That bitch. I looked over at Jilly who was probably coming to the same conclusion herself.
“Snitches get motherfucking stitches.” Oh shit, Jilly was pissed.
Chapter 11
I saw Damien trying to keep Jilessa in her seat, while she was spitting fire out her eyes at Mary. He whispered something in her ear but whatever it was didn’t work. “Fuck that, that’s not how we roll. And no one is gonna come change up our shit.”
“I think maybe I should leave…” Mary started to get up from her seat.
“That would’ve been an hour ago, see ya.”
“Jilessa...” Damien tried to calm the situation, me, I was keeping all my shit for the home-wrecking bitch. It’s not often I get into it, gotta save up all my energy for her ass.
“You boys can run along now, nothing to see here.” I needed them gone.
“Now young ladies, Travis told us what’s been going on. We all need to keep a cool head here and handle this thing like adults.”
“Coach, when I come into your locker room and tell you how to handle your shit, then we’ll talk. Until then this is between me and my girls.”
“Jane…” I gave Travis the bitch brow and he held up his hands.
“Paulette I would’ve expected better from you.”
“I don’t see why Ron, if you’d done this shit, I would’ve already boiled your nut sac.” There were a lot of spewed drinks after that one. The prim and proper Paulette just took a sip of her martini as her husband looked at her dumbfounded.
"Coach Harper, since he already told you, then you understand my plight right? Great, now here's the deal. I understand he's your best player but it's either him or the cheerleader."
"What do you mean him or her? He signed a contract..."
"Yes but he can't play football if I break both his fucking legs now can he? Whoops, there goes the season."
There was a lot of talk, which I had no interest in, about contracts and workers rights and blah, blah, blah.
They tried to outlast us but we knew just how to get rid of them. As if on cue we all looked at each other. Now Sandy is supposedly the most level headed of us. Or so everyone but the four of us seems to think. So she took point on this one. They’d believe anything the church lady says.
“Come on girls, the stores aren’t going to be open all night let’s go.”
“Oh, you ladies going shopping?” Coach was smiling again.
“Yeah, what did you guys think we were doing? I told you before I left the house remember?” I gave Travis my innocent ditzy look. I can be slick too. We got up and gathered our stuff while our clueless husbands breathed sighs of relief.
They walked us out to our cars and were only too happy to be handing out extra cash. As soon as they cleared the parking lot we headed for Paulette’s truck. It was less conspicuous than the sports cars the rest of us were driving.
Chapter 12
“You got that bitch’s number Jilly?”
“Yeah, one of the other girls gave it up. She also said they don’t like this Tiffany girl. Apparently she’s more interested in fraternizing with the boys than doing her routines, if you know what I mean.”
“But why did she pick my Travis?”
“That’s obvious Janey, he’s top dog.”
“Yeah I guess that makes sense Paulette; but why? I just don’t get it. Why go through all this elaborate fabrication? unless she’s sick.”
“Sick my ass, she’s got bitchitis.” Jilly’s a hot sticky mess.
“Jilly gimme the number.”
“Wait, what are you gonna say?” She pulled up the number and rattled it off while I punched it in.
“I don’t know yet.” I held up my finger for quiet when the phone started ringing.
“Hello whorianna, this is Mrs. Shackelford.”
There was a slight pause before, “How did you get this number?”
“The same way you got mine.”
“What do you want?”
“Oh just a few answers. You didn’t think I was just gonna take your word for it that you were screwing my husband did you?”
“If he said we didn’t he’s lying, we…”
“Calm your drawers there hussy. First off, I want to know when and how this whole thing started.”
“What difference does it make?”
“Call it the wife’s need to know. If I’m gonna walk away from my marriage I need to have good reason now don’t I?”
“If you must know I made the first move, but Travis was all for it, my snuggle bunny was starved for it. Oh and that thing you said this morning wasn’t very nice. We have a great sex life, just because he doesn’t do that thing you said…”