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Dangerous Temptations(2)

By:Brooke Cumberland

I quickly opened my eyes and covered his hand with mine. "Stop," I  blurted out in a panic, sucking in another breath. His hand halted, his  body stilling next to me.

"Hung over?" he questioned, amusement laced in his tone. His breath  tickled my ear again, sending unwanted shivers down my spine.

I cursed my traitorous body. It apparently remembered last night, yet nothing was coming to me.

"Yeah, I seem to have a case of the ‘I don't remember what the hell  happened last night'," I said honestly. He removed his hand. I felt his  body shift slightly as he put space in between us.

"Turn around," he ordered. "Maybe you'll remember my face." I could hear  the hopefulness in his tone, but I knew a visual wasn't going to help. I  blacked out and nothing from last night was coming to me.

I didn't hesitate though. I grabbed the sheet to conceal myself as I turned around to face him.

Well, then at least I understood my body's reaction. He was all messy  hair with light stubble on his face. His eyes were a dark, chocolate  brown. He was looking at me intently, waiting for me to say I remembered  him. But I didn't.

I swallowed as I looked down the length of his body to see he was  completely naked. Only a small part of the sheet covered up his cock,  but everything else was exposed. I sucked in a sharp breath as I forced  my eyes back up.

"Sorry," I choked out. "I have no memory of you." I blushed, severely  embarrassed. He looked good enough to eat and here I didn't remember any  of it.

"That's okay," he finally said, his lips curving up slightly. "I'd be  glad to help you remember … perhaps a fourth time would jolt your memory."

My eyes widened in shocked. "A … fourth time?" I clenched the sheet  tighter to my chest. No wonder my body felt bruised and broken.

"Wow … " He grinned playfully. "No memory even after three times is kind  of an ego killer." He brushed a hand through his messy locks, taking my  attention away from his eyes. I imagined I was to blame for his hair  looking like that-as if I had raked my hands through it over and  over-squeezing, pulling.

Stay focused, Mac.

I blinked, seriously frustrated I couldn't remember anything.

"I'm s-so sorry," I rambled. "I can usually hold my liquor, but last night was a girl's night … "

"I know," he cut me off. "Bachelorette party if memory serves me correct. You were out with some girlfriends."

"Right … oh, god, did they see me leave with you? I need to get dressed. I  should leave. Where are my clothes?" I started to sit up, feeling too  lightheaded to stand up. "Shit."

"Sit back, Mac." It wasn't a suggestion. He pulled me back gently until  my head hit the pillow. "I'll grab you some juice and pills."

"Okay. Thank you … " I lingered, still not knowing his name.

He sat up, searching the floor for his shorts. He pulled them on and spun around with an enormous grin on his face. "Alex."

Holy panty dropper.

Which explains why I'm not wearing any.

I swallowed, taking all of him in again. He definitely had something  worth staring at; not overly buff, but he had chiseled muscles in all  the right places. His arms looked tone and strong, as did his torso. I  blinked up at him and nodded. "Thank you, Alex."

"You're welcome, Mac." He started to walk away before he froze and  quickly spun around. "That's your name, right?" One side of his lips  curved up.         



I tried not to laugh because it hurt my head, but I couldn't help the  small chuckle as it escaped my throat. "Yes, well, it's Mackenzie. But  my friends call me Mac."

"Hmm … " he pondered. "I like it. Mac suits you." He grinned once again  before spinning back around. He bent down quickly, giving me a full view  of his perfectly-shaped ass and turned to place my dress on the bed. I  narrowed my eyes. Were those scratches on his ass?

"I have shorts and a t-shirt in the dresser if you prefer to wear  something else since that can't actually be considered a dress anyway."  He winked and then took off out of the room.

I decided I'd rather wear the shorts and t-shirt. I would already be  doing the walk of shame, but at least my ass would be covered up.

Everything remained fuzzy, but I was trying really hard to remember  something, anything. I'd been planning Brittainy's bachelorette party  for months, so I knew I had to be out with her and a few of our other  friends-Katie, Ella, and Staci. I just don't remember the actual events  that took place after getting ready.

"Here … " Alex said as he walked back in. I couldn't help my eyes  wandering back down to where his shorts were. They lay loosely on his  hips, not really concealing much at all. He handed me two white pills  and a small glass of orange juice. "You should eat."

I swallowed the pills down and shook my head no. "Not sure I could keep food down right now."

"You should try … absorb the alcohol at least. It might make you feel  better," he insisted. It was then I realized we were in a hotel-a suite.  I'm not sure how I didn't notice it earlier, but now I could definitely  tell.

"Okay, I'll try," I agreed. "Where are we?"

"The Standard," he responded. Things were slowly making sense. Le Bain  was a club inside The Standard, which meant we didn't have to go far  once we left. "I'm staying here while my things get shipped back over."

"Shipped from where?"

"I spent the last few years studying abroad for graduate school. I just flew back and haven't moved back home yet."

"Oh, interesting. Guess this was one way to celebrate coming home … waking  up to a girl who remembers nothing." I laughed, mostly to myself and of  the irony. I was so going to hell.

"You've definitely made it interesting," he agreed. "Memorable, as well."

He grabbed the room service menu and started looking it over. "Would you  like me to order something for you? Do you have any specific requests  or anything?"

I've been on a diet for over a year, making sure my body was always in  perfect shape. The damn paparazzi loved taking my picture any chance  they could get, making sure to point out every single flaw they could  find. They were relentless.

But today … hell, I'd already had a plateful of sins adding up, so I was going to continue to indulge.

"I want … everything." I breathed out a sigh. "Pancakes, eggs, bacon … oh,  god, bacon. I haven't had that in over a year. Maybe longer. Toast with  jelly, waffles, anything with blueberries … "

"Basically, the whole menu?" He grinned. His eyes glazed over as he continued staring at me as if he were impressed.

"Basically." I laughed again, realizing how comfortable I felt around him.

After ordering, he sat down on the bed next to me and leaned up against  the bed frame. "It's okay to sit by me, you know. I won't bite. I  mean … unless you ask me to, of course." Was he flirting with me?  Considering everything we apparently did last night, you'd think our  one-night stand would be as awkward as I felt. He sucked in his lower  lip and winked at me.

He was definitely flirting with me.

"I feel a little awkward not remembering you and you  remembering … everything. Usually one-night stands just do the quick  dress-and-bail, right? Well, you're acting kind of … normal."

He laughed lightly with amusement in his eyes as he continued looking at  me. "I haven't ever had a one-night stand before, but I'd guess you're  probably right."         



I leaned back against the bed frame next to him, my body relaxing more.  "Seriously?" I frowned. "Are you just messing with me? You've never had a  one-night stand before?"

His eyes shifted as his lips pursed together, thinking before he  responded. "Nope. Well, they might've started like that, but they always  ended up as more."

I chewed my lip, thinking how this was not … could not … turn into more.

"Well, consider your cherry popped for one-night stands," I said lightly, hoping he'd understand what I was trying to say.

He shifted, bringing his body closer to mine. I swallowed nervously as  his hand moved to my face, cupping my jaw. "Would you be upset if I  kissed you?" His question felt so misplaced, but I didn't mind. I  should've minded a lot, but I couldn't find it in me to deny him. "Just  once so you can say you actually remember something about me?" His voice  was low, sultry. If I had any panties on, they'd be melting right off  my skin with his voice.

I stared into his intense, brown eyes and nodded. I didn't have the  nerve to respond. I didn't trust what would come out of my mouth if I  did.

He pulled my face closer to his, our mouths each meeting half way. His  lips covered mine, soft and warm, as he gently pushed his tongue inside.  It started slow and easy, our tongues slowly finding a rhythm. His hand  shifted and wrapped into my hair, pulling me even closer. My body felt  like it was on fire, heat and arousal building up inside me. The  sensation alone clouded my head and any logic my mind was trying to  make. My body was driving, not stopping to hear any rational reasons as  to why I should've stopped the kiss.