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By:Stylo Fantome

Why would fire affect the devil?

"I like it hot," was all he said in response. She snorted, almost upsetting the glass she had balanced on her stomach.

"You like it too hot," she corrected him.

"If it's too hot for you, take off some clothes," he suggested. She  smirked at the ceiling and moved the glass off her stomach before  shimmying out of her jeans. She lifted her head enough to be able to see  where he was, and then threw the pants at him. They caught him in the  side of the face.

"Much better, thank you," she told him in a happy voice.

Tate hadn't heard from him Sunday, but then Monday afternoon, she got a  text message telling her to be ready by six o'clock, and to pack some  clothes for an "extended" stay. Ooohhh. She was ready to go hours before  she needed to be, and was waiting on the stoop of her building when  Sanders pulled up in their sleek Bentley.

Jameson hadn't been too chatty once she got to the house, just content  to sit and work. His home was enormous, but as far as she could tell, he  spent most of his time in the library. She asked him why he had sent  for her, if he was just going to work the whole time, and was told that  just because he was working, didn't mean he couldn't appreciate  something nice to look at once in a while.         



They ate dinner and talked about the benefits of socialized health care  versus private industry. Tate was a smart girl, she had gotten in to  Harvard, after all  –  she kept current. She just usually didn't have  anyone to talk to about that kind of stuff. Ang was more interested in  talking about which porn star made the most money and what angle was  best for backside shots. Rus just wanted to talk about boys.

She loved her friends, she really did, but sometimes Tate wanted to shoot herself.

Jameson was like a breath of fresh air. He was smart, he was cultured,  and he knew how to have a conversation, when someone was deemed worthy  enough for him to talk to them. And he always kept his cool, even when  she purposefully tried to get a rise out of him. The Unshakable Jameson  Kane.

After dinner, he led them back in to the library. The fire had already  been going when she got there, but he kept building it higher, adding  more logs. That was why she had opted to lay on the floor. The chairs  were too hot.

"Sexy socks, Tate," Jameson chuckled. She lifted her legs, pointing her  feet at the ceiling. She was wearing a pair of purple-striped socks that  went all the way to her knees. Her guilty pleasure in life. If she was  stranded on a desert island, and could only have one thing, it would  probably be a pair of knee length socks.

"Thank you, I think so," she laughed, kicking her legs up and down before dropping them back to the floor.

"Are you drunk yet?" he asked. She shook her head and reached out a  hand, running her fingers up and down the bottle of Jack Daniel's that  was sitting near her.

"No. Do you want me to be drunk?"

"Could be interesting."

"You're in a dark mood tonight. What's wrong?" she asked. Jameson chuckled.

"Am I ever in a light mood?" he responded. She nodded.

"Sure you are. Sometimes you're downright happy. I mean, you're always  mean, and kind of a bastard, but at least you're happy about it," she  told him, and he burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay, stop with the flattery," he joked.

"So what's wrong?"

"Had a run in over the weekend. With an ..., ex, of sorts," he said.  Tate stilled her fingers. He was speaking slowly, choosing his words  carefully. Protecting her? Or hiding from her? She couldn't be sure.

"Bad kind of ex?" she asked.

"Is there any other kind?"

"Some people end on good notes, Jameson. It is possible to have an amicable break up," she pointed out. He snorted.

"Bullshit. Do you have any good exes in your past?" he asked. She laughed.

"I'm not a very normal person. I told you about the one guy, we don't  exactly speak anymore. Another guy cried when I ended it  –  which was  weird, considering I hadn't even known we were dating. Funny how some  people mistake sex for a relationship," she replied.

"Now that's the truth."

"So what happened? Big fight? Stalker? Oh my god, please tell me it  wasn't Ellie!" she suddenly gasped, sitting upright. He had turned to  face her, and his Satan's smile was in place.

"Wouldn't that have been hilarious. You know, it could be interesting.  Maybe we should arrange a family reunion     ," Jameson suggested. Tate  narrowed her eyes.

"I don't think so. Look, if you don't wanna talk about your ex, fine,  not a big deal to me, but you need to get in a better mood, or I'm gonna  go find something else to do," she informed him. His eyebrows raised  up.

"Oh really. Ms. O'Shea, talking tough. You really want me to talk about  her? Most women don't want to hear men talk about other women.  Particularly women those men have slept with," he pointed out.

"I'm not most women. How many times are we going to have this  conversation? Fine, I'll take the lead. Is she hot? Did she dump you,  when it ended? Did you guys fight, this weekend? Did you get in one last  closure-fuck? Did you fuck her this weekend?" Tate prattled off. He  smiled, turning his head back towards the fire.

"See, this is why I keep you around. No bullshit; so straight forward. I  just might consider being nice to you tonight," he offered. She  snorted.

"How boring."

"She's very hot. I guess you could say I dumped her. Yes, we argued this  weekend. I can still fuck her whenever I want, so a 'closure-fuck'  wasn't necessary. I did not fuck her this weekend," Jameson answered  every question.

Tate had meant to be cheeky. Prove that she didn't mind. He could sleep  with other people. But when he had said that he could still sleep with  the woman whenever he wanted, something happened to Tate's insides.  Fucking some random woman was one thing  –  sleeping with an ex, someone  he'd had a relationship with, that was dangerous. It made Tate nervous.  She hadn't expected to feel that way.         



She suddenly felt very guilty about her weekend.

"Would you? If the opportunity presented itself?" Tate asked, laying back against the floor.

"Sounds like it would bother you if I did."

"I don't really know. It might."


Tate had to think about it for a minute or two.

"I might be a slut, but ..., okay, I'm most definitely a slut, and I  like to sleep with guys, and have no qualms about who or when or where.  But I am not a cheater. I never cheated on any of my boyfriends. I won't  sleep with a guy if I know he has a girlfriend or wife. I will not be  that girl. If you start sleeping with your ex, you might get back  together with her. Or really, she might just think you're back together  –   women are stupid that way. And if that happens, I would immediately  become the other woman. I won't do that," she explained, ignoring her  glass and dragging the bottle of Jack to her lips, taking a sip.

"You cheated on your boyfriend, with me, when I had a girlfriend, who  also happened to be your sister," Jameson reminded her. Tate chuckled,  took another swig of whiskey.

"So you understand why I'm so scarred about the whole thing. I don't  want to be that girl ever again. It was a stupid accident, and look what  happened. No thank you," she replied.

"It was probably the best thing that could have happened to me at that time, so I have the opposite view of it," he laughed.

"Po-TATE-o, po-TOT-o."

"Maybe. Maybe you're just too hard on yourself. I mean, yeah, every time  I've ever slept with someone outside of a relationship, my girlfriends  always knew. I made sure they knew  –  lying is ridiculous. If someone  doesn't like it, they can get the fuck out. But you and I, we were  young, dating the wrong people. It's not like either of us planned it.  And we didn't even get a chance to hide it. We weren't trying to hurt  anyone," he pointed out. She nodded.

"True. Still. You asked. That's my answer. No, I probably wouldn't like  it if you started sleeping with this ex girlfriend. But I'm also not  gonna stop you," she wrapped up their conversation.

"Well, thank you for that, Tate. I'll be sure to tell you before I start plowing my way through my little black book."

Tate rubbed her lips together, staring at the ceiling. Now was  definitely the time to say something. Part of her didn't want to upset  him or make him mad. She drew her knees up and rubbed her thighs  together. Another part of her really wanted to make him mad, and see  what would happen.

"I slept with Ang."

God, I just blurted it out. Like a slutty-goat. Jesus.

"Excuse me?"

She cleared her throat.

"I slept with Ang. Had sex with him," she clarified.

"What, like this weekend?" Jameson asked. She winced.