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Dangerous Temptations(6)

By:Brooke Cumberland

"What exactly did you lose, babe? Panties? Bra? I was hoping that was a parting gift."

"Oh my god … " I blushed although he couldn't see me. "No, it was a ring actually."

"A ring? Could you … describe this ring?" His voice was thick with amusement. He was torturing me and he knew it.

"It was a white gold band. Diamond. A rather … large diamond," I said,  cringing as he probably knew exactly what type of ring it was.

"An engagement ring?"         



I exhaled, hating that I had to even have this conversation. "Yes."

He responded quickly with no emotion in his voice. "Sorry, babe. I've  not seen your engagement ring. However, I'll look around and call you if  I find it."

"Great, thank you," I replied, feeling self-conscious. I felt the need  to explain, but what do you say to your one-night stand that never  should've happened in the first place. "Alex … I'm sorry," was the only  thing I could think of.

"Mac, you have nothing to be sorry for." He sounded genuine, but I still felt bad.

"I do. I shouldn't have drunk that much and lead you to believe … "

"Mac … stop. You don't have to apologize. Trust me. Last night … " He  paused. I could hear his heavy breaths as if it pained him to hear the  words. "I don't want you to apologize."

"You're a really great guy, Alex. And I'm not just saying that. I wish  things were different. But since they aren't, this has to end here. I  mean, of course, unless you find my ring," I rambled, hoping he'd hear  my lame humor.

He laughed lightly, making my body relax at the sound of his laughter. It was deep, gravely, and so sexy. "Goodbye, Mac."

I sighed. Even his goodbye sounded sweet. "Bye, Alex."

WILLIAM CALLED TO let me know he'd be arriving home soon. It'd only been  a couple of days since waking up in a stranger's hotel room, but I was  ready to forget it and move on. It was a mistake. One fucking hot  mistake.

I looked in the mirror again, making sure I didn't have the word  ‘guilty' written all over my forehead or anything-because it's all I've  been feeling since arriving back home.

I stood anxiously in the foyer, repositioning the antique glass vase  that's centered on the five-thousand-dollar cherry table-for the tenth  time. I was growing accustomed to all of William's high-priced  furniture, but it still made me uneasy. I was always afraid I'd trip and  break something that'd cost more than my entire life savings.

William's penthouse apartment was on the Upper East Side and was a  drastic change from where I lived before. An even bigger change from my  childhood lifestyle.

I heard his footsteps through the hall, announcing his arrival. The door  opened and my stomach somersaulted at the first glance of him. He was  wearing his usual business attire, but he was wearing my favorite one-a  Dolce & Gabbana ‘Martini' Grey Wolf & Silk three-piece suit. I  smiled as I recalled the memory of picking it out for him just a few  months ago.

"Welcome home!" I walked toward him and wrapped my arms around him. I  sunk my face into his chest that smelled of his Dolce & Gabbana  cologne-cedar and spice. It was comforting. Just like he was.

"Thank you, darling." He kissed the top of my head. "I missed you."

I tilted my head to look up at him. He was a good ten inches taller than  my five-foot-three size, which always made me feel small and precious  around him. "I missed you, too." It was true. He'd only been gone for  four days, but William worked a lot. He was gone more than he was home,  so I made sure to soak up all the time we could spend together.

"Everything go smoothly?" he asked, backing away slightly. I let go of my grip as he began to walk through the apartment.

I followed behind and answered, "Yes, great." I tried to hide the  anxiety in my voice. I'd never tell him what happened. It was a mistake,  and I'd never put myself in that position again. And no matter how many  times I replayed Alex's last kiss in my head, my heart raced with  betrayal and desire. It was wrong, but my body disagreed.

Staci tried comforting me, making sure I covered all my bases so I  wouldn't out myself. If asked, we partied at Club Le Bain all night and  then took a cab to Brittainy's apartment where we stayed for breakfast  the next day, and I arrived home mid-afternoon.

William and I ate dinner in casual conversation. I told him about work  and he told me about his business trip. It was easy. Everything with  William was easy, except society. They didn't approve of us being  together, but we were in love. I meant it when I said those three words  to him a year ago. I was young, but I knew I never felt safer when I was  with him.         



We lay on the couch together in front of the fireplace until ten  o'clock. It was a rare occasion he gave me his time after dinner, so I  was more than content to sit in silence and do nothing. William ran  several businesses. He bought and sold them in parts, dividing the  assets for more money to the highest bidder.

I rested my head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around my waist. I  looked over at him, admiring his strong, dark features. His hair was a  dark shade of brown, trimmed, and styled well. For being in his late  forties, he didn't look his age with his very calculated and precise  appearance.

Once the news had gone public we were dating, I found out the press  tagged him as Manhattan's most eligible bachelor. By the streaming  number of women who had no reservations of commenting about his  relationship status, I had no doubt it was true. When the press first  heard he was dating someone half his age, they reported how I was a  slutty, younger woman who was only with him for his money and  popularity. They used their assumptions and ignorance in finding out who  I really was in order to blast headlines. However, I hadn't even heard  of William Lancaster until my boss mentioned he was coming in for a  meeting at Boxy magazine where I was interning. I had no idea a simple  meeting would lead to the fate I was now living in.

Chapter Four

I felt his mouth on me, the heat, and wetness of his lips devouring me  as his hands roamed my body. I moaned, loving the way his hands felt on  me. "God, Mac. You taste like fucking heaven." His deep growl turned me  on, building arousal between my thighs. His scent hit me, a combination  of whiskey and body wash.

I inhaled deeply, loving the way it lingered in the air. "You smell so  good," I said as his hands continued roaming up and down the lengths of  my arm. They were lifted above my head and pressed firmly against the  wall. He was taking his time with me even though I could tell he was  ready to take all of me.

"How do you want it?" he asked, making me blush in response. "Tell me  what you like … " he demanded, nuzzling his nose alongside my jawline.

"Hard. Rough. Hot." I felt his body tremble against mine. He bit my neck and groaned.

"Jesus Christ, Mac. You're every man's version of a perfect fantasy."

"What do you want to do with me?" I asked, hoping whatever it was would happen now.

He growled. I had felt the vibrations against my skin before he had even  responded. "I want to sink so fucking deep inside you, Mac, you'll feel  my cock for days." I shivered.

"Alex … " I whimpered as he continued working my neck. He hummed in  response. "Fuck me. I'll beg, but-" I didn't get a chance to finish my  plea. He gripped the cheeks of my ass and stood up with my legs wrapped  tightly around him.

"Are you sure, Mac? I need you to be sure."

"Yes, yes. God, yes," I nearly screamed. He slammed my back against the  wall, his hips securing us together as he brought my arms up over my  head and latched onto my wrists.

"Once I start, I won't be able to stop," he growled again. I could hear  the desperation in his tone and I loved it. I didn't want him to stop. I  was soaking wet just thinking about how he'd feel inside me.

I JOLTED AWAKE, sitting up in bed as I panted. My body was covered in  night sweats, and I could feel my panties wet in between my legs. I  turned to see William sleeping on his side peacefully.

Oh god …

I closed my eyes, trying to regulate my breathing. I pulled the covers  off and slipped out of bed. I tiptoed to the kitchen to grab a glass of  water.

Flashes of Alex were coming to the surface … memories of our night. Memories of what I had done.

The guilt was eating me up inside.

I gulped the water down in a matter of seconds, finally calming down.  After waking up with no memory, I hadn't expected to remember anything  from that night. I had shoved the whole thing in a secret,  never-to-be-opened drawer in my head. But now memories of that night  were surfacing and haunting me in my sleep.

I clenched my eyes shut tightly, hoping to push the memories away. I didn't want to remember. Not anymore. I couldn't.