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Dangerous Temptations(12)

By:Brooke Cumberland

Chapter Seven

A few days after officially meeting Alexander Lancaster-Alex-I consumed  myself with work, so much so, I was able to almost forget about him  moving in … almost.

By Thursday, boxes of his things started to arrive. He was moving back  into his old bedroom, which was across the apartment. Thank god. There  was enough space in between to feel like I could easily avoid him-which  I'd planned to do. I'd leave for work early in the morning before he was  even awake probably and then return at night after dinner. I'd then  hide away in my bedroom until I passed out.

Yes, that was my plan.

However, the weekend was coming and William was leaving town the next day.

"That's everything, ma'am," one of the mover's said to me, directing my  attention away from my thoughts. William wasn't home from work yet, so  he asked me to pay them before they left.

I grabbed the checkbook from my purse and wrote out the amount plus a  generous tip. As I ripped it out, I said, "Here you are. Thanks so much  for everything." I was pleasant. It surely wasn't his fault my fiancé  thought this was a grand idea.

He glanced down at the check and smiled wide, shock playing on his lips.  "Oh, thank you, ma'am." He tipped his head at me. "Y'all have a great  night now." I could hear the southern accent in his voice, making me  smile at the thought of a southern gentleman living all the way up in  New York City.

"Thanks. You as well." I led them out of the apartment and cringed. Now  it was just Alex and me. William wasn't home yet and I was supposed to  ‘make him feel at home again.'

That was not going to happen.

I walked to the kitchen, needing to get dinner ready. William had called  and asked me to make a special dinner for the three of us since he'd be  flying out early the next morning. I agreed, needing to do anything to  distract myself until he arrived home anyway.         



I placed the pan of lemon chicken into the oven just as I heard  footsteps coming this way. I tried to act unaffected, bored even, but  once Alex rounded the door, all my brain cells bailed.

"It smells delicious in here," he said as soon as he leaned up against the breakfast bar.

"Thanks," I said softly, keeping my back to him as I cut the potatoes. "I'm making chicken. I hope you like-"

"I wasn't talking about the damn chicken," he said roughly, his voice  firm and close. He moved toward me, the hair on the back of my neck  sticking up as I realized he was coming closer to me. "However, chicken  sounds great," he continued with amusement, clearly enjoying the  situation in which we've been put in.

"Good. It'll be done in forty-five minutes if you want to go unpack  until then." I felt his body pressed up against mine, his hands gripping  the edge of the counter next to me. He fully closed me in, my ass firm  against his groin. "What are you doing?" I blurted, dropping the knife  on the cutting board.

"Just getting a better view … " I felt him nuzzle his nose into my hair and inhale the scent of my shampoo.

"You need to stop, Alex. Back up," I demanded, trying to sound stern,  but I felt him smile against my neck. He was clearly entertained by  making me uncomfortable now. "I still don't remember you," I reminded  him, although part of that was a lie. I had remembered some …

My body shivered in response.

"Your body does," he responded smugly. "And I remember you, Mac. I  remember everything. The way you moaned as I sunk deep inside you, the  way you gripped my hair when I sucked your clit in between my lips, the  way you screamed my name when I-"

"Stop!" I shouted. I pushed against his chest, but instead of forcing him back, it pushed our bodies closer together.

"Your mouth is saying one thing, sweetheart. But your body is saying another."

I was pissed. How dare he use that against me when I'm clearly trying to avoid him?

I turned around, breaking the trap his arms had barricaded me in. "You  can remember all you want. But I don't. It was a mistake. Do you hear  me? A mistake!"

He took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk playing  on his lips. "You can say it all you want, princess. But it still won't  be true." He leaned in, placing his finger under my chin and tilting my  head up to look at him. "You can pretend it didn't happen all you want,  but it still happened. I fucked you so hard, your body could barely  move the next morning. When's the last time you woke up like that? Does  my father eat your pussy so good you scream until you lose your voice?  You could barely talk or walk when I was done with you."

Rage fueled my blood the moment he mentioned William. I pushed hard  against his chest, forcing him to take a few steps back. "How dare you!"  I shouted. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again," I spat out,  keeping my eyes locked on him so he knew just how serious I was.

"Or what, princess?" he mocked. "You going to let your royal king know  you fucked another man? His son?" he challenged, raising his brows at  me. I stood there, breathless. I could feel my cheeks heat as the anger  stirred inside me. "That's what I thought."

"You're an asshole. Nothing like the guy I first met." My voice came out shaky, filled with emotion and regret.

"I'm exactly the guy you first met. I wanted you and I still want you.  That hasn't changed." He took another few steps back, finally giving me  the distance I needed. "The only thing that's changed is the game,  sweetheart."

"This is not a game!" I hissed. "I'm a person and you're messing with my life now."

"I never said I played by the rules, Mac."

"The only rule you need to follow is to stay the hell away from me," I snarled, narrowing my brows at him.

He smiled just before turning and walking toward the door. "Like I just said … I don't play by the rules."

I WAS SETTING the table as William wandered in. As soon as he arrived  home, he went into our bedroom and changed out of his work clothes. I  knew after dinner, he would finish packing for his trip and going right  to sleep since he'd be leaving bright and early. It was routine.  However, I was hoping to keep him awake as long as I could. Anything to  stay distracted and away from Alex.         



"Hello, darling," I heard William's soothing voice from behind me. I  placed a wine glass on the table as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.  "Dinner smells delicious."

I swallowed and smiled, turning to face William's warm embrace. "Hi."

He dipped down to wrap his hands around my waist and pulled me in for a  kiss. I melted into his lips, loving the familiar taste of him. I let  out a small moan, my body enjoying the attention.

"How long until dinner's ready? I wanted to check in on Alex." The mere mention of his name had goose bumps forming on my skin.

"About fifteen minutes," I answered quickly, not wanting him to notice my reaction.

"Perfect." He pecked my lips once more before releasing his hold on me.  "I'll let him know." I smiled in return, wanting to get this night over  with as soon as possible. I'm not sure I'd ever get use to this.

Less than ten minutes later, William returned with Alex into the dining  room. I overheard them laughing and talking as they settled into their  chairs.

"Darling, can you grab Cabernet Sauvignon?" William called to me.

"Absolutely! Be right there," I called back. The chicken and veggies  were done, staying hot in the oven. I finished the organic red potatoes  with one last teaspoon of margarine and sprinkled chives over the top. I  was just finishing when I felt two hands rub down my arm from behind  me.

I jerked immediately, furious that Alex had the nerve to touch me when I  had been perfectly clear earlier. "Stop," I snapped, my voice cold and  distant.

His hands backed off instantly, but his body stayed pressed against mine. "What's wrong?"

My head tipped up, my eyes going wide as I heard William's voice in my ear. Shit.

I swallowed hard as I thought of what I was going to say to redeem  myself. I'd never tell William to stop touching me. I welcomed it, and  in most cases, begged for it.

"Are you all right, darling?" he asked, fear laced in his voice.

"Yes, sorry," I spat out quickly and turned around to look at him. I smiled as I continued, "You just scared me, that's all."

"Oh," he said with a small smile, bringing his arm up to wrap a loose hair around my ear. "Well, that was quite the reaction."

"I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I'm tired, really. Just caught me off  guard." I smiled again, hoping that was a good enough excuse.

He tipped his head down and lightly kissed my forehead. "No worries. Let me help."

Moments later, he walked behind me as I held the pan of lemon chicken  and mixed veggies. I set it in the middle of the table and waited for  William to set the potatoes next to it. "I'll grab the wine," I said  quickly, but William grabbed me before I could turn back around.