Reading Online Novel

Cocky Biker(64)

She steps around it. “Thanks.”

My brain is still boiling with anger at my dad, at her, at not knowing what to say. Sometimes being a man sucks. Can’t get your head straight when you’re this pissed off. All I see is red.

Under the private canopy of White Oak trees, the moonlight is nearly stamped out. Our eyes are adjusted to the darkness now, and when I face her I can see she’s biting her bottom lip. “I don’t know where to start, Luna. I’ve got so many fuckin’ questions.”

“Jett,” she rasps, full of emotion. “I’m so happy to see you.”

Groaning, I pull her into my arms and look down into her beautiful, dark eyes. “You okay? Have you been alright?”


“Anybody hurt you?”

“Only me. I’m the one who hurts me.”

I kiss her hard and she responds with the same urgent need to be close to me as I feel for her. Gasping away so I can get some answers, I search her face and demand, “What does this mean, baby? Where do you stand?”

She buries her face into my neck and kisses it, squeezing me in the strongest hug she can. Looking at me she says, “Can I please be with you?”

“For how long,” I rasp.

“As long as you want.”

“How long do YOU want?”

She blinks and shakes her head. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. Say it.”

Jeeezus, after what she put me through, I want her to scream it. I need to know that what I think is going on here, is really fuckin’ happening, because I’ve got way too much hope for one man to feel.

“I love you, Jett.”


This is why they call it heartache.

There is actual pain in my chest, hearing those words falling from those lips.

Husky and low, I whisper, “Say it again.”

She slowly repeats, “I love you…I love you…I love you.”

Pulling her off the ground, I kiss her like I’ve never kissed anyone. It’s passionate and angry and relieved. She meets me every step of the way, tasting just as good as I remember. Lowering her to the grassy earth we both pull her dress up and yank my pants down.

No time for foreplay.

We need to be one.

Never stopping kissing her, I enter her body and meet her moan with a growl of aching need I’ve never felt. We move without thinking.

All instinct. Like cavemen who’ve never evolved.

We bite each other.

Claw at bare skin.

Rip clothing.

Fuck each other like someone’s holding a gun to our heads, saying, FASTER.

There are no words between Sunshine and I as we fuck in the darkness on the cool grass.

No telling her what I’m gonna do.

She’s not moaning my name.

Only people can talk.

We’re something less than that right now.




When she screams and cums so hard that I see white-hot heat and explode into her pussy with every ounce of juicy heat I’ve got, it isn’t enough. We do it again. And again.

When my cock finally passes out, Luna is lying on me, panting just as heavily as I am. I can see stars through the separation of trees. Millions of ‘em. You never see these in the city. We have ‘em in Louisiana, but tonight they’re different.

Stroking her hair with exhausted fingers, I rasp, “I love you, Sunshine.”

She burrows deeper into me. “I can’t get close enough to you.”

“I know the feelin.’”

“I took your credit card again, Jett.”

A tired chuckle rumbles out of my chest. “No shit.”

Tracing my ribcage, she asks, “You knew?”

“Yep. Noticed when you stopped using it, too. What happened? Get a job?”

Her turn to chuckle. “Not exactly the good worker, type.”

“What, then?”

“Melodi gave me hers. You have to pay her back.”

“No shit?” Same words, new meaning.

Luna rises up to look at me. “She and I kinda had it out, and now we might be – I’m not saying we will, but we MIGHT – be friends.”

My eyebrows twitch on a smile. “You charmed the cobra?”

“More like almost beat the cobra up, and gained her respect,” she smiles, kissing me. “She’s sneaky, though. I like that. I told her I had your card and she said, Oh, he’s probably watching you, so we better give you a new card so he doesn’t see you comin.’”

“What the hell were you going to do, just show up at the wedding?”

Luna shrugs. “I didn’t know exactly. I thought you might be at your parent’s house, but now I know that wasn’t really a possibility.”

“Nope. Not at all.” I close my eyes and enjoy the light caresses of her fingertips as she runs them all over my face, no part left untouched. “We’ll get your bike out of the garage tomorrow.”