae to fortify his body and to feed his character. This also has the virtue of encouraging longevity. It is true that I took this initiative without having asked for approval from the ‘Six Valiant Heroes’ beforehand; I hope they won’t be angry because of it. I didn't teach him any martial techniques and we don't have a master - disciple relationship. We could say that I merely made myself a young friend and that we never broke any rules of the martial world.” After saying this, he smiled warmly.

The Six were very surprised, and could only accept his explanation. Zhu Cong and Quan Jinfa then released Guo Jing’s wrists.

“So my pupil,” a happy Han Xiaoying said, “it was the Senior Taoist who gave you some lessons?

Why didn't you tell us about him earlier? We judged you wrongly!” She tenderly patted him on the shoulder.


Eagle Shooting Hero

“He...” Guo Jing stammered, “It was him who told me not to say anything...”

“How can you say, ‘he’, ‘him’?” Han Xiaoying reprimanded. “Jing’er, that is very disrespectful, you need to say ‘Senior Taoist’...” She scolded him, but her happy face showed her true feelings.

“Yes,” Guo Jing agreed submissively. “The ‘Senior Taoist’…” For two years he always treated Ma Yu on equal terms, without having ever thought to speak to him in the third person as a sign of respect. Ma Yu had never taken offense.

“I travel like a cloud,” Ma Yu said, “without a schedule or final destination, and I don't like to impose on others. That is why, even though I was a neighbor, I didn't come to greet you. I ask you again to forgive me.” He saluted them again.

In fact, after discovering the circumstances behind the journey of the Six Freaks to Mongolia, he felt great admiration for them. He interrogated Yin Zhiping, who confirmed that Guo Jing didn't have any neigong. As a Senior of the Quanzhen Sect he knew perfectly the principles of Taoism. He didn't want Qiu Chuji to impose this challenge on the Six Freaks. He tried to convince his martial brother repeatedly, but Qiu would not hear of it. As last resort he came to the steppe to try to help Guo Jing without telling anyone. Otherwise, how could he have met the child, by accident, in the immensity of the northern plain? What other reason would he have for dedicating two years of his life to give Guo Jing this precious instruction? If Mei Chaofeng had not re-emerged unexpectedly, he would have discreetly left for the south once assured that Guo Jing’s neigong foundations were well established. The result would have been that neither the Six Freaks nor Qiu Chuji would have suspected anything.

For displaying so much nobility and humility, which contrasted with the bravery and contrived arrogance of his martial brother, the Six bowed and saluted him. They were going to ask him about Mei Chaofeng when they heard the sound of horses galloping. They saw several riders heading towards Temujin’s large ger.

Guo Jing realized that it was Senggum’s emissaries who had come to entice him into a trap; he began to panic. “Senior Shifu,” he said to Ke Zhen’E, “it is necessary that I leave for a short time.”

Ke Zhen’E had almost seriously injured him a while ago and regretted it. He felt even more protective of this disciple and feared he’d meet Mei Chaofeng if he left. Therefore, he said, “No, you remain close to us!”

Guo Jing was going to explain to him why he had to leave, but Ke Zhen’E had begun to discuss the titanic fight against the ‘Twin Killers of the Dark Winds’ with Ma Yu. In spite of his anguish, the young man didn't dare interrupt his Senior Shifu, who got angry for the smallest of reasons. He hoped to be able to benefit from a pause in the conversation to explain the urgency of the situation.

Suddenly, a horse arrived at a gallop. The rider was Hua Zheng wearing a short jacket of black fox fur. She stopped ten feet away, making signals. Fearing punishment from his Shifus, Guo Jing didn't dare move away, but signaled her to approach. The girl had red swollen eyes, as if she had cried a lot.

“Dad,” she said while sobbing, “wants me to go marry that Dukhsh...”