Reading Online Novel

Devil's Prey(7)

He was right, and that peeved the fuck out of me. As the booze began to  do its work, I realized no matter what he told me would reverse the  course of my history or make everything better. There was only one-way  to move on with my life: forward, not looking back and not trying to  change the past. The what ifs would kill me alone.

"True." I swigged from my beer again. "I don't know . . . I just thought-fuck, I don't know what the hell I thought."

"I can see that quite clearly." He whistled for the waitress and ordered  another beer for himself before turning those lethal aquamarine eyes in  my direction. "Your problem is despite all the crap you've been  through, you truly want to believe in fairy tales and happily ever  after. That's not reality by a long shot. What you need to do is get  your head outta your ass and reel that temper of yours in before it gets  you in trouble or worse."

"What could possibly be worse?" I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes petulantly.

"How about getting shot? Or maybe some maniac kidnaps you and tortures  you to death. There are a lot of sick people out there. I admit-what you  went through with Brad and Nel was no walk in the park but their  depravity was basic, primal. You could have been dealt a more horrific  fate than being the sexual plaything of two pedophile bikers." Max  grabbed his beer as soon as the waitress set the mug down and shooed her  away.

"I suppose you're right."

The silence between us was thick but not uncomfortable. Not when we had  the pop-twang of a Taylor Swift song and lots of activity in the diner  among the patrons taking place all around us.

I had to think because the alcohol worked a bit too well and as it  killed off my ability to care, it also robbed me of my sharp skills. I  still paid attention to all the people around me but at the same time,  if I intended to play this new game with Max, I would have to be better  than him. Hell, he was head and shoulders above me in every way there  was to think of but that didn't mean I couldn't adapt and become better.

Men had been trying to best me my whole life but when it came down to  it, I'd inherited both my mother and father's charm along with their  master of manipulation tactics. By the time I'd left the Knights  compound, Brad and Nel were both eating out of the palms of my hands,  more or less. Yes, they'd abused me in more ways than I could count but  even in the end, I was able to make sex work to my benefit. It hadn't  always been painful or invasive. By the second month into my "sexual  education," I enjoyed our acts of depravity just as much-if not  more-than they did.         



Max looked at me and saw a young woman he could easily manipulate. I  looked back at him and saw a man who thought he was the best of the  best. His arrogance, not his lack of skill, would ultimately be his  downfall. Of course, that didn't mean I wouldn't use what I knew about  him to my advantage. I certainly wouldn't be able to call myself a woman  if I didn't.

He'd told me some very shocking secrets over the course of the night and  he had his purpose for doing it. He needed to break me down and soften  me up, so to speak. Bring me down to size and make me understand I  didn't know much of anything about the reasons I was orphaned in the  first place, let alone a damn thing about life. I could respect what he  was trying to do but I also had a role to play and damn it to hell, I  would fulfill it.

I took several swigs from my beer for courage, no where near feeling too  intoxicated to know what I was saying or what I was doing. No matter  what happened, I was in control.

"So . . . you have this wish to bring down Angelo Abandonato. I'm  assuming you're working for men just as savage as he is-if not worse.  What makes him so awful he needs to be wiped out of the picture?" I  wondered in a nonchalant manner, never bothering to meet Max's cold  aquamarine eyes.

"It's not personal. To me, it's just a contract and I want to fulfill it  because I can do what I really want to do with my life afterward. I  will be free and I can pursue a goal I've been meticulously and  carefully planning for a very long time," he responded in a deep,  honey-tinged voice.

There was absolutely no malice in his words. He didn't give a damn about  his employers or the Abandonato Mafia in particular. Hell, he wasn't  even some bleeding heart do-gooder. It all came down to the money and  how much he would be paid. I could respect a man like that who could  separate the value of human life from the intangibility of it all and  use a price tag to decide how much a certain person was worth.

"What if Angelo tries to bargain with you?" My eyes met his, slowly,  drawing out the feeling of our somewhat brief connection. "After all, he  is a businessman and if his assassination isn't personal to you then he  will try to negotiate."

Max shrugged, the spark of lust in his eyes for me disappearing within  the blink of those mesmerizing ocean-blue eyes. "I thought about that  but at the end of the day, I might be a contract killer but I am a man  of honor. I keep my word. There's not enough money in the world for  Abandonato to buy me off. I plan to take him out and I will do just  that."

"Ah . . . and here I was thinking there was no such thing as honor among  thieves," I teased before I finished my beer. "What's the role I'm  supposed to play in this sick charade you have planned? You say you're  one of the best at your job so why do you need me at all?"

He chuckled out loud. "Simple, you're my way in. We act like we're  engaged to one another and you would like to get to know your family.  We'll make up a suitable abduction story but we must keep the Knights  out of it. Angelo will be delighted with your return into his life and  welcome you into the family with open arms if we play our cards right."

"And you're foolish enough to believe he won't question my motivations at all?"

"Of course he will. However, I am sure you are a consummate enough  actress to convince him otherwise. Or am I wrong about the skills you've  honed over the years?"

I shook my head. "Not at all. However . . . I won't give you the answer  you want right now. I'd like to think on it to be honest. I'm not  exactly sure what's in store for the rest of my life but I don't want  this to be it. Brad might have granted me freedom but I will not live  the rest of my life on the run."

"Fair enough," Max replied before he lifted his fork and knife. "I  suggest you eat some of your food to soak up that alcohol. I didn't plan  to stop again except for gas and bathroom breaks until we reach Reno."

"Oh? Is that where we're making a pit stop?"

"I have some business to take of there. I'll be in the Tri-Cities area  for a while so you have plenty of time to think about my proposition and  what you want to do with the rest of your life. Please inform me as  soon as possible whether you intend on us being partners or if I have to  revise my strategy and assassinate Angelo Abandonato alone."

I ate part of my burger and half of the French fries before I set my  food aside. No matter what I decided to do, I knew it would be a very  hard decision to make.




We arrived in the city of Reno in the early morning hours the following  day. The sun had just barely risen in the east and the city looked like a  well-used and seasoned call girl-although still somewhat attractive,  the thrill and sparkle was gone. Reno had always been the redheaded  stepchild to Vegas and upon entering the city, any person with a  reasonable IQ could understand why.

The hotels were tall and grand but nothing like it's sister-city in the  southern part of the state. The only part of the Tri-Cities area that  could even begin to compare to Las Vegas was Lake Tahoe and the gorgeous  hotels, resorts and casinos that existed there. If it weren't for that  swanky part of the area, I would have found it hard to believe the city  would be able to stay in business at all.

During the drive up north, I'd done more than my fair share of thinking.  There was a certain sense of injustice I couldn't separate from my  present situation. Hadn't my family suffered enough? It was true, as far  as I knew, Angelo had made a half-ditch effort-at best-to find me but  the initial problem lay in the fact that I couldn't trust Max.

It wouldn't behoove him to give me the truth, the whole truth and  nothing but the truth. That wouldn't feed my fragile ego and make me  want to exact revenge against a man who was of blood relation to my  mother . . . and to me. We were second cousins after all. However,  whether I intended to go through what seemed to be a hackneyed plan Max  had put together, I couldn't turn my back and simply walk away. Living  my life as if this sexy yet downright infuriating man hadn't entered it  wasn't a possibility at all. This wasn't my hormones talking, just good  old fashioned common sense.

If I was at least involved with the actual conspiracy to make my uncle  "sleep with the fishes," I could at least warn him about the potential  plot on his life. Although my betrayal might look downright dire, and  could in fact cost me my life-if not at the hands of Angelo then all but  guaranteed by a bullet to the brain administered by Max-I decided it  was worth it.