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Dangerous Temptations(8)

By:Brooke Cumberland

As I rummaged through my closet for something to wear, I landed on the  dress I wore the night William proposed to me-it was a navy blue  cocktail dress with a princess neckline and I matched it with silver  heels. We were eating Prime 333 when he popped the question over  dessert. It wasn't overly flashy, but that's not who he was. The  restaurant was a blend of sexy and romantic. It was just him and me,  enjoying natural conversation when he began his speech …

Darling …

Since you've walked into my life, or rather, slammed into my chest, my world has been rocked upside down.

I hadn't felt this kind of happiness in years and now that I have it, I don't ever want to let it go.

I remembered I was shaking; nerves and anxiety overcame me as he said his final words.

Mackenzie Lauren Hewitt …  He paused briefly to bend down on one knee and  displayed a Tiffany & Co.'s blue box in his hand. I love you. I want  to spend the rest of our lives together. His eyes remained locked on  mine as he slowly opened the box and asked, Would you do the honor of  marrying me?

I was nearly in tears by the time he finished his beautiful words.  Despite his high-profile career and popularity, William was a simple  man. He was content and happy without making a huge fuss. So his speech  blew me away because he wasn't one to express himself like that. He told  me he loved me and held me close, but he wasn't overly emotional.

I screamed, shocked by his words, and said, "Yes, of course!"

I moved in shortly after. He said he wanted me close as we planned our  wedding and future together. Although he wasn't so much on the wedding  planning wagon, he'd definitely been in on the building our lives  together part.

"DARLING, ARE YOU almost ready?" I heard him call from the living room  as I stared at myself in the mirror, remembering that night so vividly.

"Yes, be just another minute!" I called back, looping my earrings  through. I grabbed my necklace next and began pulling it around my neck  when I felt William's hands.

"Let me." I smiled at him in the mirror as he grabbed the chain out of  my fingers. I brushed my hair out of his way as he continued, "This  looks gorgeous on you."

"I was hoping you'd like it." I watched him smirk in the mirror.

"I love it. It's gorgeous … " He clamped the chain and let it fall down my  neck. "Just like you." He kissed me sweetly on the cheek.

I smiled at the man behind me. He really was special. So humble, so  genuine. I hoped life with him would always come this natural.

"Ready, love?" His eyes did a quick glance down my dress. "I love this dress on you."

William bought both the necklace and dress for me. "Thank you. You have  beautiful taste." I turned around and wrapped my arms around him.

"Or you just make it beautiful." He kissed the top of my nose and began  to walk away as he continued, "We're going to be late if we don't leave  in two minutes," he reminded me.

I brought my arms down and scanned the room. "I'll just put my shoes on  and then I'm ready. Could you grab my clutch for me?" I asked, sitting  on the bed.

He brought it to me and caught me off guard as he cupped my jaw. "I mean  it, Mac. You're gorgeous. Way too gorgeous for a man like me."

I shoved my feet into the shoes and grabbed the clutch out of his hand. I  didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything at all. I let him take  my hand and help me stand, looking into the depths of his eyes. He was a  strong man, but something deep inside was hurting. I didn't know much  about his childhood, but he wasn't exactly forthcoming about it. I never  pressured him and he barely asked about mine. It was just one of those  subjects neither of us was willing to discuss, and I was okay with that.  I didn't need to know all those details. As long as I knew who he was  now, that worked just fine for me.         



WE ARRIVED AT Vivolo at seven forty-five. William was always early and I  loved him for it. I tried my best to not take too long getting ready,  but I appreciated a man who took being on time seriously.

He escorted me in, placing his hand gently on the small of my back. We  were let right in and told that our guest hadn't arrived yet. William  nodded his thanks. He then led me in, pulling my chair out for me once  we got to our table.

The server waited for William to sit down across from me before telling  us the night's food and wine specials. William ordered us a bottle and  the waiter gently placed our menus in front of us.

"I'll be right back with your wine, sir."

William thanked him and kept his eyes on the menu.

"Darling?" I asked, getting his attention.

"Yes?" he answered, keeping his head low.

"Can you please remind me who we're meeting with tonight?" I asked casually, hoping he wouldn't get upset for not remembering.

"My son, remember? He just arrived a few days ago from Europe."

I swallowed. That's right. I had forgotten.

"Oh, right." I smiled, staring at my menu firmly. I wasn't at all  prepared. Mainly because his son was my age and that was just a bit too  weird, but I knew I'd have to meet him eventually. I knew he'd been  studying overseas the past few years and had just returned back home. I  remembered William mentioning it, but it'd been weeks ago and I'd  completely forgot about it. I hadn't put much thought into it and now I  was going to have to give my best first impression to someone who  probably wanted nothing to do with me.

I knew how it looked. Daddy engaged to some unknown girl half his age … he  was probably thinking the same thing all the tabloids were saying-I was  a gold-digging whore only after his money. They often forgot to mention  I had a successful career and was involved in my own charitable work.

Once I turned eighteen and moved to the city, I went back to school and  got my GED. I didn't attend enough days in any high school to merit my  diploma, but I had been determined to finish. I even got my associates  in fashion design and technology. I took myself from nothing and carved a  path for a better lifestyle, but that didn't sell magazines. Labeling  me as a partying-hussy who managed to land Manhattan's most eligible  bachelor made me a slut in their eyes.

"Don't be nervous, darling. Alexander will adore you, I'm sure." He  looked up from his menu and flashed me a genuine smile. "But he's  late … as always." I heard the disapproving tone in his voice and tried to  hide my smile.

"Actually, I'm right on time." I heard a deep voice with a hint of annoyance behind me. A voice I've heard before.

No, no, no. It couldn't be.

My heart began racing, my skin heated, and my body was suddenly glued to  my chair unwilling to turn around and come face to face with him.


My back was toward him, so he hadn't seen my face yet. William stood to  greet him, shaking his hand, and telling him how good it was to see him  again. From what I knew, they didn't have the best relationship, but  William had mentioned a while ago how he'd like to try and repair their  relationship once he arrived back home.

I was hyperventilating. My breathing was shallow, and I felt dizzy.

Get it together, Mac. Otherwise, you'll completely give yourself away, I reminded myself.

I took one deep breath, and with whatever strength I happened to muster up, I pushed my chair back and stood up.

"Alexander, I'd like you to meet my fiancée, Mackenzie Hewitt." I felt  William's arm on me and I turned around, meeting Alex's deep, intense  eyes.

Act normal … act normal, I mentally chanted just before seeing the one man I hoped to never have to see again.

I plastered on a big, fake smile and pushed my hand out. "It's a  pleasure to meet you, Alexander. William has told me many great things  about you."

The corner of his lips curled up in pure amusement. His eyes rested on  mine as he took my hand in his, wrapping it delicately around mine. "The  pleasure is all mine, Mackenzie."

The moment our hands touched, electricity shot through me. My heart  raced faster, and I was sure my eyes had dilated. This could not be  happening …          



He dipped his head and placed a gentle kiss on my hand, squeezing it  just before bringing his face back up to mine. His eyes burned into me  with a silent secret we both knew. But neither of us would say anything.

"Please, sit," William insisted, taking a step back toward his chair.  Alex sat next to him and as William pulled my chair out for me once  again, I could feel Alex's eyes on me. I pulled my chair in and kept my  head down, trying to avoid any and all eye contact. My body was  trembling, but I was attempting to get a hold of myself. I couldn't make  a scene.

"How was your trip, son?" William asked as he took a seat across from me, patting him gently on the shoulder.

I grabbed my menu again, gluing my eyes to it. I'd let them have their chat and pretend I didn't exist.

Yes, good plan.