“I’m happy to support any cooking challenges you wish to undertake in this house. I’ll even provide chopping services and clean up after you. You can call me Alice.”
“Why Alice?”
“She was the maid on Brady Bunch.”
“Oh. Well, I have to get more of my stuff first.”
“Yes,” said Kiki, standing up, going back into the kitchen and coming out with a pad of paper and a pencil. “Our to-do list for the day.”
Aimee held out her hand and Kiki passed it to her. She took a sip of her tea while she read the items off. “Get ready to go out. Get Aimee’s stuff. Move Aimee’s stuff in. Eat lunch. Meet with Elizabeth. Make business plans. Eat dinner. Party.” Aimee looked up. “I like everything but the last one. My headache is pounding too hard to even consider another glass of wine.”
“It’ll go away. You just need to hydrate. And maybe stick to something other than white wine. You were knocked on your ass last night.”
“I know, I’m like a total lightweight or something. But in my own defense, I really hadn’t eaten all day before I met you guys.”
“Well, that’ll do it. Why didn’t you eat?”
“I don’t know. First I was too depressed; then I got the email about going out and I was too excited.”
“Well, as you can see, I’ve scheduled meals in there, so you’ll be better tonight, hopefully. Not that I don’t enjoy seeing you have a good time. It’s pretty decent entertainment.”
“Ha, ha.”
“What are you going to say to him when he calls?”
“Who? Jack?” asked Aimee, confused about the change in topic.
“No, Joe.”
“Oh. Shoot. I forgot about him,” said Aimee putting her hand to her forehead. “What did I say to him last night? The memories are kind of faint ... is the reality as bad as I’m remembering it?”
Kiki laughed. “No. It wasn’t bad. It was cute. I think he fell in love with you a little last night.”
“You’re kidding,” said Aimee, totally not believing a word Kiki was saying, sure that she was just being nice to spare her feelings. She was pretty certain she’d made a fool of herself – probably slurred her words and everything.
“Serious. I promise.” Kiki held up her hand, pledging her honesty.
“Well, if he calls, I have no idea what I’ll say. I’m just going to have to wing it. And pray that Jack doesn’t find out about him.”
“Jack has nothing to do with this,” said Kiki. “You don’t need his permission to have a life of your own.”
“I know, I know. I’m not saying that. I just ... I want to avoid making him mad, because lately, he’s seemed a little unhinged. He never used to get physical with me, but the last few times he’s been over, especially when he sees me being more confident or happy, he gets crazy.”
“He realizes he’s losing control of you.”
“I don’t know. Maybe that’s it.”
“Guys like him ... control freaks ... they can’t handle it when someone they’ve mind-fucked for years goes off the range like that. It makes them question everything they thought they knew about themselves and you ... ”
“You sound like you speak from experience,” said Aimee, softly.
“When you work at places where I’ve worked, you start to see patterns. Your ex is like the pimps I’ve known – guys who have hurt friends of mine. Some girls even end up dead when guys like that lose it.”
“That’s awful,” said Aimee, truly horrified that this kind of thing happened and that Kiki had actually seen it. “You mean, it could have happened to you?”
“Well, I never hooked, but it’s why I’m out of that business and currently seeking other opportunities. After a dancer gets older, there’s not a lot in the same field other than selling your body. And this body ain’t for sale at any price.” She stood up. “Now hurry and finish your breakfast. We have a schedule to follow.”
“Bossy much?” Aimee asked, smiling.
“More like enthusiastic and excited. And I want to get you moved in so you can get away from Jack for good. He worries me.”
“Me too,” said Aimee, gulping down the rest of her hot tea and wincing at the sharp scalding, taking another quick bite of her croissant to ease the pain. Now she was as motivated as she needed to be to follow Kiki’s list. Getting away from Jack for good was the best idea she’d heard in months. Maybe even years. She couldn’t wait to say goodbye to that house for the last time. All it held for her now was bad memories. She was ready to move on and never look back.