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Dangerous Temptations(10)

By:Brooke Cumberland

"You know that shit is garbage. Plus, Mackenzie isn't anything they  bring her out to be." He turned and smiled at me reassuringly, letting  me know he didn't believe them either.

"One week I'm too fat, the next I'm too skinny," I cut in. "They obviously have no idea what they're talking about."

His eyes rolled down my upper body and smirked. "Well, whoever is writing the articles must be fucking blind."

I blushed at his words, wishing I could kick him from under the table without causing a disturbance.

"It's all about the money, Alexander. Whatever will sell their dreadful  paper," William retorted, focusing on his plate in front of him while he  cut into his steak.

I bent my head down again, but I could feel Alex's gaze. It was as if  there was a magnetic charger attached to my body and his eyes were glued  to it.

Just then, William's phone rang, startling me. "Excuse me, darling. I  have to take this." He stood up and kissed the top of my head before  making his way down the hall.

I waited until William was out of earshot before speaking. "Stop staring  at me," I snarled, not moving my eyes as I scraped my fork alongside my  almost empty plate.

"Why should I?"

"It's distracting."


"So I'd like you to stop." I finally lifted my head to meet his daring  eyes. "It's inappropriate to gawk at your future stepmom," I added,  throwing his words back at him.

He burst out into quiet laughter, dropping his fork alongside his plate.  He brushed his napkin slowly across his face before laying it back down  and leaning toward me. "Sweetheart, I will never stop looking at you.  As long as I hold the memory of us, what we did, and how your lips taste  against mine, I will never stop looking at you."

My cheeks heated at his bold words. He wasn't going to make this easy on me.

Of fucking course not.


"Fine … stare all you want, Alex. But it's never happening again. Never.  You can look, dream, fantasize all you want. But it's William's bed that  I'll be in tonight." It was a bitch thing to say, but he wasn't getting  my point. He wanted to play dirty-I'd play back.

Instead of getting pissed as I had hoped, he leaned back in his chair  with an overly-amused grin. "We'll see, sweetheart. I have no problem  taking the queen away from the king."

I scowled. "I don't even know what that means."

He leaned toward me again and whispered, "According to Life & Style  Magazine, you and William are "Manhattan's royalty couple," he  explained. "Prince William married Kate Middleton, a girl next door, not  from a royal background. Sound familiar?" He tipped his head at me.  "Except this William isn't going to marry his Kate … "         



"You're pretty ballsy entertaining me with all your empty threats," I snarled right back.

Before he could respond, William walked up behind me, cupping my neck as  he leaned down and kissed the top of my head again. "My apologies. What  did I miss?" he asked as he took his seat across from me.

Alex and I both smiled, mine completely fake, as I shook my head saying,  "Not much. Alex was just talking about his time in Europe."

We spent the rest of dinner and all of dessert listening to Alex talk  about graduate school, his weekend adventures and comparing their  economy to ours. I tried, for William's sake, to act interested, but I  was ready to get the hell out of there.

"Well, son. I believe my fiancée is ready to fall asleep at the table. I  should get her home." He smiled at me, caressing my cheek in a sweet  manner.

"Sorry, long week at the office has me exhausted," I lied.

"No worries. We'll have plenty of time to catch up when Alex moves in next week."

Huh? When was that discussed?

"Next week?" I repeated.

"Yes, didn't you just hear us?" he asked a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"No, sorry. Guess I'm more tired than I thought."

William stood up and grabbed my jacket from the server behind me. I  hadn't even seen him call him over. Shit, I needed to stay focused.

"Alex's things are being shipped to the apartment. He needs somewhere to  stay while he looks for a new place. Is that all right?" he asked with  concern.

I looped my arm into my jacket, my heart racing while he waited for my answer.

"Absolutely! The more, the merrier." I smiled wide, praying I'd suddenly  have a heart attack or something. There was no way I could live in the  same house as Alex!

"Great." He smiled in return. "He'll keep you company when I'm gone next weekend."

"Wonderful," I said, praying for anything to prevent that from happening.

I was ready to die. C'mon, God. An aneurysm? A stroke? Anything, really. I'm not picky.

"Make sure you make him feel at home. It's been a few years since he's  lived there and coming back after all that time might be strange," he  whispered, trying to be discreet, but Alex heard every word.

"I'm sure she'll make me feel right at home, Dad. No worries." He  smirked, patting his dad on the shoulder. William smiled in approval,  having no idea of Alex's twisted words.

William wrapped his arm around me, guiding us to the front. I turned  slightly and scowled back at Alex, warning him to cool it. He only  laughed and mouthed, "Not gonna happen, sweetheart."

I STOOD IN the bathroom in just a lace nighty, staring at myself in the  mirror as the memory of how I met Alex the first time resurface in my  mind. My body tingled and my heart began to race as flashes of that  night started to come back to me …

As I danced to the upbeat rhythm vibrating through the speakers, I felt  strong hands behind me. They crept to my hips, moving and grinding  behind me. I kept swaying, inviting the stranger to dance with me.

"I couldn't help myself. You just looked so gorgeous dancing all by  yourself over here." His voice was husky, low. His breath was hot  against my neck, sending a shiver down to my toes.

I smiled to myself since he couldn't see me. I responded with inching my  body closer to his, feeling his chest to my back. He was built from  what I could tell. His chest hard and his arms toned. They engulfed me,  pressing against my body in a securing gesture.

We danced to the music, one hand moved to my arm, rubbing up and down in  an affectionate manner. It was oddly comforting; his movements were  sweet but secure.

"What's your name?" He dipped his head down, pressing his lips against  the flesh of my ear. My body tingled with how close his mouth was. His  entire body was cemented to mine, and I had yet to see his face.

"Mac," I answered, turning my head slightly so he could hear me. "What's yours?"

He spun me around, his hands securely gripping my upper arms. My eyes  opened wide to see him, but the lights were dim and the dancing of  colored lights moved in a quick rhythm. I could partially see him-his  jawline and his mouth. His eyes were hooded, not giving me a good view  of them. His hair was short on the sides and longer on top, but I  couldn't see what color. Everything was dark.         



"Alex," he finally responded. His lips turned up into a handsome grin,  giving me a full view of his perfectly straight teeth. I didn't know  what to say, so I just stared at him, letting the alcohol swim in my  veins. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mac."

One hand continued to grip my arm while the other strolled down to my hip. He squeezed gently, waking me up from my trance.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Alex." I smiled, feeling like we were the  only two people in the entire club. The music silenced, the other  dancers faded, and soon, my vision only zoomed in on this enticing  stranger.

"Can I buy you a drink?" He leaned in again, close to my ear. It was so  deep, soothing almost, as the silk of his voice vibrated against the  warmth of my skin. Butterflies consumed my stomach at the way my body  was responding to him. It was innocent really, but the way his lips  lingered was a sure sign it wouldn't stay that way.

"Sure," I answered anyway. My body felt hypnotized. I was stunned by the effect this stranger was stirring in me.

His hand ran down my arm until it reached mine and he linked our fingers  together as he guided us to the bar. I nervously looked around for my  friends, wondering if they were still at the same table we had been at  earlier.

"What's your poison?" he asked playfully, leaning one arm on top of the  bar. I stood in front of him, getting a much better visual of his face.  His jawline was firm and strong, but it didn't match the rest of him. He  had one of those soft baby faces, the ones that look like they never  age. His eyes were brown from what I could now see and his hair was a  dark shade of brown. He was every girl's wet fantasy, but he couldn't be  mine.

"I'll take a Cranberry Vodka."

"A girl who can drink her liquor … " His lips curved up in one of the  sexiest smirks I'd ever seen. His lips were thin but delicious looking.  "I like that."