“Four safe houses in six days have been destroyed,” he said. “All in Tucson.”
Damian sobered, troubled by the news. It was how the destruction of the European front started. The safe houses dropped like flies, then the spy network, then the sectors’ headquarters. He didn’t know where the leaks were coming from in Europe, and he definitely didn’t know where they were coming from in Arizona.
“How many men you need?” he asked.
“To maintain our operations, three more. To get ahead of the vamps …” Rainy shook his head. “At this rate, I don’t know. Trac-- the Natural tracker was able to identify patterns in the attacks. Ikir, they’re using our tactics against us.”
Damian crossed his arms. It was the worst news yet. One of his Guardians was training the enemy.
“Traci’s found signs of the vamps’ surveillance around two more of our safe houses. None at your HQ yet or Sector HQ,” Rainy added.
No one could find Damian’s HQ unless they were on the guest list, or one of his Guardians revealed its location. He maintained a shield around it that made it invisible to those who didn’t know where it was.
“Burn the six safe houses. What’s the impact if we have to burn more?” Damian asked.
Rainy rubbed the back of his neck, pensive. “It leaves us with two, plus Sector HQ. Ikir, I think Tucson Sector is going to be completely compromised by Christmas.”
“The Quarterly is coming up in a week,” Damian said, coming to the same conclusion. “I relocate HQ after each one for security reasons. We’ll evac all Naturals and Guardian assets from Tucson Sector after the Quarterly and send in a clean-up crew.”
Rainy nodded, a look of relief crossing his features, and Damian saw his mind was on his Natural ward, Traci.
“I love clean-up duty,” he said with a cunning smile.
Most Guardians did, including Dusty, who personally oversaw every one in his hemisphere. Damian issued few clean-up orders, for there was no way to maintain the discretion his Guardians needed to mask their shadow operations protecting humanity. It was loud and dirty, the type of work they’d ceased two centuries before when the human population exploded and globalized.
Damian thought hard. First Europe, then Tucson Sector. His mind traveled to the sexy Oracle, and he wondered if she’d be anything like the Oracles from his father’s time. If so, he might have the key to crippling the cancer afflicting his operations. If she survived her transformation, that is.
“Keep me updated, and alert the neighboring sectors,” he ordered. “How many Naturals you have in Tucson?”
“Only two.”
“If you need to send them to HQ or want to evac Sector HQ, go ahead. Don’t worry about knocking. I’ll let Han know you all may be in.”
“Thank you, ikir.” Rainy’s voice was quiet, and Damian sensed his heartfelt gratitude.
“Gods, she’s got you mewling already,” Damian couldn’t resist saying.
Rainy tensed.
“No disrespect, Rain-man. Happy for you.”
“You’re not upset?” he asked warily. “Dustin says …”
“… women are the true scourge of mankind. I know,” Damian replied. “He tells me all the time.”
“Actually, he said no relationships with Naturals,” Rainy said, giving him an odd look.
“If there’s one thing that drives Dustin crazy, it’s being kept in the dark. Let him know now, before he accidentally finds out,” Damian advised with a chuckle.
“Yes, ikir.”
Even the younger Guardians referred to him by the ancient title that meant my king. Damian had long since lost any lofty delusions, but Dusty was a stickler for discipline and details. His phone dinged with a message from Han, and he pulled it from his pocket.
I don’t know what to do with a crying woman, Han had typed.
Damian snorted then glanced at Rainy. “Gotta go, Rain-man. Call Dustin. I’ll arrange for evacs and a clean-up crew.”
“Yes, ikir.”
He started to Travel to the Oracle’s room but thought better of it. She was scared enough. He opened his eyes to face Han outside her closed door. His normally stoic XO appeared irritated.
“She won’t come out, won’t eat,” he said. “Gods, I forgot how difficult it is raising Naturals.”
Damian clapped him on the arm and opened the door. Her curtains were down to seal away the sunlight, and she was curled up in a ball in the middle of her bed with her back to the door. She wore jeans and a T-shirt, and her blonde hair fanned out over a pillow. The unusual sense of tenderness unfurled again in his breast. He sat down on the edge of the bed, brushing one blonde lock from her face.