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Den of Sorrows (The Grey Wolves #9)(21)

Her two best friends snorted out laughter but quickly covered it when Decebel shot them menacing looks. Vasile cleared his throat. “Decebel, you keep your team up here. Alston will shield you from any humans that wander by. If we need assistance, Peri will flash out here and let you all know. Any questions?” 
The group shook their heads.
“Let’s go,” Vasile rumbled as he made his way to the manhole cover.
Peri motioned her hands over the cover and it slowly slid open. Vasile was the first to jump down into the dark hole. Alina followed, then Cypher, Nissa, and Costin.
Just as Sally was about to step into the opening, no doubt trusting her mate to catch her, Jen called her name. “No heroics,” Jen said evenly.
Sally’s lips tightened and she nodded. “You either.”
Sally blinked several times, attempting to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She was acutely aware of the others staring at her, waiting until she was ready. They, of course, with their supernatural selves, didn’t have any problem seeing in the near dark.
“You good, brown eyes?” Costin asked her as he took her hand.
Sally nodded. “Just wasn’t expecting it to be so dark.”
“Nissa and I will give a hand with that,” Peri said as she whispered under her breath and held out her hand. Nissa did the same thing and both fae women released glowing orbs into the air. They lit up the area around them and at least fifteen feet in all directions.
“I will take the lead,” Vasile spoke up. “Cypher you take the rear.”
They moved into a single file line. Costin gently tugged Sally behind him. He turned his head to look at her as they continued forward. “Stay close to me.”
Sally glanced down just as a rat scurried in front of her. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she told her mate as she moved closer to him.
The group was quiet as they followed the tunnel. Every fifty or so feet they would stop and Vasile, Alina, and Costin would all suck in deep breaths through their noses. She understood what they were sniffing for—blood. As they continued on, Sally noticed that the deeper they went, the heavier she felt. As though with every step she took, a brick of despair was being set upon her shoulders. Her heartbeat increased and her hands began to shake. Sweat trickled down her back despite the fact that it was cool underground.
“You okay?” Costin’s voice filled her mind and for a brief second his presence chased away the heavy feeling, but then it was back.
“I don’t know what it is, but there’s just so much sorrow down here.”
He reached back and grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
After ten more minutes of walking, Vasile held up his hand, stopping everyone in their tracks. “Do you smell it?” he asked turning to look at his mate and then to Costin.
Costin nodded. His jaw was clenched tight and his eyes had begun to glow.
“What is it?” Sally asked him, using their bond.
“Blood.” She heard the hesitation in his voice. There was more but he didn’t want to tell her.
“It’s young.”
Sally swallowed back the bile that rose up in her throat. She’d known that they were targeting children, but to be this close to it was completely different than standing in Vasile’s office being told about it. The misery that had begun filling her continued to expand, and she was sure it was going to choke her.
“How much further?” Peri asked Vasile.
“A couple hundred yards.” Vasile turned to his mate. “You stay next to Sally.” Alina didn’t argue.
They continued forward and, after walking for a few more minutes, Peri extinguished the glowing orbs. Sally held onto Alina so she didn’t stumble in the blackness. They weren’t left in the darkness for long.
Sally could see light ahead of them coming through an arched doorway. They stopped only feet from it. Costin turned to her and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Stay with Alina.”“I thought you told me to stay with you,” she challenged, not wanting him to leave her.
Costin grinned, his dimple making an appearance. “And suddenly you have the urge to do what I tell you?”
No, not really, Sally thought to herself. She just didn’t want to be down here without him next to her.
“I love you, Sally mine. Please stay with Alina so that I know you’re safe.” He kissed her forehead.
“I love you too,” she told him and then watched as he followed Vasile, Cypher, and Nissa into the lit doorway. Alina took her hand and pulled her to the side of the tunnel, close to the door but not close enough that she could see anything.
“This isn’t a big coven, Sally,” Alina told her. “They will be fine.”
She tried to be reassured by Alina’s words, but then the screaming started. Sally felt her blood run cold as the sounds of snarls joined the screams and then her mate slammed the bond between them closed.
She lunged forward, attempting to get to the doorway, to get to Costin. But Alina was much faster and stronger. The Alpha female wrapped her arms around the healer and pulled her tightly against her. Sally felt the tears streaming down her face as the screams continued. She didn’t know why she was crying. Perhaps, it was because of the utter despair she could feel radiating from the room, or maybe it was because she knew that they weren’t just under the city of Little Rock. They were in a graveyard. But this wasn’t a normal graveyard where people could come visit their loved ones who had peacefully passed on. This was a graveyard for lost souls. It was a graveyard for those who had been ripped from their own happy lives, had their blood drained from their bodies, and then been tossed aside like a discarded empty bottle.
Tears continued to stream down her face as Alina attempted to hold her together. Sally was pretty sure that if she let her go she would fall to the floor in a thousand pieces.
“It’s almost over,” Alina whispered into her hair. “Hang on a little longer.”
Costin bit back the snarl as they entered the underground lair. Like fat lazy cats, vampires lay sprawled across Victorian couches and chintz armchairs that were spread throughout the room. Some of them had bloodstains on their clothes, some on their faces. All of them disgusted him.
“What’s wrong with them?” Nissa whispered.
Peri’s lip curled. “Blood coma. They’re in a stupor from gorging themselves. Like overstuffed ticks, they can’t move because of the amount of blood they’ve ingested.”
“That’s just gross,” the other fae responded.
“They’re vampires,” Peri said dryly. “What part of this did you think wouldn’t be gross?” 
Nissa simply shrugged.
Suddenly there was an earsplitting scream and Costin, along with the others, turned in the direction of a tunnel that broke off to the right. He lowered himself into a crouch, as did the others, ready for battle.
The screaming continued as suddenly five shrieking vampires came barreling out of the tunnel. Costin didn’t wait for them to get close. He phased his hands to claws and allowed his canines to lengthen and then lunged forward, closing the mate bond at the same time. Snarls joined the screams as body after body fell at his feet. He no longer cared if his enemy was on their feet attacking him or lying in their overfed induced stupor; he killed indiscriminately. The whole thing couldn’t have taken longer than ten minutes.
Costin stood, panting as he turned in a circle to see his other three comrades standing and staring at the carnage before them. They were all soaked in blood, though it seemed that he and Vasile sported more than the two fae females.
“Everyone okay?” Vasile asked.
Costin nodded.
“Peri, you and Nissa check that tunnel and make sure that there aren’t more laying in wait. Costin and I will search for any survivors.” Vasile motioned for Costin to follow him and they took off down the third tunnel opening. After searching for half an hour and coming up empty, they headed back to the main room.
Costin’s feet froze as he crossed the threshold to the chamber. Peri and Nissa where both kneeling on the floor in the center of a circle of small bodies. Both females’ faces were tight with emotion, but neither shed a tear as they whispered their magic over the bodies and cleaned the blood from their skin, erasing all traces of the horrific death they’d been dealt.
“What are they going to do with them?” Costin asked Vasile in a low voice so not to disturb the fae’s work.
“They’re going to move them to a different location and give the police an anonymous tip. Unfortunately, the parents won’t ever know what really happened to their children, but at least they will have some closure.”
As soon as Vasile stopped speaking, the two fae began disappearing and reappearing, each time taking another child with them until there were none left.
“Well, one coven down, and undeterminable number left to go,” Peri said as she ran a hand down the front of her. The clothes that had just been a bloody mess were suddenly spot free.
Nissa did the same thing and then the two fae motioned toward Costin and Vasile and gave them the same treatment.
Peri and Vasile began talking about how to completely burn the remains of the coven and Costin turned to head back to the doorway where he’d left his mate. He began to open the bond and as soon as he did her fear, doubts, and pain rushed into him like a tidal wave stealing his breath.