Reading Online Novel


"You'll be lucky if there ever is a next time," she spat out.

"So let's see. How does ..., one-thousand, five hundred a week sound,"  Jameson said it out loud, but sounded more like he was talking to  himself as he reached around her, sifting through some papers.

"Oh no. The price just went up to four thousand," Tate informed him. He laughed, long and loud.

"Now that's a fucking joke. I wouldn't give you four thousand dollars a  week if you needed it for a kidney transplant. You suck cock like a  champion, but no mouth is worth four thousand," he laughed at her. Tate  got so close, her chest was brushing against his own.

"My mouth is. You can agree, or I can walk out the door," she told him, her voice low and angry.

It wasn't about the money. Tate would be there even if he hadn't offered  to pay. It was about winning. Beating him at his own game. Getting him  to admit that she was an equal, that she could turn him inside out, the  same way he did to her.

"You're not going anywhere, baby girl. We have unfinished business."

Baby girl.

"That's not my fault," she replied.

"Seems to me it is; if you were better at your job," Jameson said. She laughed.

"Doesn't matter how good I am, if what I have to work with, doesn't work right," she taunted.

His hand was in her hair in a second, pulling at the base of her skull.  She was yanked forward and was completely flush against him, her chin  almost resting on his clavicle. His other hand went to her waist, his  fingers hooking in to her dress and her flesh. Her hands flew to his  chest, to brace herself.

"You better watch what you say to me," he warned her in a soft voice.  She chuckled, her eyes watering a little from the sting of her hair  being pulled.

"Or what, Kane?" she pushed him. His lips tilted up in a soft, sly smile.

"You're so fucking stupid, Tate. You still think we're playing a game.  Stupid bitch. What did I say about calling me Kane? You've said it  thirteen times. I said I would punish you," Jameson threatened.

This is what I've been waiting for.

"You keep saying that, but I've yet to see anything happen. I think you're all talk, Kane."

He spun her around and bent her over, slamming her down on the desk. She  let out a grunt  –  that might leave a bruise. She reached back, pulling  at the hand he had in her hair. He let go, but only to grab her wrist.  He pinned it down on her back, and then grabbed her other wrist, joining  it with the first. He held them together with one hand, pressing down  on her so hard, it was uncomfortable to breathe. She tried to turn her  head, and her chin dug in to the wood of the desk.         



"Such a fucking child, Tate. Fucking games. Do I look like the kind of  guy who plays games?" he was hissing behind her, his free hand raking up  her thigh and pushing her dress up over her ass.

"You're the one who keeps playing them. You're the one who -," she  started when his hand crashed down across her ass. She gasped.

"This is not a game. You would do well to remember the difference,"  Jameson growled. She laughed again, and was almost amazed by her own  bravado.

"Maybe you should write me out a game plan, so I can know when you are, and when you aren't, playing around and -,"

His hand was so heavy, she knew he was going to leave a mark. Six slaps.  She was crying out by the end, writhing under his grip. She didn't want  to play the game anymore. She wanted him inside of her.

He knew what she needed, just like before; just like always, probably.  He let go of her wrists and she gripped onto the edge of the desk, next  to her head. He was rough as he yanked her underwear down, not even  bothering to push them past her knees. He kicked her feet wider apart  and she could feel the material pull. Wondered if they'd rip.

Then he was pushing inside of her. She let out a long moan, raising up  onto her tip toes, trying to accommodate all of him in one go. She  wiggled her hips against him, and then he was pressed completely against  her. Solid, warm flesh, inside and out. She let out a deep breath, her  whole body starting to shake. He leaned down against her.

"Still feel like a game?" Jameson whispered, his voice full of disdain. Tate laughed and laid her cheek against the desk.

I'm such a glutton ...,

"I don't know. Can't really feel much of anything at all," she said back in a raspy voice.

He fucked her like she offended him. Like he was angry at her. Pulled  her hair, forcing her to raise up off the desk. Slammed in to her so  hard from behind, she was pretty sure she was going to have bruises  where her legs were pressed against the desk. His dick was brushing  against something inside of her; she couldn't tell if it was her cervix,  or maybe a G-spot she didn't know about  –  whatever it was, it made her  see spots and little flashes of paradise.

He let go of her hair and while one hand gripped her hip, the other  worked the zipper down on the back of her dress. He pushed the material  off her shoulders and she managed to lift her arms enough to slide it  off. His hand was instantly at her breast, twisting and scratching  through the material of her bra. She propped herself up, locking her  elbows.

"Holy fucking shit, Tate, you feel even better than I remembered,"  Jameson groaned, a hand sliding up to her neck, his fingers wrapping  around it and squeezing tight. She managed a nod, her eyes fluttering  closed.

"Yes, yes, better. Much better," she managed to whisper.

He suddenly pulled away and then he was yanking her back with him. She  wasn't sure if she could stand on her own. Her panties slid off onto the  floor. He turned her and then forced her to sit on the desk, pushed her  onto her back. He yanked her legs apart, and then was plunging back  inside her.

His hands were on her knees, forcing her legs apart. Her own hands were  at her breasts, at his command. He told her where, and how, to touch  herself. Called her filthy names. Told her that this was all she was  good for, and that was why he had found her again. Because even if this  was the only thing she was good for, she was so good, he was the only  one worthy of sharing it with her.

For once, she didn't argue with him.

"C'mon, Tate," he growled, peeling his t-shirt off over his head. "I  would've thought you'd be done by now, crying like a girl, coming all  over my dick." She pushed herself upright, hooked an arm around his back  to anchor herself in place.

"You'll find ..., it's a little harder ..., to make me cry now," she  told him, running her tongue up the center of his chest. His hands slid  down her legs, moved around to grip onto her ass, forcing her even  harder against his thrusts. She shrieked, letting her head fall back.

"Hmmm, we'll have to try for it another day," Jameson groaned, dropping  his head to her shoulder. She felt his teeth against her skin, fangs to  her jugular, claws to her heart. He bit down, once. Twice. A third time,  so hard, she thought he was going to take out a piece of her.

He already did that, a long time ago, baby girl.

She came, hard. She clenched her thighs against his waist, pressed her  face to his chest, her hand to his jaw. Her fingers dug in to his cheek.  He held completely still while she shook and moaned, his heart beat the  only thing keeping her grounded to earth. She felt like she had just  been shot out of a cannon.

"So easy," he murmured.

He shoved her away and Tate collapsed against the desk, taking deep  breaths. He started pounding away again, lifting her legs high, resting  her calves on his shoulders. Then his hands were on her breasts,  covering them, pressing down on them. She completely let go, relaxed  every muscle, just let him do whatever he wanted to her. The desk began  to jolt around and move forward; she couldn't even imagine how much the  oak monstrosity weighed, that's how hard he was pushing in to her.         



Jameson came so hard, she could feel it. Felt his shaft tighten, swell.  Felt the muscles in his shoulders strain and cord up underneath her  calves. She let her legs fall to the side and he collapsed on top of  her. All of his weight. He obviously wasn't worried about crushing her.

Just like last time.

Tate wondered what else would be like last time. She loved her some  dirty, rough, sex  –  but getting kicked out of bed was never a fun  experience. She didn't even mind if a guy hustled her out, but that was  really the only part of her experience with Jameson that she didn't  recall with pleasure. The way he had treated her afterwards. Not so much  his words, but his indifference. Like she hadn't just rocked his world  off its axis, the way he had done to hers.

"Scared, baby girl?" he suddenly breathed against her chest. She laughed.

"Not the word I would use," she replied, rubbing the back of her hand across her forehead.

"And what word would Tatum O'Shea use?"


Jameson laughed and pushed himself off of her. She waited for it, the  indifference, but it didn't come. He pulled his pants up, left them  undone, and then grabbed her arm, pulling her so she was sitting  upright. She felt like her body was made of jell-o. He cocked up an  eyebrow and fixed her bra for her, then slid her dress back over her  arms. He looked at her for a second, traced his finger along her jaw,  and then wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her off the desk.