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Dirty Daddy(69)

By:Alexis Angel

I feel so relaxed with his touch and with the warmth of the cloth comforting me. The world seems so much simpler in even the little moments with the one you love. I've never loved anyone as much or the way that I love Magnus. I look at his gorgeous body and think even if we're done fucking for the night, I am nowhere close to done touching him.

When he finishes my breasts and stomach, he dips down and gently runs the cloth over my pussy.

Danger zone! I hold my breath and wonder if Magnus is up to something more devious. He isn't though, and I'm so touched by the intimate gesture of him really washing me, even my most private and intimate places. It's one thing for him to fuck my pussy, but his hand over it to wash it feels so...intimate in a way I don't fully understand.

But I don't need to. Life is simpler with the one you love, remember?

So even those simple acts feel like gifts, because they are. They are future memories that you have forever. No one can take a memory from you, but a person can leave. So the one you're with forever, they are something to cherish beyond words because you have the memories and you have that ongoing love.

I take the washcloth from him and start to get it wet, looking at his body. Much as I want to look at his gorgeous face forever and stay in his arms, I know how good it would feel to wash his back—or him and me both. "Turn around and I'll wash your back," I say.

He pauses for a second. "I love you," he says quietly, and then turns around.

I start to wash his back and the words that hung in the air before he turned around come to him now. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. You're the only person in my life that has taken care of me," Magnus says.

It makes my heart hurt for him. "We can take care of each other, forever," I say. And I mean forever.


The New York Daily Journal

We Apologize. Seriously, No Joke Here.

Gossip Central on Page Eight. From the Desk of Vicky Durner - All the gossip you never even knew you needed to know!

Good morning Gotham!

Let's hope that it's a better morning than the last couple of weeks.

The last 24 hours have seen the greatest shakeup in the New York political climate than anything. Ever.

But first.

An apology.

To both Magnus Davion, and to Penny Wright, the staff at Gossip Central and the greater New York Daily Journal organization would like to apologize to you.

What you were subjected to and the reasons you were subjected to it were inexcusable and vile. No one should ever be targeted by the press like you've been. It was a witch hunt at the end of the day and it was orchestrated from within this august institution.

It's safe to say that in this instance, both Ms. Wright and Mr. Davion were able to fight back. Together, they showed that they were stronger than the world that tried to tear them apart.

And they prevailed over a corrupt Mayor and an Editor-In-Chief who lost her principles a long time ago.

For that, we thank you.

Without your ability to fight back on this, the Mayor would not have resigned 24 hours after your joint press conference.

Without your courage, the Editor-In-Chief wouldn't have been removed from her role by the CEO of the New York Daily Journal. The District Attorney is currently investigating her and her ex-mayor accomplice. That's the last thing that my spies have told me.

There's always been a bias in the press. We try to control it, but in this instance, we did not. We fed it and let it run free.

And a young couple who were in love paid the price for too long.

Others may not have lasted as long as you did. Many others wouldn't have had the courage to stand up and declare that they had done nothing wrong. For them, we thank you as well.

Going forward, this paper will be conducting a thorough review of everything that is printed in these pages to ensure that something like this never, ever, happens again.

While we can only apologize as many times as needed publicly, we also acknowledge that we can never repay and repair the damage that has been caused to Magnus Davion and Penny Wright.

It's small compensation, but for whatever it's worth, we would like to note to readers that the Equinox Towers project will stay with Davion Development going forward.

And future city contracts will probably be easier.

Indeed, New Yorkers, we here at Gossip Central want to apologize to each and every single one of our readers for leading this witch hunt. It was beneath us and those that came on board with Rhoda Wright have left en masse.

The inmates no longer control the asylum.

The only thing we can wish upon this couple as they embark on their journey of love is that they never again find themselves in the papers.

May their life be quiet and peaceful, and may they never have to work with a mob of journalists pushing down the door to their privacy.