Reading Online Novel

Duty and the Beast(16)

'You don't know me, Princess?' He scooped the back of one finger down  her cheek, an electric, evocative gesture that sent ripples of sensation  radiating out under her skin. 'Not at all?'

'No,' she said, hating it when he slid his hand around the curve of her  throat. 'I know practically nothing about you.' She willed herself to be  strong, to remember his cruelty and the fact he was using her, even as  her skin tingled, her traitorous body yearning to sway into his touch.  'And to tell you the truth, I'm not particularly fond of the bits I have  seen.'                       


'Strange,' he mused. 'When I had been sure there was a definite  connection between us.' He angled his head. 'Did you not feel it then,  when we kissed?'

'I felt nothing but revulsion!'

'Then I am mistaken. It must have been your sensual twin sister in my  arms in that library. That woman was warm and willing and had a fire  raging inside her that I longed to quench.'

She spun away, discomfited by his words. Shamed by the parts that hit too close to home. 'You are very much mistaken!'

He stood there where she had left him like a dark thundercloud. 'It is  you who is mistaken, Princess, thinking you have a choice about this,  barricading yourself away in your room like some kind of virginal nun  seeking sanctuary when you should already be on your back working to  provide Al-Jirad with the heirs it requires.'

Her blood simmered and spat, turned molten in her veins and seared its  way under her skin. It was all she could do to swallow back on the  bitter bile that ached to infuse her words. 'How tempting you make it  sound, Sheikh Zoltan. You paint a picture in which any woman would be  mad not to want a starring role-on her back, ready to be serviced by the  barbarian sheikh!'

She turned away, unable to look at him a moment longer, unable to banish  the unwelcome pictures in her mind's eye-and the unwelcome rush of heat  that had accompanied them-needing air and space and everything she knew  she would never find in this marriage where she was stuck with him for  ever.

A hand clamped down on her shoulder and wrenched her around. 'What did you call me?'

She looked purposefully down at his hand on her arm, and then up to him. 'Only what you are. A barbarian.'

He smiled then, if you could call it that, baring his teeth like a wild  animal before it lunges for the kill, his eyes alert and anticipating  her every move. Her simmering blood spun faster and more frantic in her  veins.

'I seem to recall you calling me a barbarian once before, Princess,' he  said, tugging her closer, sliding his free hand down her arm, and then  so slowly up again. 'Maybe you are right. Maybe I am only a  barbarian-the princess's personal barbarian. Do you like the sound of  that? Would that excite you? Does it heat your blood like it did  yesterday in the library?' He looked past her shoulder to the massive,  wide bed that lay so broad and inviting across the room, and when he  looked back at her his eyes gleamed with purpose. 'Is that why you  stayed here in your room?' He looked down at the simple robe she was  wearing, flicking the collar under his thumb, and she could tell he was  working out how easy it would be to discard. 'Is that why you changed  out of your wedding gown, so that when I came and got angry, as you knew  I must, it would be no challenge to tear off your robe and gown and  bare you to my gaze?'

'You kid yourself,' she whispered, her breath coming rapid and shallow.  She hated what he was doing to her body, hated herself for imagining the  scene he portrayed and for wondering what it would be like to be taken  by one so powerful. And she felt confused and conflicted-she hated him,  and he was being a monster, yet still heat mounted inside her, still the  excitement of his touch and his words tugged and awoke some deeply  buried carnal self.

'Do I?' He touched the pad of his thumb to her parted lips, and she  trembled and saw his answering smile when she did. 'For, given that I am  a barbarian, I could take you now and save myself the trouble of  carrying you all the way to my suite.'

His predatory smile widened. He stepped in closer, let go his grip on  her arm and used both his hands to scoop behind her neck and into her  scalp, under the weight of her thick black hair. 'Would you like that,  Princess?'

She swallowed, having to put up her hands against his hard chest to stop  herself from falling into him. 'You wouldn't dare.' But she wouldn't  bet on it.

'And maybe it would be better this way,' he countered, lifting her chin,  angling his head. 'For some say familiarity breeds contempt. Maybe we  should consummate this marriage now, right now, lest in time you decide  you hate me.'

His face drew closer and she remembered all the reasons why it  shouldn't, remembered how she felt, remembered the promise that she'd  made to herself. 'I already hate you.'

His nostrils flared, his eyes flared, then immediately descended into  utter blackness. She knew she was playing with fire. 'In which case,  sweet princess, what is the point of waiting? Let's finish this now.'

'No!' She pushed against his chest with every bit of strength she could  muster, twisting away from him, almost stumbling in her hurry to get  away. 'Get out! I do not want this! I do not want you!'                       


'You are fooling yourself, Princess,' he said, his chest heaving as his  eyes burned like coals. 'Once again your body betrays you. Why shouldn't  we finish what we started?'

'I'll tell you why,' she said. 'Because if you do not leave now, if you  do not go, then it will be on your own head. And you need never seek my  respect or love or even the tiniest shred of civility, because I will  hate you as much as it is physically possible to hate anyone if you take  what is not freely given!'

There were sparks spitting fire in her eyes, there was a bright slash of  colour across her cheeks, and right now he burned for her-burned for  this woman who was now his wife and yet not completely. He burned bright  and hot, his blood heated and heavy in his groin, and it took every bit  of the restraint civilisation had wrought over the aeons upon the male  mind that he did not throw her bodily to the floor and take her now.

'Then I warn you, Princess. Do not take too long to decide to give what  you must, because when it all comes down to it, for the sake of  Al-Jirad, I will gladly risk your hatred!'

He left her then and his blood turned to steam, his fury a living thing,  tangling in his gut, fuelling his feet into long, purposeful strides.  He should never have given her time to prepare. He should have  accompanied her to his suite, got their necessary coupling over and done  with before returning to his studies. Instead he had got lost in the  endless pages and had given her too much time, it seemed. Time to think  and plan and plot how she could evade her duty.

But it would not last.

In three days he would be crowned King of Al-Jirad, and like it or not,  the princess must by then be his wife in all senses of the word. He had  studied the pact in detail long enough to know that, searching for any  way out, for any concessions.

He headed back to the library, back to his endless books and study.  There was no point wasting time thinking about a spoilt princess and her  pathetic, 'I will not sleep with anyone I do not know' now.

She would know him soon enough.

Her resistance would not last.

He could not afford to let it.

He'd already churned his way through twenty laps when he noticed Bahir  at the end of the pool, and he cursed his decision not to return to his  studies.

'You're up early,' his friend said, sitting himself down on the edge of  the pool as Zoltan finished the lap and checked his watch. 'Barely six  a.m. Honeymoon already over?'

Zoltan glared at him as he made a rapid change of plans. The ten extra  laps could wait. He put his hands on the side of the pool and powered  himself out, intending to grab his towel and just keep right on walking.  He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone this morning, let alone one of  these clowns. They knew far too much about him as it was.

'Uh oh,' Bahir said behind him. 'Maybe the honeymoon hasn't even begun.'

'I didn't say anything,' Zoltan protested as he bent down to scoop up his towel.

'Brother, you didn't need to. It's written all over your body language.  What happened? How could the princess manage to turn down the legendary  Zoltan charm? Although admittedly all that brooding intensity must be  tiresome to endure.'

He glared at his so-called friend. 'There's nothing to tell.'

Bahir grinned. 'So long as it's not because she plays for the other team.' He whistled. 'That would be one cruel waste.'

The urge to laugh battled with the urge to growl. He didn't want anyone  speculating about his wife's sexuality. Besides, if Bahir only knew  which team she'd openly speculated they all played for he wouldn't think  it nearly as funny himself. He sighed. Clearly Bahir would not stop  until he knew. 'She says it's because she doesn't know me.'