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Dangerous Temptations(46)

By:Brooke Cumberland

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I spent the rest of the week feeling numb, moving through the motions of  my routine-going to work, returning to the hotel, eating dinner, and  falling asleep to the TV. I emailed Staci throughout the day and texted  her at night. She kept in touch with me, taking my mind off everything,  but I really knew she was just keeping tabs on me. I told her about  meeting William on Friday and then we made plans to move me in with her  over the weekend.         



"Mackenzie, line one for you," Chelsea called out, pressing the hold button.

I was screening my calls and being extra careful of who I spoke with. "Who is it?"

"It's Alexander Lancaster," she replied and then continued, "again." My  heart dropped into my stomach for the fourth time this week. He's called  me every day at work since Tuesday and every time, I've avoided it.

"Tell him I'm in a meeting."

"Sure thing." She smacked her gum and grabbed the phone, telling him exactly what I had said.

I could feel her looking at me after she hung up. "What?"

"He's worried about you." He emailed me once yesterday and then texted  me this morning. I've ignored them all. I wasn't sure how to deal with  him just yet.

My throat swelled up at the thought of hearing his voice again. "Well,  if he calls again, you can let him know I'm just fine. I'm breathing,  eating, and sleeping. There's nothing to worry about." I stood up and  grabbed my things.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked sincerely. She hadn't mentioned it all week to me, but I knew she knew.

"No, but thanks. I'm all right," I tried to say convincingly. "I'll be fine," I said again.

"Okay, well, if you ever do, I'm a really good listener." She smiled sincerely at me, and I smiled back.

I finished everything from missing work last week and everything for  this week. I'd worked nonstop to make sure I could catch up before the  weekend. I knew saying goodbye to William was going to be hard, but I  was ready. I was ready to take my things and start over again. I've done  it once before and I knew I could do it again.

I WALKED THE familiar steps to the apartment, feeling both misplaced and  comforted at the same time. I've lived here for the past year and now I  was saying goodbye to another constant I had built for myself. I  thought William was the one, my forever, and now it was all coming to an  end.

I knocked on the door and anxiously waited. I wasn't sure I was ready to  see William again. However, I didn't think I'd ever be ready after  seeing his face when he overheard Alex and me.

I just needed to get this over with.

"You don't have to knock," William said as he answered the door.

I swallowed at the sight of him. He was well dressed and groomed as  usual. He wore a tailored gray suit with a turquoise tie and white  shirt. He was always put together, even alone at home.

"I didn't want to just assume I could let myself in," I explained quietly, standing awkwardly in front of him.

"Of course you can. This is your home." He stepped back and waved me in.  I stayed quiet as he guided us to the kitchen. "Would you like a  drink?"

"Sure, water is fine." I took a seat on the stool by the breakfast bar. I needed space between us.

He handed me a bottle of water and grabbed one for himself. "Did you have dinner? I could call for something."

"Oh, I'm fine." This was so awkward.

"Mackenzie … you're looking at me like I'm a criminal or something. You're tense."

"I'm just a little uncomfortable. A lot has happened in a short amount  of time. I just want to get this over with," I said honestly. Better he  knew upfront anyway.

"You don't have to leave. In fact, I'd rather you didn't."

I unscrewed the top to my water and took a sip. "That's not an option. I'm moving in with Staci."

"So just like that? You're going to move out?"

"You lied to me. You aren't who I thought you were, and I can't be who you want me to be. It's for the better."

"If this is about my late wife, I can explain that."

It wouldn't change anything for me now, but it wouldn't hurt to know the truth at least. "Okay, tell me."

I watched as he leaned against the fridge and faced me. "You'll need to sign a non-disclosure agreement first."

"What?" I gasped.

"It's the only way, Mackenzie."

"I was your fiancée and you expect me to sign a form?"         



"If you want to know, then, yes," he responded firmly.

I couldn't believe this. I was going to marry this man and he was  expecting me to sign some stupid paper saying I wouldn't leak it to the  press? "So you didn't trust me. Is that it? That's why you wouldn't tell  me."

He swallowed and kept eye contact with me. Harshly, he replied, "I don't trust anyone, Mackenzie. It's nothing personal."

I burst out in laughter. "I can't believe you're serious."

"It's how the business goes. I keep my private life private for obvious reasons. Look what happens when you don't … "

I scowled. "I may have been the one to break up our relationship, but  you're the reason I'm not fighting for it. I can't be in a relationship  that's filled with secrets, lies, and signing NDAs. It's just not for  me."

"Nothing's changed."

"You're right. I did. I changed. I saw past the blinders finally and  realized I could never be happy in this lifestyle. Your shell is  impossibly hard to break. I can't know about your late wife or why your  and Alex's relationship was rocky to start with. I barely knew you at  all. So if you aren't going to tell me, then there's not much else  really to say. We just need to call the wedding planner and cancel  everything. I'll send movers here tomorrow to grab the rest of my  things, and we'll have nothing else tying us together," I said blankly.

"If that's what you want."

"It's the only option, William." I could see the emotion pouring from  his eyes even though he was trying to hide it. "For what it's worth, I'm  truly sorry things ended this way. I'm sorry for betraying you. I'm  sorry it was made public. I wish things had gone a different way, but I  think this is what's best for both of us."

He only nodded in response. I took that as my cue to leave, so I placed  my bottle on the counter and slid out of the chair. "Bye, William."

"Goodbye, Mackenzie." He started walking out of the kitchen toward his  office when he paused and said over his shoulder, "I hope you find true  happiness." A small, genuine smile played on his lips before stepping  out.

I swallowed at the genuineness of his voice before seeing myself out for  the very last time. I didn't plan to come back. Staci was meeting the  movers here in the morning and directing them to everything they needed  to take. It'd be easier that way. Just say my final goodbye and start  over.

I walked down to the elevator and pressed the call button. Once the  doors slid open, I stepped in and hit the lobby button. The realization  my life here was over finally hit me. Tears slowly escaped and ran down  my cheeks. William and I shared some great memories and a part of me was  sad we'd never have them again. There'd been times we couldn't wait to  get back into the apartment and started making out right here in the  elevator. Those were some of the best times we had shared together when  he couldn't get enough of me. But that part of my life was over.

And it was time to move forward.

I THOUGHT ABOUT Alex the entire cab ride back to the hotel. He hadn't  left my mind since everything blew up in our faces. As much as I wanted  to forget him, leave it all behind, I knew it wasn't going to be easy.  There were still a lot of unanswered questions, a lot of bitterness  built up inside...and regret.

Once we arrived at the hotel, I paid the driver and stepped out. I took a  look around-the gorgeous building in front of me, the sun already  setting, and the tapping of people's shoes on the sidewalk. This was  what a fresh start looked like. Tomorrow, I'd be moving in with Staci  and starting over.

As I walked to the elevator, I thought about what food I wanted to order  for dinner. I had one more night here, and I wanted to spend it eating  take out and soaking in a hot bubble bath. I decided on Chinese as I  rode the elevator back up to my room. I sent a quick text to Staci  letting her know how not well my meeting with William went. I knew it  was for the best. A part of me felt relieved it ended the way it did. I  wasn't proud of the mistakes I had made, but I was glad I had found out  the truth about him before it was too late.         



My body sunk into the lavender scented oils as it made me feel  completely relaxed from the hot water covering my skin. I closed my eyes  and let my mind wonder. I thought about my mom. About things we had  gone through together and how growing up the way I did had made me a  stronger person. I thought about how I met Staci at a bar my first week  moving to the city. She intrigued me with her spunky hairstyle and  energetic personality. She became my rock and helped me make the  transition to being on my own. She was a good five years older than I  was, but you wouldn't know by looking at her.