Conspiracy Theory(90)
“Who?” Gregor asked. “The Masons?”
“Did you know that all but four of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons?” Kathi said. “George Washington was a Mason. He was master of his lodge in Virginia. They were looking to create the New World Order. Novus Ordo Seclorum. It’s right there on the things they wrote. Thomas Jefferson said it. Thomas Jefferson was a Mason. He was a member of the Illuminati. They wanted to create a New World Order and they put Masonic symbols on all our money.”
“But that isn’t what it means,” Gregor said, dredging up the Latin he’d learned in high school, so long ago he could no longer remember the name of the woman who taught it to him. “Novus Ordo Seclorum. It doesn’t mean New World Order. It means A New Order of the Ages. That’s what they thought they had, people like Jefferson, because they were getting rid of monarchy for democracy—”
“They didn’t get rid of monarchy,” Kathi corrected. “They only pretended to. The world is still run by the same thirteen families it’s been run by for a thousand years. Maybe longer. They’re the real Merovingian dynasty. It’s supposed to have died out, but it didn’t. It’s still around. Anthony van Wyck Ross was a member of that dynasty. So is George Bush and George W. Bush. So is Al Gore. They never give you a choice between one of them and a real person. They don’t want you to have a choice. They’re the only ones who are ever allowed to be in control. They look like people, but they aren’t really. They’re reptilian. They’re the offspring of humans who mated with a reptilian race and now they can do things nobody else can do. They can learn faster than real humans. They can remember more. They can invent things. You don’t think people could have invented space travel, do you? We’re not that intelligent. We’re not that creative. But they can’t just do it on their own, because they want to. They need us. They need to have us subjugated.”
This was, Gregor thought, the talk she gave people who were already slightly involved in the movement, the ones who had the specifics down and only needed somebody to put them together. Since he knew nothing at all about any of this, it wasn’t making sense. The Merovingian Dynasty was, he thought, something from the early Middle Ages—Pepin the Short, and a line of kings so incompetent they had collapsed under the weight of their own stupidity. What exactly that had to do with the Masons, or a race of reptiles, or George W. Bush, he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t completely convinced that Kathi Mittendorf was sure.
She had been standing in front of him, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. Now she turned abruptly and walked out of the room. A moment later, she was back, carrying a thick book and a small sheaf of papers.
“Here,” she said. “Read it all. You’ll be able to understand if you let yourself. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything is orchestrated. Everything. We’re already more than halfway to a One World Government. Once that government is in place, they’ll have what they want. They’ll be able to control everything, even people who know them for what they are. Look at what’s happening around you. The United Nations. All those appeals to ‘international law.’ There is no international law. They only want you to think there is so that they can talk you into letting them run your life and everybody else’s. So that they can have control.”
“Why?” Gregor said.
“Some of the people in the movement think they’re really Satan,” Kathi Mittendorf said. “They see that the Illuminati subject their own children to satanic ritual abuse and they think that means the Illuminati are in league with Satan. They see that the Freemasons worship Satan and they think the same thing. But it isn’t true. There is no Satan. Religion is something they invented, the Illuminati, to make it easier to control ignorant people. But it doesn’t matter. We make common cause with the Christian freedom fighters. They are freedom fighters. They’ve just accepted the metaphor as the reality. And they’re looking for the bodies.”
“The bodies?”
“The bodies of the infants,” Kathi Mittendorf said. “The Illuminati make their children participate in rituals. They sacrifice infants. They’ve sacrificed hundreds of thousands of them in the last twenty years alone. Then they subject these children to ritual sexual abuse. It’s the MKUltra mind control system. It was invented by the CIA. Do you know that the FBI doesn’t even bother to track the numbers of children that go missing every year.”