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Den of Sorrows (The Grey Wolves #9)(30)

"Mina," Vasile said softly, "she has to go home."
"She's one of us. She should be raised with her own kind," Alina challenged her Alpha.
"She's also human," he pointed out. "She misses her family."
"We could be her family," Alina said tenderly as she looked down at the little girl who'd fallen asleep in her arms. "She would be safe with us."
"It would not be right, mate, and you know it," Vasile said, meeting her eyes and holding her gaze. "Please, give the child to Perizada."
A tear ran down Alina’s stricken face as she finally relented. Peri reached out and took the small bundle. "Any child would be blessed to have you as their mother, Alina," the fae told her. "But this one is not meant for you."
Alina nodded but didn't say anything. Peri flashed and, as with the earlier child they’d rescued, she altered the girl’s memories and left her on her parent’s doorstep.
When it was finished she returned to the group and froze at what she saw.
"How many more?" Thalion asked Cyn as they stood just outside headquarters of the Colorado pack.Cyn thought it was odd to have Thalion, the prince of the Elvin race, standing there in Colorado. Maybe it was because she'd never seen him anywhere but his own realm or the forest in Romania.
"I do not think Perizada knows the exact number," Cyn admitted.
His face was hard as he looked down at her. She knew he couldn't stand for her to be in danger, but she was a fae warrior and had been for a very, very long time.
"Have they addressed the vampires in the region called Canada?" he asked her.
Cyn shook her head. "We're stretched thin. And even though we have some of the high fae helping, minus Dane and Gwen, our people are still resistant to get involved in any matters outside of the fae realm."
"What of the warlocks?" Thalion's brow deepened as he watched her. She hadn't been exactly forthcoming on just how little help they had.
"Cypher is helping."
"With his own warriors?"
Cyn shook her head. "Just the warlock king."
Thalion cursed under his breath. "So there are what, two dozen or so wolves, fae, and a warlock taking on the entire vampire race?"
Cyn realized just how ridiculous it sounded when he put it like that. After several moments of him simply glaring at her, he sighed and pulled her into his embrace. Ever since she'd agreed to see where their relationship could go, he'd been much touchier.
He leaned his head down so that his mouth was next to her ear. "Report to Perizada that I will lead my warriors through Canada. We will deal with the vampires there."
"What about the dormants?"
His lips turned up. "I guess I will need a fae to join us, just for that reason."
"So I should let Peri know to send Alston to help you?"
Thalion squeezed her waist with his hands. "Don’t you dare—"
Cyn stood on her toes and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. "I will return." She flashed, nearly laughing at his annoyed face. He hated when she flashed straight out of his arms. It was a skill Peri had taught her long ago. It was a useful skill. If ever an enemy attempted to latch onto her while she was trying to flash free, she wouldn't have the burden of an uninvited passenger. Cyn hadn't realized at the time how handy the skill would be, nor had she known that she'd feel so comfortable with someone that she would want to be playful. Thalion brought out a side of her that she didn't know existed. He had showed her that there was more to life than just being a warrior. And honestly, it scared her.
She linked briefly with Peri's mind to determine her location and then appeared next to the high fae. Cyn started to speak but realized Peri was staring—no she was glaring daggers at someone. Cyn turned and followed Peri's line of sight. Her body tensed. It was then that she heard the low rumblings of the warning growls coming from all of the males around them. 
"What happened?" she asked very, very softly.
"I leave for five damn minutes and this is what I came back to. I don't know how many times I have to tell those girls to stay out of trouble."
Cyn shook her head. "I don't think this was Jacque's fault, Peri."
"Maybe not, but I'm too pissed to care."
“Are you going to do anything?” asked Cyn.
Peri shook her head. “Not yet. He claims he has something to say. So I’m attempting to be diplomatic and listen. Just an FYI, Cyn, diplomacy sucks.”
Fane was going to phase. There was no way he could hold the wolf back, not while his mate was in the hands of a filthy vampire.
"Give her to me," Fane snarled for what felt like the fiftieth time.
The vampire had Jacque pulled tight against him with her back to his chest. His mouth was entirely too close to her jugular. One hand was holding her neck, the other was resting on her stomach.
"First, listen carefully to my words. Then give me your word that when I release her, you will let me leave," the vampire said as his eyes bounced around trying to figure out who exactly was the leader of this group.
"She is my mate. It is my word you need and you have it. Speak what it is you have to say and then release her." Fane was shaking with rage.
"I'm fine, Fane," his mate attempted to soothe him.
"You are in the grip of a murderer. How exactly does that make you fine?" he bit back.
"I meant he isn't hurting me, you butt head," she growled back.
Fane couldn't talk to her and focus on the man who was holding Jacque’s life in his hands at the same time. He needed to be ready to lunge as soon as Jacque was released. There was no way in hell he would let the vamp live not just for being what he was but because he'd touched and threatened his mate.
"Sincaro has a message," the vampire spoke up. "He wishes you to come to Phoenix, to dine with him. He invites you as guests."
Peri laughed. "How generous of him. Is he getting nervous?"
The vamp didn't seem to know how to respond to that. "He said to stop killing his vampires and he would negotiate with you regarding the prey he's been collecting."
When he just stood there not saying anything more, Fane took another step forward. "You've said what you needed to. Now. Give. Me. My. Mate." Fane felt his teeth elongating as his wolf pushed harder.
"Now would be a good time to let me go," Jacque suggested.
"I'm letting her go," the vamp warned. "You gave me your word that I could leave."
Fane wasn't sure why the vampire was reminding him of something that happened only five minutes before. He wasn't sure why the male was still speaking and not releasing his mate.
Fane caught Decebel’s eye and the Alpha gave him a subtle nod. He knew Fane’s intent and he had the younger wolf’s back.
The vampire shoved Jacque forward, hard, which Fane had guessed he might do in an attempt to give himself time to get away. Decebel lunged forward and caught Jacquelyn. Knowing his mate was safe gave Fane the ability to pursue her attacker. He heard Peri's voice yelling at him to catch the vamp before it reached the road. They were running through a wooded area that divided up two busy interstates. Fane knew that if Peri wanted him to catch the man before he reached the road, then it meant that her glamour, or whatever it was she was doing to shield them from the humans, ended there.
Fane’s wolf didn't care who saw them. He would take down his prey regardless of who was watching. The vampire had put his hands on his mate—his pregnant mate. The thought of his pregnant mate caused a fresh wave of rage to course through him, urging him to run harder. He jumped as hard as he could, phasing in the air. Fully transformed into his wolf’s form, Fane landed on the vampire’s back. The wolf sunk his teeth into the neck and shook until he heard it snap. He then rolled the man over with his muzzle and was just about to tear into the monster’s chest with his teeth and claws in order to get to his heart, but he froze at the sound of Jacquelyn's voice."Fane, stop."
Fane turned his head slowly to find her standing only a few feet away. Peri stood directly next to her. He pulled his lips back and showed her his teeth. It was his kill, his prey, and he would finish it.
"No, Fane. Please, come here," she pleaded with him.
"I will finish it, Fane," Peri told him. She didn't meet his gaze; she wasn’t challenging him. "Tend to your mate. If you recall, she was just in the hands of a sadistic vampire. Perhaps, she would like to be in the hands of her mate now."
Fane looked from Peri to his mate. Jacquelyn was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. She was anxious. He opened the bond wider and felt her worry, fear, and love flow through him. She did need him. She needed him to hold her more than she needed him to rip the heart from her attacker.
Fane looked down at his prey. With a final snarl, he turned and headed for his female. He began to phase, and when Jacquelyn realized what he was doing, she looked over at Peri.
"Little help please," Jacque pleaded.
Peri chuckled but waved her hand so that by the time Fane was standing back in his human form he had a pair of jeans on. One more flick and a shirt appeared in his hands. Fane haphazardly shoved the shirt over his head as he moved closer to Jacquelyn.
"Are you alright?" he asked as he tried to move to touch her. But he didn't realize that he didn't even have his arms through the shirt sleeves.
She laughed and the sound made him want to move mountains for her. "Here." She reached out to help him get the damn shirt on. Her fingertips slid over his skin and Fane felt his wolf calm at the touch.