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Dangerous Temptations(5)

By:Brooke Cumberland

"Holy fuck … " Staci gasped from behind me.

I spun around, my eyes wide and shocked at what had just happened. "We  have to go," I said rushed. I grabbed the shades from my shirt and put  them over my eyes as we walked to the elevator.

My hand was still clutching with whatever he had handed me. Once we were  secure in the elevator, I opened up my hand and found a small ripped  piece of paper.

In case you change your mind …  555-1026.

Written underneath was I'm really hoping you do, Mac. Give me a chance to remind you …


"Looks like lover boy wants another night." I could hear the amusement in her voice. Shit. This was so bad. So, so bad.

"Okay … " I pressed the emergency stop on the panel and turned toward her.  "You have ten seconds. Let it all out." I stood with my arms crossed,  urging her to get it out of her system.

"Mac … I love you. I'm just messing with you."

"No, c'mon. I deserve it. Yell at me. Tease me. Make fun of me.  Something!" I released my arms and threw them up. "Someone needs to yell  at me."

"Mac, you aren't a child. You're fully capable of making your own  decisions and mistakes. Why would I yell at you?" she asked sincerely. I  was falling apart. Tears surfaced and fell down my cheeks like a sudden  rainstorm.         



"Because I'm a bad person, Staci! I had a one-night stand! And I feel  guilty as hell … for more than one reason." My voice trembled, my body  shaking as I fully allowed myself to come to terms with what I had done.  "I can't believe I did that … " My voice went flat.

"You aren't a bad person. You made a drunken mistake. Trust me … you aren't the first to do so. We all do shit we regret."

"Yes … I know that, Stace," I retorted sharply. "But my mistake could really hurt people. If the press finds out … "

"They won't … he doesn't know who you are, right?"

"No, I don't think so. He didn't seem to."

"Well, there ya go. No one is going to find out," she reassured me.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, needing to calm my nerves. "All right … " I  nodded, motioning for her to release the emergency button as I put the  hat on. "I'm ready."

We exited the elevator without a second glance. I bowed my head down,  concealing my face as much as I could and grabbed her hand as she led me  out into the back of her car. Once we took off, I took the sunglasses  and hat off, relieved I was finally out of there.

"You're going to be okay." She flashed a comforting smile at me. "Do you want me to go inside with you?"

"No, I'll be fine. I'm just going to take a shower and pretend this whole weekend never happened."

She nodded.

I looked down at my hands as they nervously fidgeted in my lap. Almost home. Once inside, I knew I'd be safe.

I had shoved Alex's note in my back pocket, but I didn't even realize it  until just now. "Oh my god!" I squealed at Staci. My eyes narrowed in  on my left hand … my thumb rubbing over the empty ring finger indentation.

"What is it?"

"My ring! It's gone!" I shrieked. I became frantic as I realized my engagement ring was missing. It could only be in one place …

Chapter Three

Shit, shit, shit.

William was going to be home in a couple of days, and I couldn't risk  him seeing me without it. He'd ask me about it, and I'd have to make up  some stupid lie, which would just add to the stack of lies I would  already be carrying around.

I swallowed. I was going to have to call Alex.

After taking a shower and scrubbing my entire sinful body off, I dressed and grabbed the slip of paper with Alex's number on it.

I tapped my foot anxiously as I sat on the edge of my bed, taking deep,  shallow breaths. I just needed to do it. Get it over with. Call him.

My fingers nervously hovered over the digits of my phone. I felt oddly  eager to hear his voice again, but also scared as hell. His voice did  things to my body my mind couldn't control.

Before I dialed his number, a glimpse of our night together surfaced …

"What is it you want from me?" I asked bluntly. I needed to know because  I was not about to lead this guy on. He seemed almost too good to be  true, and the last thing I wanted to do was send out the wrong message.

"Well, if I were honest, which I almost always am … I want you. I want  your sweaty body underneath me, against me. I want your eyes to look up  into mine as I lay above you, fucking you hard and fast." My body  quivered, jerking at his blunt response. "I want to feel how tight your  pussy is, how wet you are for me. I want to suck on your tits as I hear  you scream my name because, holy hell, it's so damn sexy." I swallowed  hard as I wrapped my brain around his words-words I hadn't heard in so  long. "I told you I was honest," he whispered into my ear again.

I wasn't sure how to respond, but as soon as I cleared my mind, the alcohol took over for me.

I spun around and locked my arms around his neck. He looked at me, took  me in. His mouth was firm, tense. I analyzed his facial features and how  delicious he looked. My body felt on fire, burning and aching between  my legs as I repeated his words in my mind.

Why did his words have an effect on me? I wasn't supposed to let someone  else say those things to me, touch me, and beg me. I craved it-his  words, the look he was giving me-my body was craving it all, and it  didn't make any sense to me.         



"Stop," he said firmly, gaining my attention back. "Stop overthinking, Mac. What's your body telling you?"

I sucked in a breath, too embarrassed to tell him. "I don't know."

His lips curved up into a devilish smirk. "You're a horrible liar, Mac."  He pulled me in closer, our chests colliding. The top of my head  reached just under his chin, making our eyes disconnect.

"How do you know?" I asked. I was only vaguely aware that we were in  fact not alone. The music and dancing bodies surrounded us, but it  didn't feel that way. I was on high alert for every word he said and  every movement his body made.

He grabbed my chin and tilted it so we were eye-level again. He brushed  the pad of his thumb over my jaw as he said, "Because I'm good at  reading body language. Your body's hot. You haven't stopped blushing  since you've met me, and I can smell your arousal from way up here. Your  nipples are hard and pressing through this thin material you call a  dress. Your eyes are tense, as is your mouth. Your body can't stop  trembling, and every time you speak, small moans escape your throat.  Your body is fucking begging for it, Mac."

I swallowed again, shocked and embarrassed. He read me like a damn book, feeling everything I was trying to hide.

I needed to find out for myself.

"Kiss me," I said. "Kiss me right now."

Both of his hands cupped my face, nearly covering it completely with the  size of them. My breath hitched as he covered my mouth with his,  pressing his lips to mine. They were soft, warm like honey. I grabbed a  hold of his wrists, clenching to him as his kiss sparked my entire body.  I felt high as if this feeling wasn't natural, yet it was overtaking my  entire body.

His tongue met mine, dancing in rhythm as we stood in the middle of the  dance floor. His kiss consumed me, his mouth taking charge of me. He  increased his pace, deepening his desire as I held on for everything he  was giving me.

I felt a jolt of energy strike through me as our mouths collided, both panting with heavy breaths and heated air.

He tasted like bourbon, oaky and sweet. His cologne wasn't overbearing,  but being this close, I could smell the musky scent mixed with the  alcohol and the clean smell of his soap. Our bodies were meshed into one  big body of hands and mouths.

And now I couldn't stop. One taste and I wanted it. Wanted him.

I felt humiliated and a little hot at the memory. I hadn't pushed him away, in fact, I insisted.

It didn't matter though. It could never turn into anything and now I just needed to get this over with.

I finally dialed his number and tried to stay calm as I heard it ring.

"Hello?" His voice was deep, causing a slight thrill to run down my body.

I froze. I couldn't make the words come out, and my throat was suddenly dry and incapable of forming words.

"Hellooooo?" he asked again, a slight annoyance in his tone.

"H-hi … " I squeaked, tightly closing my eyes as a rush of embarrassment  shot through me. "Hi," I said again, more clearly and stable. "It's  Mac."

"Mac?" he asked surprised, his voice laced with happy amusement. "What a surprise."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry to bother you, I-"

"Oh, sweetheart, you'd never bother me." I could hear the smirk in his tone. "What can I do for you?"

"I, um … is there any chance I left anything in your suite? I'm missing  something and it's the only place I can think of I would've have lost  it." I bit my lip, nervously, hoping he'd already found it, and I  wouldn't have to be specific.