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Dirty Daddy(339)

By:Alexis Angel

“More,” he whispers, and I have no idea if he’s talking to me or to himself. Either way, he takes his fingers to between my thighs and, grabbing at my thong, he flicks it to the side and bares my wet pussy.

A shiver goes up my spine as he brushes his index finger over my drenched folds, and when he starts moving it up and down I can’t help but moan. My voice explodes in the silence of his apartment like a song of pleasure, and I thrust my hips against him, anxious to feel his fingers or his mouth on me. I’ve seen what he’s capable of when inside the field, now I want to know what other things he can do with his fingers and mouth… And with his cock, of course, but that comes later.

“You really don’t know what patience means, do you?” he asks me, looking up at me with a teasing smile. I just bite on my lower lip, my eyes locked on his as I run my fingers through his hair, urging him to carry on. “Oh, well,” he chuckles, and then presses his open mouth against my pussy. I moan even louder than before as he sucks on my inner lips, using his tongue to lap at them.

Using the leg I have over his shoulder to lock him in place, I start thrusting, rubbing my pussy against his mouth as he devours me. With my eyelids closed shut, I let my consciousness be dragged down into a world of pure pleasure, each time he flicks his tongue against me feeling like lightning crashing down on me.

He keeps going until I no longer know if I’m moaning or screaming, my voice just another constant in a sea of ecstasy.

“It feels so good,” I tell him, still grabbing at his hair. The moment these words leave my mouth, he takes one hand to my pussy and presses his thumb over my clit, immediately moving it viciously in a circular motion. “Oh, fuck,” I breathe out, pleasure pooling inside my muscles. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to take this without—oh, Jesus, forget about that. I’m going to come, and it’s going to happen right now.

Exhaling sharply, I let a wave of mind-bending ecstasy crash against both my mind and body, every single muscle in my body twitching and trembling as my nerve endings become overloaded.

I start hissing through my gritted teeth, yanking on Danny’s hair and forcing me against my pussy so harshly that I don’t even know if he can breathe. Only when pleasure starts to subside do I let go of him, slowly placing my leg back on the floor. He pulls back from me and I force my eyelids open. I can’t help but grin as, looking down at him, I notice my fluids dripping down his chin. I reach for him and, with two fingers under his jaw, I make him get up until he’s on my level.

“Like I said … Delicious,” he tells me, leaning in and crushing his mouth against mine. A violent shiver climbs up my spine as I taste my pussy in his mouth. Delicious, he says, and I can’t help but agree.

“My turn,” I tell him, pulling back from our kiss and running my tongue between my lips. I place both my hands on his chest and push him back, driving him across the living room. Grabbing his arm, I force him to sit down in his oversized (really, must everything about Danny be this big) sofa and then climb on his lap, straddling him. With both hands on his shoulders, I pull his jacket down his arms and then start unbuttoning his shirt, patiently taking care of each button.

Anticipation builds inside of me as my knuckles brush against his ripped muscles on the way down and, as I bare his perfect eight-pack, I feel a violent urge dancing in my mind. I untuck the rest of his shirt and push it down his arms in a hurry; then I move my hands from his waist to his chest, feeling every hard curve of his chiseled chest. I didn’t think I could become wetter, but I guess I was wrong about that.

Yanking on his hair, I lean in to kiss him again, my tits pressed tight against his pectorals. He takes his hands to my ass, squeezing my cheeks as I start swaying my hips, moving my pussy up and down the length of his shaft. Even though he still has his pants on, I can already tell that I’m in for a treat.

Grinding against him as hard as I can, I then force myself to roll to the side. My hands dart straight to his waist, and I take care of his belt as fast as I can, unbuckling it and pulling it out from its loops with a sudden movement. Breathing hard, I remove the top button on his pants and then, as slowly as I can, start unzipping his fly. His cock strains against his boxer briefs as if it has a life of its own, pushing against the back of my hand with a fierceness that makes me bite on my lower lip in excitement. Fate threw a chance (or shall I say a cock?) like this at me, and I’m not letting it go to waste.

Hooking my fingers on his pants, I push them down his legs as he kicks off his shoes, and then I take a couple of seconds to marvel at the perfect man sitting by my side. If you’ve ever seen him on TV you already know that Danny is handsome and ripped as only a few men can be, but you wouldn’t believe how truly gorgeous he is like this, only in his boxer briefs… I hope I don’t have an aneurysm when I see him completely naked. I’m a bit afraid it might be too much for my innocent little brain to handle. But, oh well, what’s life without risk?