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Den of Sorrows (The Grey Wolves #9)(38)

By:Sara Grey

He chuckled. "Yes, I'm sure you'd hate that."
"I love you too by the way," she told him, responding to his earlier comment.
Decebel smacked her on her backside just before stepping away. "Behave, female. At least until I return for you."
"I make no promises, fur ball."
Fane placed his hand on his mate’s stomach. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem tense."
Jacque laughed. "Really? I don’t know why I'd be tense. It's not like we found a dormant teenage girl locked in a cage that caused Drake to lose him mind and bite her on the neck."
Fane tapped her on the nose. "There's no need to be smart. I’m just worried about you."
She rose up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. Fane pulled her close, needing to feel her against him, needing to know she was alright.
"I'm fine. You go fight. Come back with your shield or on it and all that jazz."
Fane chuckled. "You and Jennifer watching 300 again?"
"You know how Jen feels about men fighting in capes and Speedos," she teased.
"Take care of yourself and our child. I love you." Fane pressed his forehead to hers and took in a deep breath. He savored her, allowing her touch and scent to comfort the wolf who was demanding to stay with her. Fane knew they had to fight, and they couldn't do that if Jacque was in the middle of the battle.
"I love you back, wolf man."
Costin was pacing the suite he shared with his mate. Titus had fallen asleep watching a cartoon and that had left Costin with his thoughts, and only his thoughts, because his mate was not sharing hers.
He froze midstep and let out a relieved sigh. "Brown eyes."
"Just wanted to check in with you."
"Why'd you close the bond, Sally mine?"
"I don’t want to argue," she said in the small voice that always wanted to make him slay dragons for her.
"Fine, we'll argue when you get back and I can spank you."
She laughed and he soaked up the sound.
"The group is about to confront the vampires here in Phoenix. Jen, Jacque, and I are going to be safely tucked away from the fight. I thought you'd like to know that. How is Titus?"
Costin loved the way she tried to skip over the whole vampire slaughter that was about to happen by trying to distract him with their son."He's sleeping. We've played every game I could find. We’ve read every childrens’ book Jen and Decebel have and played with Thia until she crashed. He's smart, Sally. He's going to be a cunning wolf."
"With you as his dad, I've no doubt." She paused and he could tell she was distracted.
"Everything okay?"
"Yes, it’s just that they're about to go and Jen and Jacque are looking worried. I'm going to see if I can distract them. Love you, kay?"
"I love you, Sally. Be safe. Come back to us."
The bond narrowed, though it didn't close completely. She left her end open just enough that he could feel her, but not really pick up on any of her thoughts or emotions. Costin ran his hands through his hair, uncaring how mussed it was becoming. He was here, and his mate was there—with vampires. He couldn't protect her and something in his gut was screaming at him that she was desperately going to need protection.
Chapter 16
"How much more can really go wrong? There, I asked it. Now I will sit back and wait for the sky to open, the earth to crack, and aliens to invade. I'm planning for the absolute worst case scenario. That way, whatever happens will seem so much better than the alternative." ~Peri
Sincaro stared at the one standing before him. He couldn't decide if it was brave, or incredibly stupid.
"You can either join us,” it said, “or wait until your entire race is wiped out. Then the ones left will be loyal to the Order."
The vampire king considered the invitation, if that's what it truly was. He'd heard of the organization a very long time ago, but he’d never thought it actually existed. "What's in it for me and my kind?"
"Freedom. You live in the bowls of the city like rats. You are a king of your race, are you not? Do you really belong down here in the sewer? Join us and you will be a part of a revolution. The revolution will happen with or without you. The pieces are falling into place. We only need a couple more key players."
"And those would be?"
"Secret. But one of them is here now intent on destroying your people, without her mate,” the figure said. “Keep the group busy long enough for her to be taken in the chaos. After that we don't care what you do with the others. When the time is right, we will be in touch again."
After a few moments of deliberation, Sincaro decided that no harm would come in at least entertaining the offer. He would see if this Order would indeed deliver. "Fine. I will wait to hear from you."
"One more thing, as a show of good faith, I will share this info with you. If you don't want to lose the majority of your vampires in Canada, I suggest you have them get moving, now." 
Sincaros eyes narrowed. "Why?"
"Thalion, prince of the elves, is leading an army out of his realm with the sole mission of destroying the covens in Canada."
Sincaro’s gaze bore into the spot where his guest had just been. Then he picked up the phone and dialed Caine’s number.
"Get everyone out. Use the underground tunnels. Use the forests at night. The elves are coming, if they aren't already there."
"Elves?” the younger vampire responded. “I thought the elves didn't involve themselves in the business of other supernaturals.”
"Apparently, they've changed their stance."
Peri followed the wolves and the warlock king up through the tunnels. Alston was bringing up the rear. Nissa still hadn't returned from Jeff Stone's pack and she was beginning to wonder if something had happened to the high fae. Cyn was helping Thalion eradicate the vampires in Canada, or at least she hoped that was what was happening. Peri had a strange feeling in her gut. Something just didn’t feel right, but she couldn’t pinpoint the reason for her anxiety. As they moved through the tunnels, searching for their enemy, she felt as though something important was eluding her.
She heard the vampires before she saw them. She pushed away the feelings that were quickly threatening to suffocate her. She needed to be able to fight with a clear head. She'd worry about this new mystery anxiety after wiping Sincaro and his vermin from the earth.
One minute they were running through tunnels and the next they were being herded. Vampires seemed to be crawling out of the crevices of the walls coming at them from all directions. Who knew they could move like that? Peri watched in horrid fascination as they came crawling down the sides of the walls and ceiling of the tunnel like cockroaches. They hissed and began dropping to the ground and that’s when all hell broke loose.
Peri held out her hand and a silver short sword appeared. It had been a long time since she'd used the weapon, and she'd honestly hoped she'd never have to use it again. Apparently, when you are an immortal being, such things are too much to ask. Epic battles between good and evil seem to happen every so often. You just can’t sit on the sidelines; then you’d miss all the fun. The high fae swung the blade and it became an extension of her will. Every vampire that came within reach of her lost its head. She thrust a bit of her power into the blade with each swing. After all, what good was having vast powers of light if you couldn’t use it to decapitate a few vampires?
Peri heard Alina snarl and watched as the she-wolf held up a vampire by its throat with one hand and then punch her clawed other hand into the thing’s chest cavity. Bitch was bad ass. The Alpha female turned and met Peri's eyes. Blood was splattered across her cheek and her eyes were glowing. She looked like a supernatural warrior. Peri bowed her head slightly to her. Alina returned the gesture and then turned just as a female vampire leapt at her.
Peri turned her attention back to her own battle as more and more vampires came at them.
"Where are they coming from?" Cypher yelled as he cut down two vamps at once with the huge blade he wielded.
Peri didn't have an answer for the warlock king. All she could do was continue to fight and hope that, at some point, Sincaro would run out of warriors.
“So you’re a werewolf?” Bethany asked, still a little skeptical despite having heard the woman called Peri tell her this and then disappear before her very eyes.
The wolf paced in the cage, stopping every now and then to look at her. Then he would huff as though it was her fault he was locked in a cage, and he would continue pacing.Every time he stopped to stare at her, Bethany wanted to fidget under his intense gaze but she refused to be intimidated. She'd spent eleven years of her life afraid; she wouldn't live like that anymore.
"You never have to fear me. I would never hurt you. I only want to keep you safe, and if it's in my power to do so, keep you happy."
Her breath froze in her lungs. Okay, so now she was afraid. The voice was in her head again. And the wolf had been looking right at her when she heard it.
"Are you talking to me in my mind?" she asked him as she pressed herself back against the wall as if it could absorb her body.
"Yes. All true mates can speak through their bond. You can speak to me mentally, if you want."
"I think I'll just…keep talking to you like this," she pointed to her mouth as if he wouldn't understand without the motion.