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By:Stylo Fantome

"How could you!? How could you!? You must really fucking hate me, Kane!"  she shouted at him. His hand came down over her mouth, clamping it  shut.

"Calm. Down. Take a deep breath. It's not that bad. This was going to  happen some day, I just sped up the process," he said. She shook her  head and cursed at him from behind his hand. He pressed down harder.  "Shut the fuck up and calm down. You made me go to that ridiculous  dinner. You kissed Sanders in front of me. You kissed Angier in front of  me. You owe me."

She forced herself to go still, and he finally removed his hand. She  breathed heavily, staring up at him. He was very close to her, his hair  messy and hanging over his forehead. One, long, red, scratch mark went  from under his ear to just under his jaw. Not too noticeable. Pity. She  took a deep breath.         



"This wasn't about you, you had no right to do this. I'm nothing to you,  why would you do this?" she whispered. He frowned at her.

"You are not nothing to me," Jameson replied. She shook her head.

"You're always telling me I'm nothing. Reminding me, over and over  again. Nothing, nothing, nothing. You're the devil," she said, moving  her eyes away from his to stare at the roof of the car. She could feel  tears at the back of her throat and she didn't want him to have the  satisfaction of seeing her cry.

"I will fully admit to being the devil, but I have never said you're  nothing. Look, if you can't do this, if you can't handle this, we will  go right back to the airport and I will take you home. You never have to  talk to me again. Just say the words. Admit you can't handle this," he  told her. She took a deep, shuddering breath.

"Move," she snapped, and he got off of her. Pulled her onto the seat next to him.

She fixed her hair. Dug out a mirror and fixed her lipstick, which had  smeared all over her chin. She straightened out her dress, pulled the  stockings back in to place, fidgeted with the jewelry. Jameson reached  out and tried to place a hand over her own, but she pulled away from his  touch as if he burned her, refusing to even look at him.

"Tate, we -," he started, but she shook her head. The car was pulling up  in front of a large, colonial style home. Not unlike Jameson's home in  Weston, though this one was on a much grander scale. More pillars, more  bricks, more rooms. She knew it had more rooms, because she had been in  it many times. She took a deep breath.

"You'll never win, Kane. So how are we doing this? Is there an  explanation, a back story? Are you my boyfriend? Am I your paid whore?"  Tate asked.

"We ran in to each other in Boston. We're friends," he said in a slow voice. She cackled.

"Friends. We have never been friends, Jameson," she snapped, listening  as Sanders got out of the driver's seat. Talked with someone who had  come out the front door. Jameson put a finger under her chin and pulled  her gaze to him. He looked angry.

"Baby girl, I might just be the best friend you've ever had," he told  her. She smiled sweetly at him at the same time Sanders pulled her door  open.

"You better start smiling, Jameson. You know how my family loves a happy  face," she whispered, and then took Sanders' hand, allowing him to pull  her out of the car.

Her mother, sister, and some guy she didn't recognize, all stood on the  porch of the house she had grown up in, the house she had been living in  when she had first met Jameson; the house she hadn't been back to in  seven years. She took a deep breath.

Show time.


Her mother actually cried. Like real tears, not drunk ones. Hugged her.  Gushed over how beautiful Tatum was, how amazing she looked. Tate  managed a smile, but she had a feeling that it looked more like a smirk,  as that long ago phone call played through her mind. Her own mother,  calling her a worthless whore, a good for nothing, a home wrecker.  Telling her own daughter that she wasn't allowed to come home, ever  again.

"Ever again" apparently only lasts seven years.

The mystery man turned out to be Ellie's husband. He was tall,  dirty-blonde, and handsome. He smiled a lot and stared at Tate's chest  the whole time, even though there wasn't even a hint of cleavage  showing. Asshole rolled off of him and Tate moved away quickly.

She had often wondered what meeting up with her sister would be like;  would she be forgiving? Would she be angry? She wasn't necessarily  either, she was just the same, old, hateful Ellie. Like no time had  passed. Scowling at Tate like she was a nuisance, an interruption. Like  she was lesser than. And when Jameson came down the line, shook Ellie's  hand while standing what could probably be considered too-close to  Tatum, Ellie's eyes looked downright murderous. Tate could read her  thoughts, "you stole this from me, he was mine, and you ripped it all  away."

Funny that everyone had gotten so angry at her, but no one had seemed to care about Jameson's part in it all.

They all went inside and she was told that her father was out of town,  but he would be back the next day. Her mother claimed that he was  "looking forward" to seeing Tate, but the woman could barely get the  words out through her painted on smile. Tate just nodded, following  everyone in to the kitchen.

Wine was poured and stories told. Jameson had called Mrs. Blanche O'Shea  a couple days ago, explained how he had run in to Tate, how they had  developed a friendship of sorts. He just wanted to help, could he bring  Tatum down for a visit? Tate's mom had been all over that idea, and got  even more excited when he had invited himself along, as well. They were  placed in rooms across from each other, neither of them Tate's old  bedroom. That room had long ago been broken down and turned in to a  spare office.         



Ellie's husband, Robert, talked non-stop. How he had heard so much about  Tate, but he had no idea that she was so good looking. Mrs. O'Shea only  made beautiful children, it seemed. Most of his speeches were made to  her chest, and at one point she caught Jameson scowling at them, so she  indulged Robert. Arched her back, stretched her arms, leaned in to him.  Made a big show of letting her hair down, shaking it out so it was wild  and messy  –  a person fave of Jameson's, she knew.

Ha, choke on it, Satan.

Ellie didn't even notice, she was so busy kissing Jameson's ass  –  Tate  was just waiting for her to get down on her knees and make an offer to  suck him off, right in front of everyone. It was ridiculous. In between  flirting with Jameson, Ellie threw poison darts with her eyes at Tatum,  who just rolled her own eyes and drank a little more. Finally, as if  awkward small talk wasn't bad enough, they all sat down to dinner.

"So where do you live in Boston, honey?" her mother asked.

"North Dorchester," Tate answered.

"Oh wow, you must be a tough little thing," Robert laughed. Tate laughed as well, winking at him.

"You have no idea," she teased.

"Tate's never had a problem getting down and dirty, have you?" Ellie  snapped, sipping at her water. She was two months pregnant, and it was  obvious by the way she eye balled the wine that sobriety was difficult  for her.

"Oh never. In fact, I absolutely love it," Tate drew out the words. Jameson cleared his throat.

"Tate has been working for me," he offered up. The whole table went  silent and stared at him. Tate wondered how truthful he would be.

"Oh? Doing what?" Ellie asked in a cool voice.

"Oh, just some work here and there, around my house. Making the place  brighter, you could say. In exchange, I have been setting her up with a  retirement account," he explained, his eyes locked onto Tate's. She  laughed at him.

"Making the place brighter - it's was I live to do, Mr. Kane," she replied in a husky voice.

"Well, you are very good at it."

Her mother interrupted then, not drunk enough  –  yet  –  to let the  innuendos go over her head. Dessert was brought out and they ate mostly  in silence, then retired to a drawing room. Mrs. O'Shea didn't last much  longer before heading off to bed. Tate followed her to the stairs and  gave her a hug goodnight. When she turned around, Ellie was behind her.

"I know what you're doing," she snapped. Tate sighed. She was so tired.

"What am I doing, Ellie?" Tate asked.

"You stole Jameson from me. He was going to propose, and you ruined it  all. Now that Robert and I are about to have a baby, you want to steal  him from me, too," Ellie replied, rubbing her hand over her belly. Tate  laughed.

"I didn't steal Jameson  –  in seven years, I never even saw him, not  until a couple weeks ago. He was never going to propose to you, he told  me that night that he was going to dump you, so I didn't ruin shit. I  just made it easier for him to end it. And trust me, in no way, shape,  or form, do I want your husband, so you two can have all the babies you  want," Tate assured her. Ellie narrowed her eyes.