Reading Online Novel

Dirty Daddy(63)

"Only this time, it wasn't just my mother who was pushing me to take a more unbalanced, and unbiased approach toward Magnus."

I swear to you, everyone is leaning in.

Hell, even I'm listening. It's like nothing else matters in the world.

"You see there's a lot of money in real estate development," Penny says. "Especially when the city is holding bids on a multi-billion dollar contract for Equinox Towers. And especially so when the Mayor herself has a vested interest in ensuring that the contract goes to someone other than Davion Development," she finishes.

This is when the first murmurs go through the crowd.

What exactly is she saying?

What does she mean? Is she suggesting scandal?

Because, Jesus Fuck, this city can't take much more.

"What do you get when you have a Mayor who's financially vested in ensuring that the Equinox Tower contracts go to someone else that's not Magnus Davion?" Penny asks. "And what do you get when a Mayor and an Editor-In-Chief are lovers?"

Fucking silence.

Even me. It's like someone punched me.

Penny looks at me.

"Several years ago, my stepfather and mother were married. It was a marriage of convenience for both, yes. But Magnus Davion tried to make it work because he believed in the institution of marriage. Rhoda Wright didn't even believe she could fall in love with a man. Because she was focused too much on women. So she thumbed her nose at the entire marriage. Until she drove Magnus to divorce her. But to do it in such a way that she nor her lover ever received a single cent in settlement monies," Penny starts to say but literally the crowd blows up. Photographers start taking pictures. Reporters start shouting questions.

Penny waits for a bit. But then she continues and the crowd settles down a bit to listen.

"The financial windfall that they were expecting not being given, Laurel Trask began to look for money in unusual places. These people, in dark corners of the city, did give her the money. But they demanded favors. And so I was dispatched to stop the building of Equinox Towers by Magnus Davion. Because that was the favor," Penny says and turns to me. "That's what I've been doing the last three days, babe. Just so you know I wasn't ignoring you."

I nod to her and she smiles.

Then she looks back to the crowd and talks into the microphone.

"It's very hard for me to stand here and say these things about my mother," Penny says. I know something is coming. "And it must be very hard for you to sit there and listen to me saying them. Especially when I have no proof."

People begin to nod.

"I used to have proof," Penny says. "But that proof was destroyed because I didn't plan ahead."

I'm wondering what the final game plan is. If Penny is up there and trying to convince the people of New York that the Editor-In-Chief of the largest newspaper in the city—and country—as well as their mayor are secret lovers that tried to take me down, she's going to need something or someone more than just her words.

Otherwise Rhoda and Laurel are going to eat her alive.

"So while I don't have the proof I was hoping I'd have, I just realized I have something better," Penny says and now I'm completely hooked.

Penny pulls out her phone and punches a few buttons.

Then she holds the phone to the microphone.

“All I tried to do was be fair and balanced, mom. That’s what a good reporter should do, no? Look for the truth?” I hear Penny's voice come through loud and clear.

And then I hear Laurel.

“The truth? Penny, you’re still a young woman… I know you hold all these ideals of justice and fairness, but that’s not how the real world works. And I can assure you that’s not how Magnus works either," the clear voice of the Mayor fills the area that the crowd is in.

To say they go fucking wild is an understatement.

There might be a mini fucking riot.

"Have you even read the article you wrote? You were supposed to destroy him, not help him build up his savior image!" comes the unmistakable voice of Rhoda Wright.

"Rhoda, I need to go make sure that the people who are funding our campaign for governor aren't pissed off beyond opening their wallets some more. I suggest you get your daughter in line," comes the voice of Laurel one last time.

Penny turns off the phone.

"i think that's all I need to say on the matter," she says sweetly. “But if you really want a story, I’m about to give you one,” she follows up.

The crowd hushes and looks to her.

What could be bigger than what they just got.

“I’ve been having a whole lot of sex with Magnus - the man who used to be my stepdad,” Penny says and I can’t help but laugh for a second. “And you know what, New York? I’m pregnant. And loving it.”