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By:Stylo Fantome

"Yes. Saturday night," she replied.

"So I can't sleep with my ex because I might get back together with her,  but you can sleep with your best friend-slash-tripod?" he questioned,  but there was laughter in his voice. He didn't sound angry.

"I'm horrible. I didn't want to, at first. But I was lonely, and I was  thinking about you all weekend, and then he was right in front of me,  and it just ..., happened."

Three times.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me," Jameson replied in a simple tone. She felt a little like throwing up.

"I wasn't sure what is and isn't allowed. Ang and I have known each  other forever  –  sex is more like a pickup game of basketball to us. We  just do it, for like sport. But then I kept thinking that maybe it  wasn't okay. I didn't know if we were allowed to sleep with other  people, or what exactly is going on here, and I ..., I felt kinda bad  afterwards," Tate told him. It was the truth. She'd spent most of Sunday  working out rehearsed speeches to beg for his forgiveness. Jameson  chuckled.

"I don't care if you sleep with other people when I'm not around. We're  the same animal, you and I, so I get it. But I gotta be honest, I have  the same issue you have  –  you're a little too close to this Ang guy for  my tastes. What if the same problem happens? I don't really care about  being the other man, as long as I'm the man. Can't be that, if you go  off and fall in love with your best friend. I'm not quite ready to stop  playing with you yet," he tried to explain. She laughed.

Oh, you are most definitely the man, Satan.

"That won't happen, trust me. But there we go  –  you can't sleep with ex girlfriends. I can't sleep with Ang. Deal?" she asked.

"If that makes you happy."

There was a long pause after that, Tate drinking more from the bottle  and Jameson just being quiet. She rubbed her legs together, lifted them  back in to the air and did slow high kicks. She was pretty flexible, she  could almost bring her knee to her chest. She let go of the bottle and  laced her fingers behind her knee, gently pulling down. Just another  inch, and -,         



"Did you think about me?" Jameson's voice cut through the room.

"Excuse me?" she asked, letting go of her leg and propping herself up  with her hands. He wasn't facing her, his eyes on the flames.

"While you were fucking Ang, did you think of me. You said you were  lonely, that you had been thinking about me all weekend. When he was  fucking you, were you thinking of me?" Jameson asked, finally turning to  look at her.

Tate stared back, taking a deep breath. She didn't want to tell him,  because the answer made her feel bad. Made her feel like a traitor. The  other reason she had felt so bad all weekend. But he just kept staring  at her, his eyes boring in to her soul.

"Yes," she whispered. He smiled and leaned foward, over his arm rest.

"So while this guy, Angier, was inside of you, you were imagining it was me, weren't you?" he asked her. Tortured her.


Usually, Ang was so amazing, he was able to obliterate any other person  from her mind. She could barely think straight, let alone think of  another man. But Jameson had her all messed up. He'd gotten under her  skin and was running rampant through her system. It wasn't a matter of  one being better in bed than the other  –  they were both spectacular. But  only one of them captured her mind.

And it wasn't her best friend.

"Good. New rule. Anytime you fuck someone else, you picture me. Understood?" Jameson demanded.

"I don't think that even needs to be a rule; it'll just happen on its  own," Tate laughed. He gave one more tight lipped smile and leaned back  in his chair.

"Jesus christ, that we even need these kinds of rules, really says something about us," he mumbled.

"I think they're a good idea," she told him. He laughed, and it was an evil sound. It sent shivers down her spine.

"You would think that, Tate, because you're a whore," he stated.

Ah, now we're getting somewhere.

"Maybe. But at least I'm a responsible one," she teased.

"That's an oxymoron," he told her.

"You're an oxymoron," she taunted him, laughing.

"That makes no sense."

"You make no sense."

"Stop it, Tatum.

"You stop -,"

"Don't make me come over there. I'm not in a good mood," Jameson warned her.

"Maybe if you come over here, I could cheer you up," she offered.

"Maybe I don't want to cheer up. Maybe I want to be in a bad mood," he countered. She rolled her eyes.

"You sound like a little kid who wants to bitch just to bitch," she told him. His head snapped towards her.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

"I think you heard me," she said with a smile. He stood up.

"I think you want to get hurt," he replied, moving to stand over her. She leaned back on her elbows, smiling up at him.

"I live to make you happy," she told him, sighing melodramatically. He squatted down next to her.

"Are you ever scared of me?" he asked, his voice soft. Tate shook her head.

"No, not even a little," she assured him.

"Sometimes I wonder if maybe you should be," he added.

"And why is that?"

"Because, I have the strangest feelings about you. Like I want to take  you everywhere and have you by my side, but I also want to hold you  down. Make you beg and cry," he told her. She kept her eyes focused on  his, didn't move a muscle.

"Sounds like a pretty good plan to me," she whispered. He reached out  and traced a finger down her leg, from the hem of her underwear to her  knee, and then back up again. His eyes watched his finger.

"How did I find you?" It was obvious that he was thinking out loud.

"That's pretty easy  –  you made me," she responded. Jameson's eyes cut to hers, flashing blue in the shadowy room.

"I didn't know that's what I was doing, at the time," he told her, and  then started digging his nails in to her thigh, dragging them up her  skin. She hissed.

"Me, neither. Maybe we found each other," she breathed, letting out a  sigh when he lifted his hand. He moved back down to the same spot and  repeated the motion. She hummed and let her head drop back, closing her  eyes.

"Sometimes I still can't believe you're here, Tate. That it's really  you. Tatum O'Shea. Mathias O'Shea's daugher; Ellie's little sister," he  said, moving his hand to her other leg.

"I haven't been any of those things in a long time, maybe that's why it still feels so weird to you," she suggested.

"If you aren't those things, then what are you?" he asked. She thought for a second.

"Just Tate. Bartender. Party girl. Ang's friend," she prattled off things that came to mind when she thought of herself.         



"Slut?" Jameson whispered. She opened her eyes.

"Oh yes. Most definitely that," she sighed. His nails moved to her throat, so she kept her head back.

"Pain," he added through clenched teeth. She gave a small nod as he  dragged a sharp nail from underneath her ear down to her collar bone.

"Maybe just sex, period. Kinda encompasses it all," she suggested.

"Very thoughtful of you."

"I like it. Tatum 'Sex' O'Shea. Why not," she laughed. Suddenly his hand  was tight around her throat, squeezing. She rolled her eyes to look at  him. He was staring at her neck.

"Sounds good to me. We could -," he started, but he was interrupted. The  library door swung open. Tate didn't have to look to know it was  Sanders. It was strange - he walked in and out of rooms without  knocking, all the time, but he never seemed intrusive. She hardly even  noticed him. She kept staring at Jameson, who gripped her neck even  tighter. She took shallow breaths through her nose.

"Tokyo, sir. The eight o'clock meetings," Sanders' even voice carried  over the room. Jameson sighed and finally looked her in the eye. She  smiled at him.

"Gotta go, baby girl. No rest for the wicked," he told her, before  letting her go. He leaned in quick and kissed her throat before getting  to his feet.

"Gonna be a while?" she asked. He nodded.

"Probably. You know where the kitchen is, or you can go up to my room.  If you need anything, just ask Sanders," Jameson instructed, looking  back and forth between the two of them. Tate gave him the biggest smile  she could manage. Sanders stared at the wall.

"Got it. Go make my money," she told Jameson. He snorted.

"That's not even funny."

He strode out of the room and Tate stayed as she was for a moment,  looking after him. Then she sighed and sat all the way up. Sanders was  still standing in the room, still staring at a wall. She looked him  over.

"Got a hot date tonight, Sandy?" she asked. She loved to tease him. She would crack him some day.

"No, Ms. O'Shea," was all he said.

"You look awfully nice tonight. New suit?" she pressed. He cleared his throat.