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By:Stylo Fantome

What was real, and what wasn't real? Calling her a "dumb cunt" was fine,  as long as Jameson didn't really think she was one. Knowing and  thinking she was a whore was fine, as long as she was treated with  respect. Was he playing a game now? If he had said all those same words  at another time, a different situation, she would have already been  thinking of ways to get him naked in the car. But it didn't feel like he  was playing. If he was, it wasn't fun anymore. Her feelings were hurt.  She hated that.

"Get off of me."

Surprisingly, he complied without hesitation. Tate pushed away from him,  getting as much distance between the two of them as she could on the  seats. Sanders was just pulling in to a parking spot outside of her  friend's apartment building. She refused to look at Jameson, just went  about straightening her clothing.

"Oh my, I've struck a nerve. I didn't know Tatum O'Shea had those anymore," he said, his voice quiet. She looked over at him.

"Fuck you, Kane," she spat out. He laughed.

"Strike one. Let's go inside, get this over with."

"I'm going inside. You can go fuck yourself."

"I see. I've hurt you. Interesting," his voice was quieter still, his eyes wandering over her face. She shook her head.

"No, just enlightened me. If I'm so fucking stupid, so fucking annoying,  so not worthy of your fucking respect, maybe you should just find  someone else to play with," she told him.

"Not yet. You may be stupid and annoying, but you're one hell of a lay,"  Jameson told her, his smile wide. She rolled her eyes and climbed out  of the car.

Tate was mad, though she wasn't sure why. She knew that Jameson didn't  care about her  –  why was she angry that he had said it out loud? Because  it made it real. When they were alone together, lazing around his  library, he made it easy to forget. He would just talk with her  sometimes, laugh with her. Made it seem like he actually liked her, for  more than just her abilities in bed.

Stupid girl.

"What are you doing!?" she demanded, when he got out of the car on the other side.

"You were right about one thing. I agreed to go, so I'm going. Can't  have you holding it over my head later. Say a lot of things about me,  but I'm not a quitter," Jameson told her as she came around to stand  next to him.

"But I don't want you here anymore," she said. He shrugged.

"Don't really care. What's the apartment number?"

Her vision started turning a little red. Never had she dealt with such a  stubborn man. If she wanted to go left, he went right. If she went  right with him, he decided to go left. Sometimes it turned her on. Other  times, it just made her want to kill him.

Her game had been a bad one, a bust. Jameson had spent the whole day  doing her "normal" things, and he hadn't acted normal at all. Deep down,  she had thought maybe it would all humanize him a bit. Mistake. Now she  wanted to make him hurt. Make him bleed a little. She didn't know if it  was possible, but when she looked over his shoulder, something gave her  the idea to try.

"Ang!" she called out, waving her arm in the air. Jameson turned as she pushed past him.

"Kitty-cat, how're things? Haven't seen you in a while," Ang called  back, still a couple buildings down from her. She jogged the distance to  him.

"Too long of a while," Tate replied, throwing herself in to his arms.

"Well, you could -,"

She covered his lips with her own, swirling her tongue through his  mouth. He sat her on her feet, clearly a little shocked, slow in kissing  her back. She put on a good show, running her hands along his shoulders  and clawing down his chest. He finally managed to break the kiss,  gently pushing her away. She winked up at him.

"You're my best friend," she teased. He glanced behind her.         



"Oh, are we onto the 'make-him-jealous' phase of the relationship?" Ang asked, eyeballing Jameson. She shook her head.

"No, we're onto the 'make-him-piss-blood' part. He hurt my feelings. I want to hurt his pride," Tate explained.

"Glad to be of service."

They walked up to Jameson hand in hand. The reception between the two  men was cool, at best. Ang smiled his shit-eating grin, wrapping an arm  around Tate's waist. He knew he was the more cherished between the two.  Jameson smiled back in a lazy manner, letting his eyes wander over Ang's  wiry frame and then over to Tate's smaller form. He knew he was the one  she was going home with that night  –  and any other night. They both  knew what she was like in bed. It was like being in the middle of a very  loud silent-argument. She felt like her hair was going to stand on end  from all the tension.

"Inside! Everybody inside, chop chop," she ordered, scooting both men up the stairs ahead of her.

Of course it was super fucking awkward. Her friend Rachel  –  the girl she  had covered for to cater the Kraven and Dunn event, thus the person  responsible for the fucked up relationship Tate now found herself in  –   was the one throwing the dinner party, and it was mostly a bunch of  twenty-somethings; all people who worked the same kind of jobs, led the  same kind of lives. Jameson stuck out like a sore thumb. Originally,  Tate had thought that would be part of the fun. But it just made things  weird. He was quiet and taciturn, didn't even try to pretend to be  interested in anything or anyone.

It didn't help that Ang took her statement very seriously and took every  opportunity to touch her inappropriately. Jameson watched, that cool,  disdainful look in his eye, but he didn't say or do anything. Just  smiled. It made her a little nervous. She escaped in to the kitchen  where most of the other girls were; Tate was normally a dude kind of  lady, would rather hang out with the boys. Not that night. She chugged  pinot grigio, wishing it was whiskey, and just hoped that Ang and  Jameson would kill each other, curing all her frustrations.

Dinner was finally served. Jameson took a seat towards one end of a  large table. They hadn't spoken a word directly to each other since she  had kissed Ang, and Tate hesitated about which seat she should take.  Jameson solved the dilemma when he yanked on her arm, forcing her in to  the chair next to him. She didn't argue. Just drank more. Ang sat across  from them and tried his hardest to flirt, but when she stopped  responding, he turned his attentions to Rus, who became all giggly and  red. Tate glared at her.

Stupid, normal girl. Bet she could just go out and have normal, boring  sex. Bet no one calls her a dumb cunt  –  and if they did, bet she  wouldn't be such a weirdo that she'd like it.

Jameson lightened up over the food, actually laughing and talking with  some of the guys next to him. It made Tate feel a little better, up  until he took her glass of wine away. Didn't even look at her, just  reached out and grabbed it, moving it to the other side of his plate.  Apparently, she was done drinking.


She helped clean up, and while she and Rachel washed dishes, everyone  gathered in the living room. Ang was telling one of his "a day in the  life of a wannabe porn star" stories, and everyone was laughing. When  she peeked her head out, even Jameson had a smile on his face. She  smiled and ducked back in to the kitchen. At least he was pretending to  have a good time. Maybe that would gentle the blow that would come  later.

"Hey, Rach," Tate said, pressing her wrist to her forehead. "Do you have any aspirin or anything? I have a killer headache."

"In my bedroom, I have some tylenol in the bathroom  –  maybe some  stronger stuff, I don't know what's all in there. Help yourself. Go lay  down, if you want," Rachel offered, rubbing her back. Tate smiled and  wandered down the hall.

Rachel's room was small, but she had an en suite, which Tate would kill  for in her own apartment  –  even a half bath. She found the tylenol, but  on another shelf in the medicine cabinet, she found some vicodin. Thank  god. She took one pill and washed it down with the glass of wine she had  snuck out of the kitchen.

She had pushed the bedroom door mostly closed behind her, left all the  lights off, but she didn't lay down. She wandered around Rachel's room,  not prying, but peeking through the stuff that was out. Standard  pajamas, no lace or leather. Her closest didn't show a hint of kink.  There was a dresser along one wall, with a bunch of jewelry on top of  it. Tate picked through it, holding up earrings and moving to a mirror  that was on the wall at the foot of the dresser, looking herself over.

Tatum O'Shea, nice, normal girl. Pshaw, right.

The door creaked and opened, light from the hall spilling inside. Out of  the corner of her eye, she watched Jameson walk towards her. She didn't  say anything, just grabbed a necklace off the dresser and moved back to  the mirror. She struggled with the clasp and he walked up behind her,  taking the necklace from her fingers.