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Dangerous Temptations(4)

By:Brooke Cumberland

He nodded, his smile turning into a disapproving frown. Since I was  close to leaving for good, the comforting atmosphere that was lingering  before was no longer there. Enter the awkward leaving your one-night  stand after having zero memory of the night before. Fucking great.

I watched as he turned to grab some clothes out of the closet. My eyes  turned to the desk in the corner, and I repeatedly blinked as a short  flash from the night before resurfaced.

"How do you want it?" he asked quietly as he kissed his way along my jaw and down to my ear. "Tell me what you like."

I could hear the growling in my ear; my body shivered anxiously as a  flash suddenly entered my mind. We were on that desk. I was sitting on  top of it with his hands all over me. My body began to heat as the  emotions flooded my mind, remembering how it felt to have him touch me.

I swallowed as I watched him. He dropped his towel-right in front of  me-as he threw the clothes on the edge of the bed. I should've diverted  my eyes, but I couldn't. They were frozen in place. I took in the back  of him again, his bare ass marked with scratches that apparently, I had  made. His back muscles were solid, chiseled marble as he moved  effortlessly.

He pulled over a loose fitting pair of gray sweats. They were so  simple-just sweats-but fuck me. They were the kind with white  drawstrings that lay loosely on the V of his hips. He grabbed a t-shirt  next and turned around to face me, a devilish smirk playing at his lips.

My eyes narrowed in on him. I was like a cat in heat, ready to pounce on  him at any given moment. My hands dug into the comforter on the bed,  keeping me from moving or doing anything reckless. The brief glimpse of  last night had me panting at just the thought of his hands and mouth on  me.

"We were on that desk," I breathed out more of a statement than a  question, but I just needed the confirmation. Was my memory playing with  me?         



He grinned as he walked toward me and said, "Sweetheart, we were everywhere. But yes … the desk is where it started."

I nodded in understanding, not sure of what else to say. I didn't want  to hear a play by play. I wanted to remember it my damn self.

"You remember?" he asked hopeful, sitting in a chair across from me.

I shook my head. "Just a flash. A short glimpse of me sitting on top of it."

"Well, I'd be happy to give you a reenactment. You know … to help jog your  memory." The corners of his lips curled up in a taunting smirk.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were a freaking comedian." He laughed and  shook his head at me. A knock on the door saved me from any more  embarrassment and awkward silences. "Oh, that's probably my friend with  my change of clothes." I stood up eagerly.

"I'll give you some privacy," he said with a short nod. I thanked him as  he walked out into another room of the suite. I walked to the door and  finally exhaled a breath of relief.

"Oh, thank god!" I wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you all right?" she asked, pulling me back to inspect my appearance.

"Yes, I'm okay. He's been really nice."

"Who?" she asked as soon as I let her in.

"His name is Alex … " I narrowed my brows together. "Alex something … "

"What happened?" she asked again, following me into the bedroom.

I grabbed the bag from her with the things I asked her to bring me. "I  don't know. I was hoping you could tell me. I can't remember anything.  But since I woke up naked in a stranger's bed, I have a freaking good  idea."

"Oh, shit," she cursed under her breath. "We were all out drinking … "

"Yeah, I assumed that. I remember getting ready. I just don't remember once the drinking started."

"Well, we were drinking a lot, Mac. Shots and cocktails. And dancing."

"Was I dancing with someone?" I asked, pulling his shirt over my head to change.

"Yeah, I think so. There was definitely a hottie sizing you up."

"And you didn't say anything to me? And just let me leave with him?" I hissed, although it really wasn't her fault.

"We were all together, Mac, and then suddenly you were gone. You texted  me and said you were heading out and to not worry about you."

"I did?" I asked, trying to rack my brain as I changed into pants.

"Yeah, I figured you took a cab home."


"But you're okay?" she asked sincerely.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just my damn memory isn't giving me much. I've had a  short flash, but it was like in slow motion. I don't know, but it was  weird. I could, like, feel what I was feeling at the time and now it's  just replaying over and over in my head, trying to probe anything new  out of it." I dug through the bag and grabbed the shades she brought me.  There were also some flats, an oversized sweater, and a Fedora hat.

If I was going to be leaving a random guy's hotel suite, I was going to do it with as much dignity as possible.

"All right. I think I'm ready."

"Is he here?" she asked a bit too excitedly, looking around.

"Yeah, he was giving me some privacy though. It's kind of awkward. He  just came out here and dressed in front of me after his shower. Like, he  was naked!" I whispered loudly.

"That's so hot," she mocked. I snarled at her and she laughed. "C'mon, let's get you out of here before someone sees you."

"Okay, I'm just going to … say bye, I guess? I don't know," I said, stumbling over my thoughts.

She laughed. "New to the one-night stand morning after, are you?" she  teased. "Just make it quick." I nodded in response, just wanting to get  this over with.

She went into the hall as I searched the other room. I was surprised to  find him behind a desk in reading glasses with his tablet in hand. He  went from sexy-as-sin man candy to something else completely. He looked  edible. He was fine as hell as he simply worked on something.         



I inhaled deeply as I stepped in, smiling weakly as his head tilted up.  Our eyes locked, and the energy between us was palpable and electric. I  needed to get out of here as fast as possible or I'd end up making  another wrong decision.

"I'm on my way out … " I began slowly, unsure of what else to say. "Thanks for breakfast."

He laughed easily as he stood up. His easy-going nature was evident in  his body language as he walked toward me. "You're welcome, Mac. I don't  normally ravish women and then leave them to starve." He stopped and  stood right in front of me. Butterflies took over my stomach at the  nearness of his body. I could feel my cheeks heating, or perhaps it was  my entire body. My body's response to him was uncanny. The tension was  so thick, I was afraid to move.

I tried to stay focused on his chest, but as soon as he spoke again,  they slowly moved up to meet his intense stare. "It was a pleasure  meeting you, Mac." He rubbed the pad of his thumb on the smoothness of  my cheek. My body relaxed into his hand as his voice serenaded me. "Any  chance we can meet up again?" I could see the hopefulness in his eyes.  His pleading eyes were now warm, begging me to say what he wanted to  hear. "No alcohol though. I'd like you to remember it next time." He  winked playfully.

But I couldn't.

This could never happen again.

I swallowed, standing up straighter so his hand was no longer touching  me. I needed to focus, and I couldn't with his hand on me.

"I'm sorry, Alex," was all I said, backing up toward the hall and  shaking my head. I pursed my lips together and looked down at the ground  as I walked out of his view.

I walked toward the door where Staci was anxiously waiting for me. She  widened her eyes at me, silently asking me if I was ready. I nodded back  in response, needing to get the hell out of there. Staci opened the  door, walked out, and looked both ways to make sure no one else was  around. "It's clear."

I gripped the door to exit just as I heard my name from behind me. "Mac … "

I instinctively whirled around to Alex making his way toward me. Before I  could move, or even respond, he had both of his hands on my face  pressing his lips to mine. My body gave in, syncing my lips with his,  moving in rhythm as we let the kiss say what we were thinking.

I sunk into him, gripping his shirt in my fists, pushing him even closer  to me. A moan escaped my lips as he slowed the pace, but he pressed  lingering kisses on my mouth just before releasing completely. I  swallowed, keeping my eyes sealed shut. I could feel him hot against my  skin. We panted in sync as we caught our breath.

He removed his hands and backed up slightly. I opened my eyes and licked  my lips, already missing the taste of him, which was a really, really  bad thing to be missing.

He took my hand and pushed something into it, squeezing it once before  letting go. He brushed a hand through his hair, keeping his eyes locked  on mine as he walked backward and finally turned away, walking back to  the room where I had found him.