‘Yes, I do. Now, let’s get a move on or we’ll be late.’
When Rose got back home from the school run Grace had let herself in and had coffee waiting.
She eyed her daughter anxiously. ‘You obviously had a bad night. Dante didn’t believe you?’
Rose busied herself with filling mugs. ‘Oh, he believed me right enough. He was stunned at first, but when the truth finally sank in he was all for marrying me right away.’
Grace’s delighted smile faded quickly. ‘But you don’t want that.’
‘No. As I told Dante, we’re virtually strangers. Before jumping in at the deep end I made it clear we would need to know each other better, and I would have to be utterly sure that Bea was happy with the idea.’
‘Did he agree?’
‘Yes. He immediately made plans to go back to Fortino to arrange some leave, and then come back to stay at the Hermitage to spend time with his daughter.’
‘Goodness,’ said Grace, blinking. ‘I take it you’re against the idea?’
Rose nodded vehemently. ‘The minute I gave Dante the good news he started giving orders. I was to change my life completely, marry him and take off for Italy to live with him and Bea in his house—the Villa Castiglione, left to him by his grandmother.’
Grace downed her own coffee and got up to refill their cups. ‘Good for Dante. After all, love, he could have rejected all idea of Bea’s paternity.’
‘No chance of that; he was entranced with her from the start,’ said Rose moodily. ‘He played with her ducks with her in the bath, and afterwards sat with her while I read the bedtime story. Then I softened him up even more by giving him a good dinner before breaking the news that Bea was his child.’
‘How did he take it?’
Rose blew out her cheeks. ‘As I told you, once the truth sank in he ordered me to marry him. Then when I didn’t joyfully and gratefully accept he turned belligerent and demanded time with his daughter whether I married him or not.’
‘To take her to his place in Tuscany, you mean?’ said Grace, startled. ‘So what did you say?’
‘Bea started crying at that point because she’d thrown up and we both bolted upstairs.’
‘How did Dante cope with that?’
‘He stripped the bed and remade it while I cleaned Bea up, then he read her to sleep.’
Grace smiled. ‘Bravo, Dante! Tell me, darling, quite apart from Bea, how do you feel towards him now? Are you still bitter?’
Rose shook her head hopelessly. ‘Fool that I am, I love him. I always have. I tried so hard to forget him, but it was impossible with Bea looking up at me with those eyes of his.’
‘How does he feel about you?’
‘I wish I knew. He still fancies me. Physically, I mean. But that’s not enough for marriage, especially with people from such different backgrounds.’
‘It works for Charlotte and Fabio,’ Grace pointed out.
‘True. But they got married because they really love each other. Dante’s motive for marrying me is purely to get Bea.’ Rose shivered. ‘Last night, when I didn’t leap at the marriage idea, he said he’d demand time with his daughter. Could he do that legally, do you think?’