Doctor's Delight(4)
“That’s all?” Susie’s eyes had widened.
“I can fix that.”
“You can?” Both Cherry and Maxie asked at the same time.
Before Susie could answer, four more nurses came through the door, one of them the DON. They sat down at the table, talking amongst themselves.
Susie winked at Cherry. Maxie looked dubious. Cherry wondered what the hell Susie was thinking.
On their way back to the ward, Susie nudged Cherry. “Maxie and I will be over tonight to chat a bit more.”
“You will?”
“We will.”
“Good,” Maxie said. “I can’t wait to hear your plan.”
Cherry watched her friends disappear down the corridor and rubbed her chin. Susie could fix her yearnings? What on earth did her friend have in mind?
And did she really want to know?
Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, a romance novel open but face-down on her lap, Cherry stared moodily at the television screen. The sound was turned off but there was enough for her to know what was happening.
The actress was being thoroughly kissed by a mouth-watering actor. He was cute, she was cute. They were both so bloody beautiful it made Cherry want to be sick. Violently.
Picking up the remote, she jabbed the off switch with more force than necessary and threw it back down on the sofa. Now she could see her reflection in the dark screen. Short, fat sheila. Phooey.
All her life she’d been friends with the males of the species. Friends and nothing more. She was everyone’s mate, no-one’s lover. She’d only been kissed twice in her whole lifetime. Once by an over-sexed teenager in school, and the other time at her fifth birthday party by the little romeo who lived next door.
What gold star moments.
Now she was thirty five years old and a virgin.
“It’s not that I don’t want to be a virgin,” she told Frizzo and Sugar, who were both lolling back on the other sofa opposite her. “I just want, for once, to be held. Touched. Kissed.”
Frizz blinked his gold eyes at her and Sugar yawned.
Ignoring their obvious disinterest, she continued, “Is it too much to ask? Everywhere I look, men and women are making out. Kissing. Touching. I’m not. Is it too much to ask? I don’t want to die without knowing, just once, what it’s like to be made love to.”
“And you don’t have to,” a cheerful voice said from behind her.
Cherry nearly fell off the sofa. “Hells bells!”
Susie plopped down onto the sofa beside her.
“Just come right on in, why don’t you?” Cherry sighed. “You heard me talking to the cats, didn’t you?”
“Lovie, we both did.” Maxie perched on the armrest of the sofa opposite. Her eyes were dreamy.
Cherry scowled. “Ben jumped your bones when you got home, didn’t he?”
“Yeah. Man, he is so built.” Maxie grinned.
“Glad to hear it…for the fiftieth time.”
“If you got it, brag about it.”
“Forget her.” Susie waved her hand at Maxie. “Cherry, I have the answer to your problems.”
“And that is what?”
“You need to hire an escort.”
“For what? To go to a dance?”
“No, dingbat. A male escort. A male…”
“Yes? What?”
“Male prostitute, or for a subtler term, a male escort,” Maxie explained.
“A male escort?” Cherry couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Are you kidding me? A male escort?”
Susie nodded eagerly.
“You reckon I should hire a male prostitute?”
Maxie frowned. “I don’t think she’s taking this very well.”
Cherry stared at her. “Max. A male prostitute? I mean…Maxie!”
Leaning back on the sofa, Susie plucked the book from Cherry’s lap and started reading. “What have we here? Oh yeah, saucy love scene hotting up. ‘He touched her, smearing her moistness over her clit, finding the—’”
“Give me that!” Plucking the book from Susie’s hand, Cherry tucked it behind her under the cushion. “And explain your suggestion to me.”
She still couldn’t quite believe she’d heard correctly. Mainly because she’d entertained that idea herself a couple of times. Like in the middle of the night. Entertained, but not seriously. Sort of.
Hearing one of her best friends suggest it…
“Tell me.” Susie held up the remote control. “What were you doing with this while reading that sex scene?”
“Turning off the TV.”
Maxie sniggered.
“Forget the remote.” Cherry folded her arms. “Male escort?”
“Hey, I thought it was a stupid idea, too,” Maxie said. “But just listen. It doesn’t half sound bad, which is a huge shock, coming from Susie the Mole.”