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Dangerous Temptations(9)

By:Brooke Cumberland

"It was great. But … I'm really glad to be home." I heard a hint of  amusement, his voice filled with condescending torture. Oh, god.

"Good to hear."

"Took a few days to get over the jet lag, but the hotel has been  very … accommodating while I waited for my belongings to ship over."

"Great news. It's good to have you home on the same continent."  William's voice was genuine, but I hadn't ever asked much about their  relationship. Mainly because he didn't talk about it. William was a very  private person. He grew up wealthy and had learned at a young age to  keep things in because he never knew whom he could trust. Money gave you  labels-which I hated-but William was used to it. I was still getting to  use to it, not sure I'd ever get used to it, but when you have money-or  marry into money-people tend to have expectations. The less the public  knew, the better.

"Yeah, it feels nice to be back home again," Alex stated. My throat  suddenly went dry, so I reached for my glass of water since the server  hadn't arrived with our wine yet. "I've been looking forward to moving  back."

"Your room will always be yours, son," I heard William say. At that  precise moment, the water in my mouth spewed out in front of me as I  choked on Alex and William's exchange.

"You all right, sweetheart?" William reached across to tenderly grasp my hand.

I brought my other hand up and patted against my chest a couple times  before saying, "Yes, I'm fine. Just went down the wrong way."

Alex's eyes locked on mine, a wicked grin playing on his delicious lips.

Shit, no.

No looking at his lips.

Oh my god …

Realization just sunk in … Alex was my future stepson! I felt like vomiting. I was going to be sick.

"I'm going to use the ladies room. I'll be right back," I told William,  placing my napkin on top of my menu. "Order me the jumbo shrimp in vodka  sauce, darling. Extra sauce, please."

He gave a curt nod before standing up with me, Alex following his lead.  "I'll just be a moment." I leaned in and kissed William's cheek before  rounding the table and heading for the nearest restroom.

I rubbed a hand down my dress, my palms sweating profusely. I found the ladies room and locked myself inside.

I needed to get my nerves under control …

After using the bathroom, and patting myself down with fresh towels, I  finally felt ready to head back. I gave myself a lame pep talk, deciding  to pretend nothing ever happened between Alex and me. It never  happened; therefore, there was nothing to be nervous about.

Satisfied, I unlocked the door and pulled it open, walking into the dim  hallway back toward the dining room. I took a left before slamming into  something solid-into a familiar wall that smelled an awful lot like  sweet, forbidden yumminess.

Whiskey and mint.

"Alex … " I said just above a whisper. My hands were pressed against his chest as I spoke into his throat.

"Mac … what an interesting turn of events." I looked up and he was  smirking. Actually smirking! As if my humiliation was amusing him.

"What are you doing?" I backed up, needing space between us. He smelled too good.

"I was checking up on you. You've been gone a while so I told my dad I  needed to use the restroom and that I'd keep an eye out for you."         



"I'm fine … " I breathed. "I just needed a moment." I adjusted myself, smoothing my hands down my dress once again.

My chest was rising and falling, matching my racing heartbeat. "You don't look fine."

"I'm just really surprised, is all … I had no idea." I concentrated on my breathing, counting backward from ten.

"Mac … look at me," he demanded. I shook my head. I couldn't do it. "Mac."  His voice sounded desperate, but I couldn't find the will to lift my  head.

He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my jaw until our eyes  met. His looked intense, hungry. They were stunning, and I felt myself  engaged in the very beauty of his dark, intense eyes. "Mac," he said  again, directing my attention, "or should I call you Mom now?" he  taunted, his lips forming into a teasing grin.

I pulled back from his hand and slammed my fists into his chest. "That's not funny!" I whispered loudly.

He stepped into me, making me step backward. He continued until my back  was flat against the wall. He positioned a hand against the wall next to  my head, smiling down at me. "It's a little funny."

I bowed my head, begging myself not to cry. "Sure, it's hilarious. I'm  the little slut who had a one-night stand on my fiancé-a kind, charming,  and near perfect man. Not only that, but also it's with his damn son." I  lifted my head to look at him, a smile no longer on his lips. "So,  yeah … it's fucking hilarious!"

"Mac, calm down," he urged. I was not in the mood to be calm. This … was not a calming situation.

I felt my face heating and turning red, I was sure. That always happened  when I got overly upset. I couldn't help it. "How am I supposed to calm  down, Alex? I was never to see you again and now you'll be living in my  house!" I hissed, trying to keep my voice low while still yelling at  him.

He leaned into me and I was so surprised by his gesture, I didn't even  push back. "Listen," he said smoothly, rubbing his knuckles along my  cheek. "I like you. I really like you. Our night together was  incredible, Mac. I'm not sorry about any of it. The only thing I regret  is that you can't remember it." His voice was sultry, capturing me with  every word he said.

"Mackenzie?" I heard William's voice, and I instinctively pushed Alex away from me.

"Yes?" I called back, standing away from Alex and walking toward  William's voice. He quickly came into view with a glass of amber liquid.  "There you are, darling. Everything okay?" he asked, his eyes moving  sharply to Alex behind me.

I swallowed, wondering how bad this probably looked. I didn't get to respond since Alex cut in.

"Everything's great. Mackenzie was just saying her ring had slipped off her finger, and I was helping her look for it."

My eyes widened in shock. He knew I didn't have my ring. Why would he say that?

"What?" William's shocked tone echoed through the hall.

"You know chicks, Dad. They have tiny wet fingers after washing their hands. It probably just fell off on her way out."

I turned around and scowled at him. How dare he!

"Ah, turns out I was right!" He bent down and pretended to pick it up from the floor. Fucker had it the whole damn time.

I had to hide my anger-so instead I thanked him.

"Oh, thank goodness!" I flashed a smile at William who looked pleased. "Perhaps I need it re-sized," I said as a lame excuse.

Alex stood up with the ring in his hand. "Here," he said, looking  directly at me, heat and desire evident in his eyes. I stuck out my  hand, my palm upright as I waited for him to give me the ring. Instead  of dropping it into my hand, he turned my palm around and grabbed my  ring finger. I swallowed hard.

This was not happening.

I tried to pull my hand back, but William was standing behind me, and I  didn't want to make a scene. I sighed, giving in, and relaxing my hand  in his.

He slipped the ring back on my finger, slowly and torturously while  keeping eye contact with me. I was shooting him daggers while he  continued smirking at me. Once he pushed it all the way on, he squeezed  my hand and patted it gently.         



"There. All better," he said, not bothering to take a glance at William. I took my opening and pulled my hand back sharply.

"Thanks," I gritted between my teeth and swallowed.

"Darling?" William called, breaking my scowl at Alex. "Our dinner will be arriving soon."

"Let's go." I turned around and smiled at him, wrapping my arm through  his. Alex walked behind us, sending a mixture of goose bumps and needles  up my arms. This night needed to end as soon as possible.

Chapter Six

"So, Mackenzie … Dad told me you work in fashion," Alex said just as I  lifted my wine glass. Our food had arrived, and I was enjoying my shrimp  as they talked about work. In fact, I had faded their conversation out  until I heard my name.

I swallowed the wine, gently placing my glass down before making eye  contact with Alex. "Yes, I'm a fashion blogger at Boxy Magazine.

"So you know a lot about designer clothes?" he inquired, a fresh grin on his lips.

"Yes, I do. I've loved fashion for a long time. I jumped at the opportunity to work there."

"So you know the dress you're wearing cost at least four thousand dollars?"

I nearly choked on the shrimp I had just forked into my mouth. What the hell was he up to now?

"Alexander … " William cut in, scolding him. "That's hardly appropriate."

"Just checking out my future stepmom, Dad," he replied in an amused  tone. "Hard not to believe everything the tabloids say when I'm half a  world away."