Reading Online Novel


"You are going to crawl over here, on your hands and knees. And you are  going to suck my dick, like your life depends on it. If I decide to come  for you, you are going to swallow every last drop. You're not going to  move. Understood?" he told her.

She didn't answer. Instead, she just started crawling.

Tatum O'Shea, always such a nice, normal girl.


Jameson spent most of the next week in Los Angeles. He needed space. He couldn't think straight, not when she was around.

Tate had followed his instructions that night, swallowed every last drop  he had to give. Say what he wanted about her life, Tate had gotten some  good things out of living on the fringe of society  –  she gave the  absolute best blowjobs he had ever been privileged enough to receive.

She laid on the floor for a while afterwards, and eventually he crawled  down next to her. And just chatted with her. She told him that part of  the reason she had made him go out on the town, meet her friends, was  because she was beginning to feel like his dirty secret, being hidden  away in his house.

Stupid. It wasn't that Jameson was ashamed of her; he just didn't like  to be around other people. Plain and simple. He hated to leave his  house, regardless of whether or not she was there. She didn't even  factor in to it. He reminded her that if she thought something was about  her, it probably wasn't. She had laughed at him.

She told "scary" stories about her first year living alone in Boston. He  told "scary" stories about the first hostile takeover he had overseen.  She asked if he'd had any run-ins with her family, and he admitted that  he'd dealt with her father several times, but they had never spoken  about Tatum, or any of the O'Sheas. It hadn't occurred to him to ask  about her, but judging by the way she talked, her father wouldn't have  known anything about her, anyway.         



Halfway through a very hair raising tale about her getting lost in the  worst neighborhood in Boston, they heard the front door crash open. They  stared at each other while they listened to a drunk Rusty stumble  through the living room. There was some giggling, and then a man's  voice. Footsteps down the hall, some light sexy banter. Jameson pressed a  hand to Tate's mouth, to keep her from laughing out loud.

When the moaning started, he almost laughed himself. God, how did people  have sex like that? "You're so beautiful," "You're so amazing," "Oh my  god, you're so amazing!" "Oh my god, you're so beautiful!" Moan, moan.  Pant, pant. Tate was almost convulsing under his hand, she was laughing  so hard. It sounded ridiculous, and worse, it sounded fake. Jameson  didn't understand bad sex  –  why not just stop doing it? But the bed  springs kept squeaking, the headboard banging out a dull rhythm.

Jameson had laid himself on top of Tate and began mocking the noises  from the next room. She snorted and choked to keep from laughing, tried  to push him off of her, but when he pawed at her breast, it stopped  being a game. He pushed her legs apart, dipped his fingers in to her,  pushed inside of her. She kept her lips together and moaned in her  throat.

He whispered that she was beautiful, that she was amazing. But it was  different from their neighbors - Jameson actually meant it. He didn't  know what to make of it. He had never treated her like that before, like  she was delicate, or special. But he was beginning to realize that she  was both of those things to him.

The next morning, he woke up before her. They had moved to the bed at  some point and fallen asleep. Tate had been right next to him  –  the bed  wasn't very big, maybe a full. He was used to a king. She had been  laying on her stomach, with one arm and one leg hanging off the side. He  had watched her sleep for a while, his eyes wandering down the angry  scratch marks on her back, over the bruises on the side of her neck. She  let him do so many things to her. Eventually, she would want something  in return, and that thought scared him.

He snuck out without waking her up. Stopped in at her landlord's office,  took care of her rent situation. If she couldn't act like an adult, he  could be one for her, he figured. He called Sanders and then called her  cell phone, left her a voicemail. He didn't want her accusing him of  running away. That wasn't what he was doing.

At least, he didn't think so.

So he flew to L.A., tried to forget about her for a couple days. He was  getting a little too attached to her. When he had seen her at the  meeting with his lawyers, when he had known that he was going to sleep  with her again, he had pretty much started thinking of her as a  possession. Something he had created, thus something that belonged to  him. Pretty to play with, fun to banter with, but nothing more than  that. Now, though, it was beginning to seem like a whole lot more.

He didn't think that was okay. Jameson didn't want to be attached to  her, or to any woman. He didn't want to need anyone, least of all Tatum  O'Shea. So he set out to distract himself. Checked on some businesses he  was involved with, went to some events, attended a gala. Met lots of  women. It didn't work too well. He still thought about her a lot. Her  body, her laugh, her little games.

He was a little surprised that she hadn't called him, and then he  realized Tate had actually never once called him. Had he given the  impression that she wasn't allowed to? Sometimes he wasn't entirely  aware of how much of an asshole he was being, at any given point in  time. After three days had passed, his curiosity got the better of him.

"Sanders," Jameson barked across his hotel suite. A moment later, the other man's head peeked around the door.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Have you spoken to Tate?" Jameson asked, looking over some newspapers.

"What? No. Should I have?" Sanders asked, sounding surprised. Jameson  had thought maybe she would have called him  –  the two had a developed a  weird sort of camaraderie, made weirder by the fact that Sanders hardly  ever spoke. But it was obvious he liked her, enjoyed her company.

"No. Give me your phone," Jameson said, holding out his hand. Sanders  marched in to the room and handed over his cell phone. It was four  o'clock in L.A., which meant evening in Boston.

"Is everything alright?" he asked. Jameson nodded, dialing Tate's phone number. She answered on the fourth ring.

"Guten Abend, haben Sie die voicemail-box erreicht -," her voice started prattling in German.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he interrupted.

"Jameson?" her voice laughed.

"Yes. I didn't know you spoke German," he said.

"I don't, I only know that line. Did you get a new phone?"         



"No, I'm using Sanders' phone. Why did you answer in German?"

"I always do that, when it's an unknown number," she told him.

"That's ridiculous," he snapped.

"Aw, you miss me, don't you? That's why you're whispering sweet-nothings in my ear," she teased.

I do miss her.

"Don't be stupid. What are you doing?" he asked, getting out of his chair and heading out onto the balcony.

"Watching a movie with Ang," she replied.

They made up fast.

Jameson wasn't as immune to Ang as he liked to pretend. She was right,  he was jealous. When she had kissed Ang, Jameson had nearly lost it. And  then when he had gone back in to the apartment, heard the way Ang was  talking to her, it had taken everything he had not to destroy the  younger man. He had wanted to beat Ang in to the ground. Jameson could  talk to Tate that way, but no one else could. Only him.

Scary thought.

"Are you sure you're just watching a movie?" he asked, running his hand along the railing. She laughed.

"I don't know, let me check. Ang, are we watching a movie or having sex?" her voice went away from the phone.

"Definitely fucking," came a reply from far away. There was some muffled  smacking noises and Tate laughed, back to the phone again.

"He's lying. We're watching 'The Emperor's New Groove'," she explained.

"The Disney movie?" Jameson asked, his eyebrows scrunching together

"Mmm hmmm."

"Why are you watching cartoons?"

"Because I like them. And we're really stoned," she told him. He groaned.

"Jesus. This is why I can't leave you alone," he grumbled in to the phone.

"Then maybe you shouldn't," was her husky reply. Jameson paused for a  long time, and could hear her get up. Move around. Go to somewhere  quiet.

"I can't take you everywhere with me," he told her in a low voice.

"No. But you don't have to leave so much, either," she replied. He smiled.

"I think you miss me, Tate," he teased back. She snorted.

"I miss parts of your anatomy. When are you coming home?" she demanded.


"Two days. Think you can wait that long?" he asked. She laughed.

"Probably not. I'm about to start humping inanimate objects."

"God, you're crude. Filthy. I'm going to fuck you so hard when I get home," he laughed.