Reading Online Novel


Tate tried not to think of it as a dinner date with friends  –  she  thought of it as an elaborate form of torture, a game; seeing how far  she could push him. Also, a tiny part of her had wanted to see if he'd  actually go through with it. They spent so much time at his place, only  venturing out on occasion for dinner, that she was beginning to think he  was hiding her away. It was strange  –  she didn't really mind being  someone's whore, but she hated the thought of being someone's dirty  secret.

She dropped her toothbrush in to the sink and spit out the excess  toothpaste foam. Water, gargle, spit, and she was good to go. She threw  on a jacket and headed for the front door, when there was suddenly a  loud banging. She paused, but the banging didn't. A voice with a heavy  Boston accent started shouting.

"I know yuh in there! Open the doo-or!"


Tate cursed under her breath and began backing away. She noticed a note  stuck to the fridge - "Avoid front door  –  I would be mad you haven't  paid rent yet, but can't pay either. Love ya, bitch! Rus." Tate  swallowed a groan and headed for her bedroom.

"Tatum! I know yuh in there! You owe me money! I want it, now!" the  landlord yelled. She hurried to her window and was fighting with it to  go up when her cell phone rang. With an aggravated sigh, she pulled it  out and answered it.

"I'm at the curb, where are you?" Jameson's voice demanded.

"Uh, still in here," she answered in a hushed voice. "Look, pull around to the back alley. I'll meet you out there."

"Back alley? And why the fuck are you whispering?"

She rolled her eyes and climbed out onto the fire escape.

"Just fucking meet me back here!" she hissed at him and then hung up the phone.

By the time she was dropping to the ground, Sanders was pulling the car  up next to her. Tate practically fell in to the backseat, the strap of  her jumbo-sized bag tangling around her legs. She laughed, breathless,  as the car started rolling again.

"Okay, first of all, never hang up on me again. Second of all, what the  fuck is going on?" Jameson asked. She stretched a leg over his lap,  pulling at the strap.

"My landlord was at the door," she was still laughing, pulling her foot  towards her chest, the strap pulling tight around her ankle.

"Do you often run from him?"

"Only when rent is late."

Jameson grabbed her leg, stilling her, and he pulled the strap free.

"You haven't paid your rent, Tatum?" he asked in a soft voice. Only she  knew better now  –  Jameson was only soft before he did something sharp.

"Well, someone wasn't being very truthful about paying me  –  I've only  worked six days in the last two weeks. Not exactly raking in the dough,  so I couldn't pay. I have to start temping again; I have to pay my rent,  Jameson. Rus depends on me," she told him. He snorted.

"I'm not just going to give you a thousand dollars -,"

"Four thousand dollars."

"Any amount of money, in cash, to run around with  –  you're insane. You'd  probably spend it all on hookers and cocaine." She didn't deny it. "I'm  going to set you up an investment portfolio. As fun as sucking dick for  money at eighty probably is, I don't think you want to be doing that."

"Doesn't change the fact that I need to make rent. I need to eat, I need  to pay my bills. Three days a week just doesn't cut it, I told you  that," Tate reminded him as she smoothed out her skirt. It had climbed  up to her hips during her struggle with her purse.         



"I'll feed you, and don't worry about the rest," was all he snapped  before turning away, looking out his window. Subject apparently closed.  She snorted.

"You're too extra. What's got you in such a sweet mood?" she asked.

"Your life is ridiculous. You were skipped ahead in school, graduated at  the top of your private school, and you were accepted in to an  accelerated program at Harvard. Why are you fucking around? Such a  fucking child," Jameson growled.

She stared at him for a second. He sounded angry. Like, for real angry.  It didn't make sense. Why did he care what she did? Since asking about  Ellie that first night, Jameson hadn't asked her one single other thing  about her life or family. She was kinda shocked he even remembered that  she had been moved ahead in school. Tate frowned at him.

"You call it being a child. I call it living my life the way I want to," she replied.

"But it's the wrong way," he informed her, his voice dripping with disdain.

Who the fuck was he to judge her life!? She wasn't good enough to be his  girlfriend, but he still got to boss her around and pass judgement on  her life? She didn't think so. Her anger started to boil.

"Says who? The great Jameson Kane?" Tate snapped at him, her voice loud.  "What, I should live a life more like yours? Why on earth would I want  to do that? I get to be who I am, the real me, every single day. I say  what I want, and do what I want. You hide behind your money, and your  business, and your suits, and your intellect. Pretending to be this  suave guy, when we both know you're two steps away from being a complete  sociopath who -,"

She didn't get to finish her sentence. He turned around on her in an  instant, grabbing her by the throat. She didn't miss a beat  –  Jameson  Kane had yet to learn that Tate was usually capable of giving as good as  she got. She knocked his arm loose, but by then he was halfway laying  on top of her. It was a blur of hands and arms, her trying to push him  back, him batting her away. They wound up stretched across the back  seat, one of her arms pinned under his knee as he knelt over her. Her  free hand pulled at his wrist, trying to yank away the hand that was  back around her throat.

"You think I hide, Tate? You think I pretend?" he hissed, his face close to hers. She glared up at him.

"I don't think, I know," she snapped back.

"And what is it you're doing, baby girl? Ran away from home. Ran away  from your family. Ran away from school. That's all you do, run away. I'm  counting down the days till you do it to me," he told her. She sucked  in air through her teeth.

"You call it running, I call it freeing myself."

"Bullshit. If that was true, you wouldn't be so upset over what I said," he pointed out.

"I'm not upset, I -,"

Suddenly he was shaking her. She dug her nails in to his wrist and he  let go of her, but only long enough to pin that arm between her body and  his thigh. His hand immediately went back to the base of her neck and  he lowered his face till he was directly above her.

"Don't ever fucking lie to me, Tate. Stupid fucking girl. Put your  fucking hands on me like that again, and you'll see how mean I can  really get," he warned her, his lips so close they were brushing against  her own.

She felt her temperature soar through the roof. Jameson had an uncanny  gift that made it impossible for her to be truly mad at him  –  the  angrier she got, the more she just wanted to have sex with him. He was  blessed that way; or rather, she was cursed.

"You keep promising to show me. Still waiting," Tate whispered back. He  chuckled, and the anger in his eyes cooled a little. There was a long  pause while he stared at her, and then there was a cough from in front  of them.

"One block away, sir," Sanders' voice carried in to the back seat.  Jameson glanced at him and then returned his attention to Tate.

"You just want to piss me off, I swear to god. You have no idea, the things I want to do to you," he told her.

"The windows are tinted. Sandy would probably like the show," she  offered, sliding around underneath him, rubbing her body against his  legs. Jameson quirked up an eyebrow.

"I doubt that. We'll go home, and I'll put a happy end to this argument," he informed her. She narrowed her eyes.

"We can't go home  –  we're going to dinner," she reminded him. He shook his head.

"Bad girls get sent to bed without dinner," he stated. She began to struggle against his weight.

"No. You agreed to go, so you have to go. I told everyone we would be there," she said.

"Do you really think I give a fuck?" he asked with a laugh.

"That's not fair. You agreed," Tate stressed.         



"Why is this so important? You want me to meet your friends? I don't  care about your friends, Tate. If you think I care about your life,  you're mistaken. Stupidity annoys me, whether it's you, or some guy down  the street, or something on TV, doesn't matter. I think you're stupid,  and that annoys me. Don't read in to things. We are going home, and we  will finish this discussion there. The only reason I'm not fucking you  right now, is because I have too much respect for Sanders," Jameson spat  out at her.

But not for me.

The problem with playing her games, Tate had long ago learned, was the  line between fun and bad was too blurry. For instance, Ang had called  her just about every dirty name they could both think of, but one time,  while just hanging out at his apartment, he made a sarcastic remark  about her family hating her because she was a huge whore. She didn't  speak to him for two weeks. Took him even longer to get back in her  pants.