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Dirty Daddy(43)

By:Alexis Angel

And so it is with Magnus. He’s an easy target for women like my mom and Laurel, working in the shadows. The way I see it, they aren’t even working against Magnus; they’re just trying to topple down an image of him that they've built inside their heads. Because, truth be told, the Magnus I met is quite different than the one I always believed him to be.

And I guess my fellow New Yorkers see it the same way.


That’s Magnus’ approval rating. That’s right, ninety-three percent of New Yorkers approve of the work my stepfather is doing, and they are fully supportive of the Equinox deal. I guess every city dweller wants to say they live in the city with the tallest building in the world, right? And Magnus is just the man to make that dream come true.

Besides, it seems that New Yorkers love his crazy antics. Sure, he might be a bit unruly and rough around the edges, but I think that it just adds to his natural charm. Besides, it seems he has even won over the political-correctness brigade after he toned down his bad boy image and started contributing to the city’s welfare with his hefty donations.

And I gotta say, more than just win over his fellow Americans, Magnus has won me over as well.

Two hundred.

Now, this is just an estimate, but that’s how many times Magnus and I have been together. And you know what I mean by together, don’t you? Okay, I’ll be crass: we've fucked two hundred times over these past two months.

If you’re making the calculations inside your head, let me help you with that: it means we’ve fucked more than three times every single day. Sounds a bit unbelievable, doesn’t it? Don’t worry; I’d be thinking the same if someone told me something like this. No, scratch that, I’d just call them a liar.

But it’s the truth; Magnus is an animal between the sheets (and out of them as well, being that we often get frisky without a bed in sight), and I have no choice but to try and keep up the pace. My body demands it, you know? I just can’t get enough of him and of his twelve-inch cock.

Of course, pleasure often has consequences, and it didn’t take long for them to manifest.


One simple test, and I flunked it. Or, if you want to be optimistic about it, I passed with flying colors. It really depends on the perspective. If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about, let me blunt about it: I’m talking about a pregnancy test. And it came out as a positive.

Now, I haven’t told a soul about this, so I trust you to keep this between just the two of us. I know, I know… I should tell Magnus about it, and I swear I’ll do it soon. I just can’t bring myself to do it right now. I have no idea how he’s going to react and, besides, he’s already too busy with the Equinox deal as it is. He has a lot on his mind right now, and I don’t want to add more drama to the mix and distract him.

But, yeah, I get it. The road I’m walking on has a dead-end. Sooner or later, the world is going to find out about Magnus and I. There’s no other way around it, not with a child in my belly.

I wasn’t exactly expecting for this to happen, and it sure as hell didn’t happen at the best time. My mother and Laurel are sharpening their knives, trying to destroy Magnus’ company, and I’m stuck right in the middle of it. But I guess pregnancies don’t wait for the best or right times; they just happen when they have to happen.

And, between you and me, I gotta say… I had a smile on my lips the moment I held the test in my minds and it turned out positive.

Of course, I know that this changes things. And, sooner or later, the truth will have to come out.

I just hope it’s later rather than sooner.



Lawyers, accountants, state legislators, hardened politicians - New York’s finest under one roof. And, of course, two heavyweight contenders sitting across one other, each with their personal armies ready with expensive pens and stacks of documents. I’m talking about yours truly and, of course, Laurel Trask.

This is our most important showdown in months, a meeting where the future of Equinox Tower is going to be decided. And it’s already over; truth be told, it was already over before it even started. I came into this affair prepared, and it showed. Laurel had her lawyers pull every trick in the fucking book to try and bury the deal, but she didn’t have a chance - Joyce’s leading my legal team, and there’s no beating Joyce.

Things got heated up for a moment as Laurel tried to goad me into arguing with her, but I managed to not fall into that trap. I deflected most of her questions easily, and made her look like an out-of-control psycho. She isn’t too happy about that, that much I can tell. But there’s nothing she can do right now - the committee has already took a break to deliberate, and now all we can do is wait for their response. Which I’m pretty fucking sure is going to be a favourable one.