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Dirty Daddy(340)

By:Alexis Angel

Locking eyes with him, I curl my fingers around the hem of his boxer briefs and then I tug them down as violently as I can. His cock springs free at once, as huge as I thought it would be. I’m thinking thirteen inches, ladies. And the thickness… Christ on a bike, he could use his cock as a baseball bat. I figure that if he ever grows tired of football he can probably make it as a baseball player.

“Like what you see?” he asks me, pushing his boxers down his legs. I open my mouth to reply, but I have no idea what to say.

“I love it,” I tell him, settling for the truth. “It’s… It’s huge!” I cry out, reaching for his gigantic cock and curling my fingers around it. Its warmness spreads to my fingers and travels all the way to my pussy, a burning need to impale myself on his long inches raging inside of me. But there’s something I must do first; I need to taste him.

Never taking my eyes out of his, I start flicking my wrist, stroking him at a steady pace. My hand goes up and down in hypnotic strokes and, when I realize what I’m doing, I’m already leaning toward him.

I part my lips and stop just before my mouth is on him; I use my tongue to touch the tip of his cock, and I close my eyes as I feel his salty warmness against me. I run my tongue in circles and then, unable to resist him a second longer, I go further down and wrap my lips around his tip.

There’s no other way to put it: he tastes amazing, just like a real man should. Slowly, I start rolling my lips down his shaft, only stopping when I feel his tip pressed against the back of my throat. He’s so big that my lips aren’t even touching the skin on the root of his cock. If he thrusts right now I seriously think he’d kill me.

I close my eyes then, savoring him; I start to bob my head up and down and, at the same time, I place one hand between his legs and cup his balls. Much like his cock, they also come in XL size; in my small hands, they feel like tennis balls.

“Fuck, that’s good,” Danny groans, placing both his hands on top of my head and guiding my movements. I let him take the lead, using the pressure of his fingers on my scalp like my map. Picking up the pace, I go so fast that the muscles in my neck start cramping up; lucky for me, he tangles his fingers in my hair and makes me stop moving. Then, without taking a break, he starts to thrust, pistoning his cock into my mouth and—no other way to put it—fucking it hard.

“Let’s see if…” he breathes out, pushing my head back and making his cock pop out of my mouth with a wet sound, “...your pussy is as tight as your mouth.” With that, he grabs me by the hand and pulls me on top of him. Before I can even react, he grabs his cock and starts brushing it against my soaked pussy. He rubs its tip up and down the length of my pussy and then feeds one inch of it into me; I let out one wild scream, and I’m only reacting to his thickness.

His shaft strains against my insides, pushing my inner walls back and stretching me so wide that I doubt I’ll ever be the same. Slowly, he starts sliding his whole length inside of me, only stopping when all of it is buried deep.

“Oh, God,” I moan, my insides burning so fiercely that it feels like I’m breathing in smoke and my heart is pumping ashes through my veins. I can’t even open my eyes, and breathing feels like a chore. When he starts to thrust… Oh, when he starts to thrust that fire grows into a raging inferno, each stroke of his cock like a bomb going off inside of me.

When my mind finally starts working again, I start swaying my hips, trying to match his rhythm. It doesn’t take long for him to stop thrusting and allow me to take the lead. And that’s exactly what I do; with both arms thrown over his shoulders, I ride him as if my life depends on it. I go as fast as I can, and beads of sweat are already forming on my forehead, a stray lock of hair plastered to my skin.

“I was wrong,” he groans, placing both hands on my ass and feeling the flowing way with which I move my body, “your pussy is even tighter than your mouth.” His voice climbs inside my ears and flies past my eardrums, caressing my brain like sweet venom. And that does it for me; throwing my head back, I grit my teeth and hiss like a mad woman, coming for the second time tonight.

That fire inside of me spreads from my loins to every extremity in my body, consuming everything in its wake. It feels like a sharp needle is stabbing every single one of my nerve endings. I never felt something like this. His cock is not only gigantic, it’s magical as well, it seems.

“Tired already, babe?” he asks me, tucking that stray lock of hair over my ear. I make the effort to open up my eyes and, with a sly grin, I just roll to the side and lay down on the couch, spreading my legs wide.