At that moment the pizzas arrived. While we ate the hot pizzas the gang continued to drink the red wine. I had already opened the third bottle. Alice was getting pretty warmed up. She wasn’t paying attention to her behavior. She was leaning across the table and showing off her naked tits.
Everyone was completely relaxed, and continued to fool around.
Alice asked me what my pizza was like. “Come on. Feel free to eat and enjoy, then give me a slice from your plate with your hand. Here have some of mine. Enjoy but don’t complain later how you hadn’t tasted my pussy for the last five years. Did you even count how long has it been since you had seen a pussy?”
While she was nibbling her pizza she said, “Hey guys, he complained to me how he hasn’t had my pussy for over 967 days. He counted it precisely.” Then she started to laugh loudly and nearly lost a bite.
“So what, Alice?” they both asked.
“I just don’t want to do it with him. Maybe I will give it to him one day. He could only hope. When she said that, she started to laugh like crazy. Then she patted my knee and said, “You are good to me. I don’t know how many people would last through this fast. You just enjoy hoping. Something will turn up for you maybe tomorrow, maybe in a month, maybe a year. Ha, ha, ha.”
When we finished eating our pizzas, she asked me to open up another bottle. Since the wine got to her pretty good, she continued to joke around at my expense. It was after all her favorite thing to do in front of company.
Paul said, “Seriously Alice. The professor is a great guy, and you are really one hell of a woman. What are you doing to him? I can see you humiliating and torturing him in various ways.”
Alice responded, “What can you do? That’s just how it is! Whoever wants to be with me has to listen to me. Come on now. Make us one more coffee. This wine made me a little dizzy and sleepy. I haven’t been this relaxed in a while. I just remembered something. I definitely have to tell you this. You are going to piss yourselves from laughing. ‘’
‘’A few years ago a married couple lived in our building. They were both my age. I was around 23 back then. Since I wasn’t working I was hanging around with my friend Nicole a lot since I had a lot of free time. We were together every day. Nicole didn’t leave our apartment so she soon figured out what was happening. She saw professor cleaning, cooking, washing and ironing every day. That was very unusual to her. ‘’
“Sometimes I used to demand that the professor wash my feet in front of her and massage my feet while we watched a movie. I used to love placing my legs in his lap and asking him to give me a light massage while watching a movie. Nicole always used to comment that I lived like a queen. Since at that time I was very close with Nicole and felt related to her, I was also relaxed around her.
“When Nicole would be telling me all the things she did in her apartment that day or what she made for lunch, I would take off my socks and put my foot in my husband’s mouth and order him to lick my soles and suck my toes. I enjoyed pointing out that my husband was doing all of the washing, cooking and cleaning instead of me. I wanted to show her who was the master in the house. By the way, this apartment is mine and it was normal for me to dictate.
“My friend used to visit every day a few times a day. It was perfectly normal for us two to hang out while he was ironing in the kitchen or in the living room. I always liked that. I noticed that Nicole was commenting with certain sadness just how cruel I was to him. In our conversations, Nicole always used to take his side although she would eventually agree with my behavior as a master and after some time I became her role model.”
Chapter 7
“I simply adored having conversations with Nicole about the most mundane things while he was licking my feet. I used to put my foot in his mouth with the greatest appetite. Then with a soft and sexy voice, I would make him lick and suck my toes. Then Nicole used to say I was born to live like a queen.
“Every day after coffee Nicole used to look at my future from a coffee cup. Then we would be laughing out loud jokingly commenting on what will happen to me sexually and if I will ever have a lot of money. Nicole practically adored me and approved of my actions completely. I knew that she couldn’t say a word in front of her husband, especially to demand those kinds of things.
“At one time, when we were fooling around a lot, and I can tell you that I had a little too much to drink, the story about behavior towards my husband began.
“Nicole was very interested in having me explain to her how I could behave like that. A few times when my parents were here, she even emphasized how I did nothing around the house and was just enjoying myself. She was, I suppose, a little bit jealous of me, so she wanted me to look bad in front of my parents, although I don’t give a crap about that.